Lisanna Prologue

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Lisanna x Jealous! Tsundere! Natsu's Twin Sister! Fire Dragon Slayer Reader.
(I know that the dragon slayers went to Edolos but let's pretend that for reasons of my story, you were the only one who didn't)

(She was always jealous at how much attention Lisanna gave Natsu and tended to be more pouty or upset around them, but she was hit hard when lisanna 'died'. When she came back she didn't know how to approach her, but she felt like he had more of a chance since natsu paid more attention to Lucy but Lisanna doesn't go to her and it makes her upset) Quick and pouty, she's determined and a total tsundere

You stare at the white haired girl in shock. You couldn't believe it, you thought she was dead. Your eyes watered as you stood frozen in place while everyone around you started celebrating. You watched as she went back to Natsu and couldn't help but ball you hands into fists as some of your tears fall. Nothing's gonna change, she's still going to be all over Natsu, she didn't even bother to come over to you. You quickly turn and walk out of the guild, so it looked less suspicious than if you ran, even though that's what you wanted to do. The minute you heard the guild doors close behind you, you immediately started running off to your secret tree. When you get there you quickly climb up until you reach near the top where there's a secret door, that you go in to your secret tree spot. (Not a treehouse.)

You silently sob into your hands as the tight feeling in your chest came back. You used to feel it all the time when Lisanna chose to hang out with Natsu instead of you.

Kids, before Happy
"Hey Natsu! We should go to the park together!" You heard the familiar voice call from behind you, disrupting you and your brother's peaceful walk. You both turn to see Lisanna running up to you before she stopped and smiled at Natsu, specifically Natsu because she even turned herself slightly to the left so it was directly facing him.

Natsu made a face at her, "Sorry Lisanna, I'm out with (Y/n) today." He said then Lisanna turned to you.

"You wouldn't mind if he hung out with me for awhile, so you?" She asked giving you puppy dog eyes. You blushed and looked away from her.

"N-no, it's fine, I don't care what you guys do. I'm gonna go." You say before starting to walk away while gripping your shirt.

"W-well, okay. See you when you get home sis!" Natsu yelled and you gritted your teeth as you walked away. She didn't even offer for you to come, just him. Why him!
Kids, before Happy
"Natsu, you're hurt! You should probably stop fighting all the time." Lisanna came up to you and your brother as you were both sparring.

"Oh, hey Lisanna, were we're just fighting." He said and Lisanna gave him a look.

"I can see that, but you're all scratched up! Here let me bandage you up." She offered and pulled him to the side. You stared at them confused, and wondered why she seemed to completely ignore you. You sighed and sat on the ground, accepting that this would take awhile and you might as well wait.

After about 10 minutes she finishes his bandages.

"Great, now we can continue!" Natsu yelled and ran up to you but Lisanna grabbed his shoulder.

"Wait, I just wrapped you up, I don't think you should fight anymore today. You might rip your bandages." She said and Natsu gave you a confused look, but you had turned around and puffed out your cheeks. How come she gave him all her attention. You were scratched and bruised too, but she didn't even care.

"Hey (Y/n), are you okay." Your brother asked making Lisanna look at you and she sighed.

"(Y/n) you should be careful too, and set a good example for Natsu. If he sees you, then he'll do it too." She said and you stomped your foot.

"I don't care, leave me alone!" You yelled before running away from them.

"Wait, (Y/n)!" You heard your brother call out behind you, but you ignored him.
Kids, Happy in an Egg
It wasn't fair! You were basically alone now. All because Natsu found that egg, and Lisanna practically named herself the mother. Now Natsu spent most of his time with her and the egg.

You sat on the ground staring up at the tree you were sitting under. You stayed like that until you heard voices getting closer, you didn't want anyone to bother you so on impulse, you climbed the tree.

It turned out they were some of the adults in the guild and they were talking about Natsu and Lisanna, which made you roll your eyes and internally groan.

"You know, they've been so close, I practically can picture the wedding."
"Yeah, and it's obvious if anyone can handle Natsu it would be Lisanna."
"They're so cute together too, I wonder what their babies will look like."
"What? Too far?"

After that you puffed out your cheeks and looked for a way to get away from them. You didn't want to hear anymore. This made you upset, Lisanna was completely stealing your brother away, and no one seemed to care about how you felt. You hated her, and her stupid cute smile, and dumb pretty blue eyes, and how upset/happy you feel whenever you think of her.

You look around the tree before glancing up, you noticed near the top the tree looked flat. You looked back down at the adults and then the higher part of the tree before deciding to climb it.

When you reach the top there's a trap door that opened and it was basically a partly built treehouse, and by partly you only meant to floor and 1 wall. You look around in awe as you decide, this is where you'll go, whenever Lisanna takes Natsu, or you're feeling upset, and you won't share it with anyone.
Way after Happy, about a year before she 'died'
"Hey (Y/N)~!" Lisanna said excitedly sitting next to you with a bright smile. Your heart skipped a beat and you couldn't help but give a small smile back.

"H-hey Lisanna." Since you guys never talked too much, you still felt nervous around her, but you also could blame it on how hot your face got around her and how embarrassed you felt all the time.

"Um, what did you need?" You asked and she just smiled wider.

"Nothing, I just wanted to hang out today." She said and your eyes widened

"Wait, really! You've never wanted to hang out before." You say and immediately you see a flash of regret in her eyes but she shakes it off with a nod. You ignore it and instead focus on your fast beating heart, but instead of being upset by it, this time you felt happy with it.

(After hanging out with Lisanna, who wasn't quiet as lively as she normally was and you noticed)

"Okay, what do you want from me Lisanna?" You finally just turn to her and ask, tired of feeling like you were ruining her day.

"W-what, no, I don't want-"
"Stop lying, what do you want?" You glare at her as she stares back at you. You heart isn't beating quickly like before, but it definitely was loud.

"I wanted to see what you like so I could pick a good birthday present for Natsu tomorrow!" She yelled out, obviously she cracked from the seriousness of your glare. You could feel your heart break from her words. So today wasn't about hanging out with you, it was about finding something for Natsu.

"Why didn't you just ask. You didn't have to hang out with me, and act all moody if you didn't want to, but it's fine, I don't care." You say, and your voice sounds so dull without emotion, but you decided you weren't going to let her see how she hurt you. You felt even worse because she obviously completely forgot you were twins and had the same birthday.

"(Y/n), I-"
"It's whatever Lisanna. Just leave me alone." You say before walking away, not even sparing her another glance.
Waay after Happy, right before she 'died'
"You know, I think we should get along better. Me and Natsu are good friends, but me and you barely know each other." Lisanna stated and you gave her a bored look.

"And who's fault is that?" You say without emotion making her slightly flinch.

"I-I guess I could've made a better effort to be your friend." She said quietly and you stare at her.

"We've seen each other almost everyday, and majority of times is because you want my brother. I wouldn't have a problem with it if you happen to see me, or you already had plans, but majority of times you take him away when me and him together, and you both decide to have full conversations in front of me before walking away and pretending I don't exist. Why do I suddenly exist in your world again? Oh let me guess you wanna get something else for Natsu, too bad I'm not a puppet, or at the very least, I'm not your puppet."

"Wait, (Y/n) I didn't realize-"

"You didn't realize how much you hurt me but it's too late. Lisanna we've known each other for years, and yet you barely know a thing about me, But me on the other hand, I could go on about you, things I didn't know that I knew, stuff that everyone knows, and things barely anyone knows. It's sad really, you give all your attention to Natsu, but I doubt he'd do the same." You spit out the last sentence and get up to leave the guild without even looking back at her shocked face.

It's no wonder why she didn't greet you, she doesn't care about you, and after your last conversation with her who could blame her. You basically told her Natsu barely paid her much mind, which was only partially true. He loved her as family, and as a very close friend, but not in the same way that she loved him. It was sad, he loved Natsu, and you loved her. You figured out your feelings for her when you thought she died, but now that you know she isn't dead, you don't know what to do.

You stuff your head in your hands and just sit like that until there's a knock on the bottom of the tree. Only two other people knew about this place which was Gray and Lisanna. You sigh because either way, you have to see who it is, you just hoped it wasn't her.

You knock on the tree three times and then you hear someone climbing. There's a deep grunt making you sigh in relief since you know that it's Gray and open the trap door to let him in. It only took him a minute before he came in and looked at you.

"You've been crying..."

"Oh, uh, yeah I guess..."

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