Chapter (1) Kill

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"Some get kill,
And some killed."


^pic credit to the rightful owner.

Please ignore the mistakes.
Third person POV

The male woke up with puffy, swollen eyes. He stood up from the bed and moved toward his bathroom, did his routine and went to the kitchen.

He roamed his head around himself, his whole house was deadly silent. There was not a single trace of sound.

The house which saw its morning always with the loud screaming of a six year old boy, the house in which always the giggles were echoed, was deadly silent.

He popped on the couch in the living room, his eyes again started becoming watery, a sob left his mouth before breaking in loud cries, he cried.

This was what he could do now, only crying was left in his life.

"I- I am sorry baby. Ap-ppa is sorry, where are you, baby ?" The man murmured to himself clutching a photograph of his six year old son in his hands.

"Forgive your appa. How can you be so careless, this is all your fault." The man cried, blaming himself which he always did.

He suffered a lot for his whole life, his parents left him, living in a poor locality didn't help at all, also when he had to suffer daily for food or for roof.

Above all, cheating on the boy who loved him with his soul didn't help, the blonde cheated on his husband and left that pure soul only for his greed of money and pleasure.

Only to regret in the end, only to regret everything he did in the past.

His greediness of money and pleasure lead him to the hands of a devil who did nothing except abuse and harass the male.

And maybe the god also didn't feel pity when he blessed the blonde with a baby boy.

The devil didn't show any mercy on the new born soul too. That's when the blonde decided to be strong.

Divorcing the devil, he freed himself and his baby boy.

But his happiness didn't last long when his reason to smile, his baby got lost in the crowd leaving him alone.

And now the blonde roamed in the streets with his son's photograph in his hands, asking different people about his six year old son.

But no one saw his son anywhere, he went to the cops, he filed a complaint but those cops were like nothing, they didn't do anything.

They always said that the investigation was going on, but the result was nothing.

The male yelled at them, cried in front of them, even begged them but no nothing worked.

Now today was another day, he grabbed his bag and left the house locking it, just eating an apple for the sake of his energy.

He again started his journey, from going to different alleys to different shops.

Asking different persons, of different ages, of different gender.

This time he didn't visit the police station as he knew that they would do nothing.

Without eating anything, he spent all day on the road walking from different alleys and colonies.

It was already 8 PM, as he sat on the stairs of some closed shop. He had lost his all the hope's but still he could see some rays of faith.

He closed his eyes, leaning his head backward, sucking in deep breaths to not let his tears fall from his eyes.

When two muscled men approached him, who were doubled his size.

The blonde opened his eyes, feeling their presence as he looked at them. Standing up from his place and grabbing his son's photograph from the bag.

But before they could see it, before he could say anything, those two men put something on his nose.

Which led him into a deep slumber, his eyes became heavy as he started seeing black dots in front of his eyes.

And before drifting to the blackness he heard some words which made shivers run down his spine even in a half conscious state.

"Boss will be happy with us."

The blonde's body fell on the ground with a thud sound. He was too light as one of the male picked him up, throwing the unconscious body on his shoulder.

Another male followed, his eyes falling on the ID card that was peeking out from the blonde's bag, picking it up, a smirk curled on his lips as the male read the name on the card.

"Boss will be really happy to see you--"

"-- Mr. Kim Taehyung."

"Pl-lease, leave me. I- I have kids, I didn't betray you sir. I-i am sorry." A man covered in blood cried.

He was whimpering in pain sitting on the road, crying but nothing had melted the heart of this ruthless mafia standing in front of him.

The mafia smirked and pulled the trigger of his gun killing the man in front of him. The man's body fell down on the street road.

Mafia's men were surrounding the dead body. The Male sitting on the chair, a sick smirking playing on his lips, staring at the dead body in front of him.

"I hate those who betrayed me." The mafia said playing with the gun in his hand.

He stood up from the chair straightening his million dollar suit.

"Clean this shit- I don't want a single trace of this murder." He said, cold face and sharp glare.

His man nodded in fear and started their work. The male started walking with five of his men behind him walking to his car.

But their steps halt when they hear something, someone's muffled sniffing. The smirk fell and changed into a furious expression as he gritted his teeth.

Taking slow steps, hearing footsteps coming closer toward him, the unknown figure started trembling terribly, closing his mouth with both hands tightly, not letting his sobs come out.

The unknown figure trembled more and more and a sudden scream left his mouth when a rough hand pulled his forearm tightly.

The hold was so tight that it made the unknown figure wince in pain, his tears flowing down as he closed his eyes tightly.

The mafia looked at the small boy in front of him, his hand holding him from his forearm tightly.

The small boy was so small and thin, wearing just a simple shirt and Jean's which were dirty like they hadn't washed since days.

The boy opened his eyes and saw a handsome man in front of him, five more handsome men behind that man.

The Mafia gritted his teeth and dragged the small boy with him. He took a seat on the chair and looked at the small boy who was now at his eye level.

The boy's eyes were staring at the ground, body trembling under the pierced gaze of the mafia.

"Look at me." The male said his eyes were fixed on the small boy, the boy didn't show any reaction, the man's force became more tight on his arm making the boy yelp in pain.

"I said look at me." The mafia repeated, this time the boy looked at him, with his innocent brown eyes.

"What did you see ?" The mafia asked for a rough and deep voice.

The small boy trembled more, more tears left his eyes as he stared at the handsome man, eyes filled with fear.

"Don't make me repeat myself." The mafia uttered, voice dripping dominance as the boy broke down into tears, taking loud sobs.

"JK leaves the boy, he is a kid." One of his men, Jin said.

He took a step toward the small boy but stopped when saw the mafia's sharp glare on himself.

"Don't !" The mafia said firmly. He again turned his head toward the small boy looking at him,

"Tell me what you saw ?" The mafia asked this time less aggressively.

"You kil-ling that u-uncle..." the boy sniffed and the mafia looked at him frowning at the honesty.

"What's your age ??" He asked again.

The boy trembled but answered nonetheless,

"si-six year old." The mafia smirked and hummed,

"So what should I do with you ? Kill you ?" The man said placing his fingers under his chin doing a fake act of thinking. His man's eyes widened on their boss's remark,

The small boy shook his head, his bottom lip started quivering uncontrollably.

"Please do--don't kill me. My app-a w-ill left al-one. My fa-father will beat him, hit him, and give him punishments. Ple--ase.. I wan-nt to protect my-my ap-ppa." The boy stuttered tears making their way from his cheeks.

Everyone gasped on the boy's statement, the mafia frowned his eyebrows, he looked at the boy who was looking so innocent and so fragile.

"I wish I could do this but I have to kill you, you have seen me playing, and also you are of no use to me." the mafia said putting back his cold aura as he stood up from the chair,

"Jimin-" He called his man without glancing at Jimin, just staring at the poor boy who started crying loudly.

Jimin had his eyes widened on his leader 's orders. He moved toward him and stood in front of him.

"Kill him." the mafia said and started walking toward his car, leaving a crying, sobbing and trembling 6 year old boy.

The mafia's men frowned at their boss wish, lips repeating his words, with pity swimming in their eyes,

They couldn't do anything except following the mafia's wish which was to kill him.

1915 words.

This is chapter (1).

Hope you all liked it.

Please do comments and votes.

Thank you and take care. ❤❤


I know this is early but are you all excited to read ahead ?

Hope you all will shower me with your love and support like before. 😁

I am editing this story and I hope it will go well.


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