Chapter (23) Breakdown

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"I love you past the moon,
Miss you beyond the stars.."

Rewritten :: 31/12/2022

New year gift from my side, now give me lots of comments in return gift, please.

^pic credit to the rightful owner.

Please ignore the mistakes.
Third person POV

The moon shone brightly in the dark sky with twinkling stars accompanying him, the light of the moon and stars brought life to the darkness of the night.

The young boy sitting on the softest rug on the floor of the balcony looked at the moon without blinking his big round doe orbs, a thin and warm blanket covering his small figure like a cocoon.

He stared and stared, small palms curled inside the blanket as he sat crossed legs, the boy felt someone sit beside him, the trance of his bambi orbs finally breaking, a smile forming on his face.

"Jiminie.." He uttered, the male beside him chuckling, pulling him into his lap, they both looked up at the moon.

"Jaehyun, you like the moon?" Jimin asked, the tiny kid now curled in his lap, a soft nod giving Jimin his answer, he smiled.

"Can I ask, why?" The male said, politeness dripping with his tone and words as soft as feathers.

"I-i am scared of the dark, appa says I am his star, tiny and pretty. And he is my moon, big and strong to protect me from night demons." The kid answered, making Jimin's eyes soften, his hold tightening around him.

"Your appa protects you well?" The male said, making the younger kid in his lap nod his head eagerly, silence engulfing the balcony as the elder rocked Jaehyun's body back and forth.

But he stilled when Jaehyun turned around and hid his face into his chest, looking down at the mop of fluffy hairs, he smiled again.

"Are you cold, baby?" The only response he received was a tiny shake of his head, the male again staring to rock both of their bodies softly, when he heard a sniffle.

"Jaehyun?" Jimin panicked, raising up the kid a little as he cupped his cheeks, the bambi eyes that were glittering from moonlight were now glassy with tears.

"What happened, sweet?" He uttered, the tiny tears that rolled down Jaehyun's orbs had him panicked, Jimin had promised he would take care of the younger for today's night and remembered how hesitant Taehyung was.

"What happened, please tell Jiminie?" He asked again, Jimin didn't even know if Taehyung and Jungkook were together right now, their tiny plan of getting the other males together would fail if the kid wished to go back to his appa.

Jimin had opened his mouth to assure the kid again and was already up on his feet to take Jaehyun back to Taehyung in any case of discomfort to the kid. He would risk anything but the tiny boy in his arm but the words that rolled down the small human's mouth had Jimin freezing.

"Are all fathers bad?"

Jimin looked down at the kid who had his wide bambi eyes fixed at his face, orbs glistening with tears and boopable nose scrunched red.

"No bab-

"Do they all hurt appa and make him cry, my appa makes me happy, h-he protects me b-but w-who will make my appa happy and protects him?" The kid cried, his words making even Jimin's eyes glistened with water.

"No, baby. All fathers aren't bad. They aren't." Jimin said as he entered the room and closed the glass door behind him, he sat down on the bed with the boy still in his lap, and made the child look at him.

"All fathers aren't bad, baby. Fathers aren't-" He started but was cut off in between when the kid again wept.

"T-they are, m-mine was. H-he hurt appa, h-hurt me s-so so much! M-make appa cry a-and gave h-him ouchie!" The kid cried out, the elder male hugging him close to his chest, he wailed.

That was when Yoongi exited the bathroom, his own heart clenching when saw Jaehyun sobbing and Jimin's eyes glossy too, the male understood without a word sharing.

He dropped the towel aside, stepping forward and pulling the tiny body into his arms. He hugged him close and made Jaehyun rest his head onto his chest.

"Fathers aren't bad, baby. They aren't." He stared, caressing the kid's back softly,

"Yes, I agree your father was, baby. But not everyone will be too." The male said softly as the kid looked up at him. Yoongi smiled, soft.

"Am I bad? Do I hurt Jiminie? Is Namjoonie bad, does he hurt jinie or if Hoseok has ever hurt you?" He questioned Jaehyun, who shook his head in a very timid way.

"Jungkook might be bad-

"No! Jungkookie g-good, he's nice. G-gave me kisses t-treat my ouchie." Yoongi stilled, the male thought that maybe Jaehyun wouldn't be positive toward Jungkook but the way the kid's cheeks blushed in red and he cut him off, almost offended.

He chuckled, soothingly ruffling the kid's hairs who again rested his head on his chest, now calm and tears sinking back to his orbs.

"Then how are fathers, Yoonie, how are they?" The kid whispered.

Both of the male sharing glances before they laid down and covered all three of them with the duvets, Jaehyun on Yoongi's stomach, legs wrapped around his waist and head resting on his chest, Jimin sticking to Yoongi's side who had his one arm wrapped around Jimin and the other around Jaehyun.

"Fathers are the best, baby. They are like the anchor of a big ship." He said and the kid looked at him confused, Yoongi chuckled, a soft smile plastered on Jimin's face.

"Just like an anchor, baby. Strong and selfless, just how an anchor tightly holds onto the ship at the shore, a father keeps his family at the shore. Never letting it drown into the hardships of the sea." Yoongi said, Jaehyun's tiny fist holding onto the thin fabric of his shirt.

"Jaehyun, a father's love is selfless, he is forgiving and caring, honest and loving. A father is someone you should look upto, a father will take care of your appa and your needs but might ignore himself, he will do everything in his power to give every comfort to his family even if that includes putting himself in discomfort.-"

"-He will stay close to you, and will protect his family even if that includes putting himself in danger, he will get angry at the people who will try to hurt his family. A father will make you happy and your appa happiest."

A lump formed in Yoongi's throat as he blinked his tears away. His words made him remember his own father, whom he lost in a shootout and was adopted by Jungkook's father then.

"A-a father is someone, who will be your best friend, your guide, your everything. He will love you a lot, baby. But never say that in front of him-" Both Jimin and Jaehyun looked confused at Yoongi who had a smiling face.

"Never say how much you love him to his face, baby. Because he will just push you away and say "Stop spitting nonsense, brat. I ain't dying this early." Yoongi waved his hand in the air and giggled, tiny giggles also leaving Jaehyun and Jimin's lips.

Yoongi hugged the kid closer to himself as he turned around, making the half asleep boy sandwiched in between his and Jimin's body.

"A father bond is a very precious bond, Jaehyun. A father wants to see his son become the man he someday wished to be. A man, who he was meant to be."

The sunlight peeking from behind the curtains and travelling to the sleeping Male's face was the culprit for the disturbance in his sleep, his blonde fluffy locks pointing in every direction.

He stirred, nose scrunching adorably, the male tried hiding his face away from the sunlight but roughness against his cheek had him stilled, fluttering his eyelashes, his breath hitched.

Taehyung gasped silently. His bread cheek still pressed against the chest of the other sleeping male, the roughness of his shirt grazing his skin.

Taehyung took in the sight of the features of the other, raven locks flaring with the soft wind that entered the room, red tint over his nose and apple of his cheeks because of the coldness in the room and mouth slightly azar.

His lips curled in the softest smile, watching the mafia sleeping so peacefully, soft puffs of air leaving his mouth, the mole there sitting charmingly. The blonde tilted his head slightly, now finally realising that the weight on his waist belonged to those heavily inked arms.

The mafia's both hands wrapped around his petite waist, head resting on the pillow as Taehyung's body was pressed to his side without leaving any space, his chin pressed on Jungkook's chest as the younger gazed up at the sleeping figure.

A heavy blush hugged Taehyung's cheeks when remembered how they both reached the bed. Both the males had fallen asleep on the floor after their breakdown but the cold at night forced their bodies to stick together and both had rolled themselves in the rug on the floor, unconsciously.

But later when Taehyung struggled to move his arms and legs in sleep, the mafia had woken and things turned adorably awkward, realising how they were rolled in a carpet like some cream roll.

Both had giggled at each other and freed themselves, the mafia leading the other to bed, himself moving toward the couch but the blonde had stopped him and insisted on sleeping on the bed, ending up dividing the bed in two.

But now, they were tangled up with each other, the wall of pillows broken and a few scattered on the floor, Taehyung blamed the cold night.

"You know staring at someone is very bad." Taehyung gasped, his trance of thoughts breaking. The male startled. Taehyung looked at Jungkook and did he say? his heart melted, the mafia's shining eyes and tiny dimples at the corner of his lips. Jungkook was beaming.

"I-i am sorry." Taehyung's tongue wavered, as he pulled his body back from the other who left the space for him, the blonde got up on his feet. Jungkook followed the movement.

A silence engulfed the room, both looking awkwardly here and there. When the mafia made a move, he stepped forward and started in a hesitant voice.

"Taehyung.. for the l-last night.." Taehyung stilled, looking up at the other and then down, his heart hammered loudly inside his limbs.

"U-um, I-i- I-i am sorry." Jungkook stuttered, trying to find words to say but couldn't, then a warm hand wrapped around his cold fingers, he looked down, Taehyung's fingers around his, the younger didn't look up but Jungkook felt calm, bouncy leg stopped bouncing, he let out a breath.

"If- if you, you want, if- I-i wanted to start fresh, Taehyung. F-forgetting and forgiving each other for everything t-that happened in the past." Jungkook said, voice wavering but when Taehyung didn't make an attempt of discomfort he continued.

"I-i want to take you on da- o-out, I-i mean- fuck!" He cursed, a tiny giggle left the blonde's lips who now looked up at him properly and his heart clenched when saw Jungkook's bambi eyes filling with water. The blonde cupped his cheeks.

"Sh, breathe Jungkook. There's nothing to worry, w-we can take it slow, yes?" Taehyung whispered, deep voice soothing Jungkook's nerves, he nodded softly.

"But, please know Taehyung, y-you don't have to accept me in the end. Y-you are free to say no, you are free to choose s-someb-"

"Sh! Don't accept your defeat without even trying, Jungkook. If you are here giving us a chance then I am also here with you. We will make it work, yeah?" Taehyung uttered and the mafia smiled.

"And also, I don't think if you will let me be in someone's arms this easi-" But before Taehyung could complete, his body was pulled forward, his heart stopped beating and the breath stuck in his throat and before he could have blinked, Taehyung was on the floor, Jungkook's body caging him beneath himself, under the bed?

A loud shot had Taehyung let out a shriek, eyes clenching and hand fisting around the mafia's shoulder, who had his ears perk up and eyebrows in anger. Taehyung misunderstood it, taking it toward himself.

"J-jungk- sh!" The mafia shushed him, loud shots were heard again and once again, the window of the room shattering in pieces of glass, the blonde flinched terribly.

"We are attacked." Mafia clenched his teeth, Taehyung's eyes widened, his heart raced and breathing furious. Jungkook looked at him, eyes softening.

"Taehyung, it's okay. You are safe, sh, sh.." Jungkook tried to calm the other who shook his head, sight blurring from tears, the mafia heart hurting from seeing water droplets in those wide puppy orbs.


"No- no, Jaehyun. Jungkook, h-hyunie.. my baby." Taehyung panicked, a few tears already rolling down his cheeks in the worry of his child.

"Sh, Taehyung. He's in your room and your room is the safest, no one can approach it without the passcode. It's in my office lobby, no one can cross the lobb-" Taehyung shook his head, the mafia explaining with utter patience but the next word caught Jungkook off guard, his eyes widening.

"No-no, h-he's with Jimin hyung, i-in their room. H-he's not s-safe.." Taehyung cried out and the mafia cursed, loud gunshots were heard one after another.

And before another tear could roll down Taehyung's cheek, a cold metal thing was placed in his hand, he looked dumbfounded at Jungkook.

The male wiped his tears, clearing his eyesight as he stared at the gun in his hand, it was Jungkook's. He looked up mouth open.


"Keep it to yourself, okay. And stay here. He's safe, I know how dangerous Jimin can be." Jungkook uttered and the venom that dripped from his tone had Taehyung gulped.

The mafia was fast enough to get up on his feet and pull out a dagger from under the mattress on the bed, before one more word of Taehyung, the raven was out of the room.

Taehyung was still on the floor and even after the loud gunshot and of his own beating of heart, he swore he heard Jungkook say.

"Don't worry, I will take care of Jaehyun and my V will take care of you." He looked down at the heavy metal weapon in his hand.

Jungkook had named this gun after one of my own nicknames? And the emotion that raised in Taehyung's heart, he had never felt it before.

As soon as the mafia closed the door behind him, the teasing glint on his face disappeared into the thin air, the tiny dimples adoring his cheeks were sinked back and the eyes that were beaming with shine, now were thunderous, dangerous.

With one step and the other, Jungkook was already out of the lobby his room was in but then he heard a scream, following the sound, the mafia swore he saw red.

"Let go, you jerk!" Yeonjun yelled at the buff man who had his locks fisted from behind, scalp burning from pain. The man behind him only chuckled, pressing himself closer to him, hands caught in a tight grip behind his back.

"C'mon kitten, why so bratty?" The man uttered and the boy in his grip had the bile rise up to his throat, he wanted to throw up at his disgusting face.

"He likes to be called, doll, mister." A voice was heard from behind them and before the man could turn around to snarl his teeth, his throat was sliced open by Yoongi. The man's limp body falling down.

Yeonjun straightened his body from where he was bent down, the kitchen getting dirty with blood, Yoongi's worried eyes scanning him up and down. The younger nodded in assurance as they both left the place, moving toward the lounge when a painful grunt was heard.

They stopped. Looking at their side, a soft giggle escaped Yeonjun's lips and Yoongi rolled his eyes,

"So? I look like a house-wife material to you bitch, say that again?" A bloodied man pressed under the feet of Seokjin, the gun pointed at his head. They both moved forward and a gunshot was heard but none of them had to turn around to know the man from before was dead. Deserved.

Yoongi's step moved fast toward the lounge, different rooms and kitchen were in different lobbies that were connected with the lounge area, no one from outside their teammates could know which lobby led to where. Where one led to their weapons, the other led to an open garden or just ended somewhere to the basement.

"You are really something else." The man hissed, his eyes were filled with venom and hands were wrapped around the throat of the shorter male who didn't stop struggling, his own jaw gritted painfully hard in anger.

The man had his face bloody, several cuts on his face and body as he held tight on the other's throat, who kicked his feet in an attempt to set free.

The man dug his nails into the pale skin of the other's throat, who was having difficulty breathing but when he felt dark spots forming in front of his eyesight, the tight hold loosened and the man in front of him coughed up blood. His body fell down.

The shorter male threw a fit of cough as soon as he felt the air pass through his system properly, his body falling forward into the embrace of Hoseok.

"Jimin, are you alright?" The man nodded his head as he smiled softly, letting his hyung rub his back. As he calmed down, he scanned his surroundings.

"N-namjoon hyung?"

"He's looking for any type of trap around the mansion with a few others. We would have been dead by now if it wasn't for Seokjin hyung finding that guard strange."

"Thank god we all are saf-" A high pitched scream from the lounge had both of them startled and the cries that followed were painful, their heart raced as they hurried toward the cries and the sight in front of them made both of them gulped in horror.

"A little human in Jeon's empire, unbelievable!" The buff man laughed, his eyes fixed over the tiny kid who was shifting away, fat tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Please, g-go away. I'll n-never disobey a-anybody.." The six year old cried out, his Jimine had told him to stay in the room but the loud noises perked up his interest and he disobeyed, he was a bad body.

The little feet dragged them back as he shook his head crying, his small fist curled over his chest, the boy wept, he was scared of the man in front of him. His round doe bambi eyes leaking fat water droplets, nose red from crying.

A scream escaped his mouth as the man in front of him pulled him forward with his arm caught in his grip, his arm hurting, a red bruise already forming there. He sobbed.

"Oh baby, you are sweet, come with me, we both will play lots of games." The man laughed, tightly holding onto Jaehyun's both wrists, the child shaking his head, crying.

The man in front of him was scary, he wanted him to go away. He wanted his appa and his buddy. The man with wide teeth and dirty mouth was bad, he was a meanie.

"A-appa.." Jaehyun hiccuped, the man in front of him frowning but then suddenly a sharp pain was felt in his head, he gasped. Stumbling back, his eyes went wide.

The blonde had hit him with the back of the gun on his head, he couldn't risk shooting with his shaking hands when Jaehyun was near so Taehyung did what he thought was right. He pupils large and brows pinched in furry. And if you thought it was fear that had Taehyung shiver. No it wasn't.

"How dare you, stupid man!" Taehyung nearly screamed the curse over the man's face whose head was spinning from how hard the younger had hit him, making him see three of his.

The blonde pushed the stumbling man back as he hugged his child who cried into his embrace, curling himself into Taehyung's lap. The man repeatedly pecked the crown of Jaehyun's head, tears of worry and relief filling his puppy eyes.

"My baby.." Taehyung whispered, his heart hammering loudly behind his limbs, body shaking from utter anger and relief. But a painful gasp left his lips when his locks were grabbed from behind, scalp burning. Taehyung was forced onto his feet.

The man pushed Jaehyun aside who fell down onto his bumbum, crying hysterically and loudly now, mouth calling for his appa.

"You bitch!" The man turned around the blonde to face him as he screamed, he raised the knife to stab through Taehyung, who clenched his eyes shut for the upcoming pain but nothing happened.

His eyelashes fluttered open, staring down the knife mere inches away from his tummy had him sucked in a breath, the man's wrist held by another veiny one, looking up Taehyung felt shivers run down his spine.

A cracking sound resonated in the area, dead silence engulfing the lounge, even Jaehyun had stopped crying with his mouth shut and wide eyes.

The man who was holding the knife grunted in pain, the metal weapon falling down on the floor, the sound resonated again leading to goosebumps being raised on everybody's skin.

Another crack was heard, the man screaming from pain as his wrist was broken in a mere second, he wailed.

"No one touches what belongs to Jeon Jungkook." The words were nowhere above whispers but Taehyung heard them clearly, his heart tightening in his chest.

He watched how Jungkook's lips formed every syllable, how the mafia's eyes were bloodshot red, how his eyebrows were frowned with anger and the emotion that swirled in Jungkook's orbs made Taehyung's mouth go dry.

And for Taehyung like everything happened in slow motion, his pupils never looked away from the raven who twisted the man's arm as he stepped forward in front of him. His built in back resisting Taehyung's sight.

Another scream and then another but they all were deaf to Taehyung's ears as he watched Jungkook stab the dagger through the man's chest again and again, dark, red blood scattering all around, he watched Jungkook growling from anger, Taehyung didn't blink.

A sob broke the trance of Taehyung's sight, his eyes falling over his child, who was silently crying in the corner. The blonde's heart broke as he ran toward Jaehyun and hid him in the warmth of his embrace.

Jungkook was repeatedly stabbing the dagger through the already dead man when a hand on his shoulder brought him out from his madness, he looked behind to find Yoongi looking at him with sad eyes. The mafia frowned.

Why sad eyes? Everybody was safe! He saved Taehyung, he saved Jaeh- Jungkook's eyes widened at his thoughts, the dagger from his hand falling down. He turned around, panicked.

And the mafia's heart stopped beating, Jaehyun was hiding his head into Taehyung's neck who was sitting down on the floor with the kid shivering in his lap. The mafia bit on his lips.

The male stood up from his position as he kneeled in front of Taehyung, who looked at him with equally sad eyes. Both of their hearts were breaking in pieces. The mafia opened his mouth to call out for the child but his voice was stuck into his throat.

Jungkook looked down at himself, his bloodied shirt and hands covered with dark red liquid, the mafia wiped them hysterically over his own shirt, ruining it more. Taehyung stared silently at the other with tears already forming into his eyes.

The mafia had made a strong bond with the child over the three months of him staying with them, Jungkook saw his own timid self in Jaehyun. He had grown fond of the kid over the past months.

Jaehyun was the only one who made the mafia his friend, no matter in what circumstances they met or what he thought for the kid in the starting month. The mafia could hurt anybody but the child.

The kid's boxy smile and twinkling eyes whenever he fought with him over the banana milk shake or those fake glares and nose scrunched up adorably, now the mafia could only wish to see them in his dreams.

Jungkook stared at the kid's mop of the hairs, raising his fingers to only dangle in the air, orbs looking at the blood on his hands. Jungkook was dirty, he was bad, he killed people.

A silent chuckle escaped from the mafia's throat at his thoughts, he scared the kid too, no? For now only Taehyung was scared of him but now the kid was too. They were right when they said that Jeon Jungkook was a heartless monster!

The mafia blinked the burning sensation in his eyes away, he started to rise up on his feet to leave, everybody around looking with sadness filled their eyes at Jungkook, when a tug on his pants stopped him.

Looking down Jungkook heard his heart clenched when saw a tiny fist wrapped around the fabric, Jaehyun's round doe eyes blinking with tears at him. The kid gestured for the mafia to bend down when Jungkook silently followed.

He kneeled down in front of the kid, keeping his hand behind his back, that was covered with dry blood. He looked at Jaehyun with guilt swimming in his orbs.

Jungkook had accepted everything from the kid but the big hug that Jaehyun gave him, arms wrapping around his nape, face burying in the crook of his neck. The mafia gazed at Taehyung with wide eyes who had his lips tucked softly up.

He brought out his hands and softly wrapped around the kid's body, hugging him close to his embrace. Maybe Jaehyun was scared, maybe he wanted a hug, yeah maybe he just wa-


And the gasp that filled the lounge area couldn't be counted, Taehyung slapped a hand over his mouth, the mafia forgot to breathe.


Tears rolled down their cheeks but Jungkook stayed frozen, he didn't dare to even breathe, afraid that his dream would break or the kid might get angry, the sight in front of him turned blurry.

"Dada.." Another time the word rolled down Jaehyun's lips as the kid looked at Jungkook and placed a peck on his cheek, hiding his face into his neck again. "My dada.."

One tear and then another rolled down Jungkook's cheek before his expressions twisted and lower lips wobbled. He broke down.

Loud sobs and hiccups left his mouth as the mafia cried loudly as a child, the kid in his embrace like understanding the mafia's pain hugged him tighter, Jungkook hugging him tighter if that was even possible, crying down onto the small shoulder of Jaehyun.

Taehyung sobbed too watching both Jungkook and Jaehyun hugging like their life depended on each other, the relationship that the kid formed with Jungkook making his heart shattered and when it get too much for him too, the blonde threw both of his arms around Jungkook's nape before he also hiccuped into his chest.

As everybody else in the lounge witnessed their breakdown.
4800 words.

This is chapter (23)

Hope you liked it.

Please comment and vote.

Thank you and take care.❤❤

Hey guys! I am very sorry for disappearing like that, my schedule actually suck!

A tiny words of encouragement will mean a lot to me love, please tell me if you like this chapter and what do you think about the story?

I don't know when i will be able to update again, because I have my 2nd pre board from 11 Jan to 25th Jan, then there's my practicals around 26th Jan to 14th Feb and then my boards exams till 31st March..

I hope you all understand, I will try my best to update in between and again thank you so much for being so patience full with me.

Take care and stay warm. I am going back to my hell hole!

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