(episode 5)

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Sry for not updating but as much as I am not too proud to say.... I have a lazyass even though I get a lot of ideas I hesitate a lot to write. And once again sry for not updating.

Valt's pov

Why the hell the place has like a lot of vampires?!? Everywhere are vampires biting or killing someone

My hands are ties up behind my back and there are two vampire guards with me so I won't run away

Dang it... I hate this so much... Hope at least Free would get things right..

With Free

No one's pov

Now Free was seen walking into the raging bulls

Then he walked straight into Shu's office ignoring all the stares from the other bladers

The office was really near and Shu was no where to be found

"*yawns*where did he go?...." said Free sleepily and then he went to the couch and layed there and drifted off to sleep

After few minutes Shu came in and saw a sleeping Free in his office and sweat-dropped

"... What is he doing here?..." he asked to himself."I am here because Valt needs your help.." answered Free

"I thought you're sleeping and then why isn't Valt here?" asked Shu going near Free

"I was asleep and Valt is in a big danger or already is.." said Free

"what?..." asked Shu he seems to be calm in outside but was panicking in inside

"*yawns*two days ago that crazy yandere Vampire princess Hiyoko took him" said Free lazily but Shu was standing there eyes widened

"w-what?..." that's all he could say after hearing, he knows about the Vampire princess very well... He knows how far she would go to get what she wants...

"yeah... And she enslaved him and while capturing him it looked like they both knew eath other already and he mentioned something about kill?..."saod Free still laying in the bed with eyes closed

"...." Shu didn't answered and was thinking."And one more thing, when I went to get him back he said he won't come back and said to meet you... It looks like he knows your a vampire..." said Free

"No... He doesn't..." answered Shu then Free's shot opened

"what? Then how did he know?" asked Free tilting his head

"you said that it looked like they both knew each other right?... Maybe she tried to get him before..." said Shu thinking

".... Did anyone he loved or someone he likes died?" asked Free

"hm...yes...when he was young like 8-9 years his older brother Fuji Aio  died in a fire in Aio's old house and after that Valt fell into a depression and the Aios kept Fuji's existence hidden from the twins" said Shu

"... Maybe....Hiyoko killed Him?..." said Free

"... It can be answered by Aunty Chiharu..." said Shu and started to walk outside

"you coming?" he asked before Goin near the exit

"Yea..." said Free lazily and got up and went with Shu

They both went to the airport and was in the plane

While in there, Shu was thinking about how Valt knows him being a vampire but again there is a lot of signs like him having fangs but people doesn't care about it

People think vampires are just random story created by some person with great imagination

And Valt is a guy who takes everything people say true

Shu just sighed about it thinking it's just Valt being Valt

After 13-15 hours of flight, they arrived at Japan

"Now.. We need to go to Beigomo... It's gonna be a long day..."


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