• Chapter 6 •

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"Love never fails."


I could see her eyes widen in surprise as I show her our table, reserved table. 

“Sit down,” I prompt.


I wanted to tell her about my situation and our plans for the next few weeks or even months. 

“Lexy, I don’t know where to start. I am the oldest in my family with a younger sister, Charlotte. Ever since I was young, I used to go to Caffeinated with my dad. It was my favourite place to do anything. When I turned 18, I asked Dad if I could start working for it and he agreed. Working as a barista was great but I wanted to run it. Dad said that I was too naive to run the shop and from then on I started out to nightclubs and bars.” She cringed at that but that was my reality at the time.

I continued, “I had no emotions. I was dead inside. My life was a mess and nothing seemed to happen the way I wanted it to. It wasn’t just the fact that the coffee shop was not mine, it was the fact that no one trusted me with anything.” She nodded as though she understood but did she?

“Dad agreed to give me the coffee shop on one condition; I need to have a wife. The girl I was talking about earlier, Elle, she was kind of pretty but her mind was pretty ugly. She just wanted a friend with benefits and when I mentioned marriage, she dumped me in the garbage and left me feeling stupid. Dad is still on about me getting a wife and I told him sometime back that I had a girlfriend so now he wants me to get married to her. Good thing, he doesn’t know her name or what she looks like because it will be easier to just that you are her.”

I look at her expectantly. She nods, "Yeah, I don't mind. But when is the marriage?" Oh thank God that she has agreed to it even after my emotional backstory or a stupid one.

I think out loud, "Dad said he's free this weekend so we can pop up there and we will plan the rest with them."

She smiles, "That's fine with me." What about her family? Do they know about her getting married to a random stranger? I wonder.

"You don't have to wonder. They don't even know if I still exist and I don't know if they do either." Did I say that out loud? Wait, so was she adopted or what? I guess she'll tell me when it's the right time. For now, it's time for food. 

We talked about a few random things and I learnt a few things too. She loves animals more than people but doesn't own any, absolutely loves iced coffees which is great because I love it too and one more thing, she also snores. Really loud. That's what she said and I completely believe her. 

That's when she pops up with a question, "Can we play the pickup line game?"

"What the hell is that?" I ask genuinely curious.

"You have to say pickup lines to each other really quickly until one person can't think of any."

"Sounds good. Let me start. Do you have a name or can I call you mine?" I think that mine was a solid one. 

She laughs, "Are you French because Eiffel for you." Why was that actually really good?

I chuckle, "Hey, tie your shoes! I don’t want you falling for anyone else." Ha, I'm experienced at this. 

"You must be Jamaican, because Jamaican me crazy," She snickers. What's up with her and nationalities? But that was a good one!

"My love for you is like diarrhoea, I just can't hold it in." At that Lexy giggles uncontrollably. Our game ended right there as I joined in on her laughing. 

"Where do you live?" I ask as we drive out of the restaurant.

She directs me to her apartment. It was a run down white building with paint chipping off the walls. I will not judge her for living in an area like this because there's more to a person than their wealth. 

She offers, "Wanna come inside?"

"Yeah," I shrug as I have no other plans. 

She takes me to the third floor and the door squeaks as we walk into her room. It was tidy and clean contrasting the worn out walls. Her furniture was white leather and her kitchen was made up of neutral colours. All the rooms were decorated with a lot of paintings and plants. She made a hanging garden in her balcony and had placed small chairs and tables out, which looks onto the busy city and you could also sit there and admire her small garden. With yellow -tinted bulbs and lamps all over the apartment to make it cozier, her place was a pretty cozy and a perfect match for her. 

"Do you want butter?" Lexy calls out from the kitchen as she makes popcorn for the both of us. I got pretty comfy on her couch and we are going to watch the Lion King. 

"There you go!" She says as she squeezes up next to me. 

Lexy and I were a sobbing mess by the time the movie ended. 

"Are you staying here?" She asks with a i-don't-care-if-you-do face. 

I thought about it for a second and why not? I'm really tired that I'd rather crash over here then drive back home. "Yeah, I'll sleep on the couch." I say and she walks into her room and walks out with a pillow and a blanket. "Thanks," I take it and place them on the couch. 

"Goodnight, Noah." She says softly. Something happens inside of me but before I could linger on her words she jokes, "Don't worry if you hear a sonorous, grumbling, grating sound in the middle of the night,  It's just the sound of my snore."

I crack up at that and wish her, "Goodnight, Lexy and don't worry I don't snore nor do I get scared of snoring sounds."

"We'll see," She challenges confidence powering through her. Giving me a small smile, she ambles into her room before I could give her one too.  

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