Chapter 16

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"I know I did wrong, I let James take  a child I didn't know to replace my son and I trusted my sister would treat him well, even though I never visited or checked on him. It's my fault that I didn't protect the child. Please allow me to make up for my crimes by helping Damien directly. I will accept any conditions to the punishment, and my somewhat self imposed isolation is no excuse for my not knowing the truth." Lily said before the Concepts had the chance to tell her what her crimes were, doing her best to bow while seated and chained to her seat.

"I am glad that you are aware of what you've done something wrong, but if you are so aware how could you have let this happen?" Time asked, looking down at Lily.

"I have no excuse for my actions, I should have known what was happening but I let myself live the dream that everything was fine and didn't look too closely at the situation with a fake of my son. Please allow me to make up for this directly." Lily said, though she could easily apologise in such a way that James was blamed, but it was already clear that he was faced with more blame than her, and she wasn't someone who could argue with the Concepts if they deemed her guilty, and she didn't want to.

"Very well, your punishment will be that you have to act as a servant to the Zabini family, specifically to Damien. You may not lie unless told to do otherwise, you may not cause harm to anyone or anything unless told otherwise, you may not argue with your treatment, and the only reason you are allowed to take time off is due to burnout or illness." Fate said.

"I will let you keep my gifts." Magic said. "A reward for your honesty."

"Thank you." Lily said, nodding, and finally raising her head, a small, bitter smile on her face.

This time it was Time who waved their hand to cause Lily's clothes to change, her prior casual t-shirt and jeans replaced with a black and white working uniform that was almost entirely practical, except for a few frills. With another wave of their hand Lily was sent down to the kitchens like Umbridge, only rather than being there to stay she was there to be trained so she could work properly for the Zabini family.

Petunia looked very pale as she saw the empty seats beside her, although she was still fuming that they had stolen her child from her. There was nothing wrong with him and she would never hurt him. He always had everything he ever wanted, no matter what that was, so how could they claim such things? And Vernon was right, there's nothing wrong with teaching a freak a lesson! The only thing she regretted about that was that it wasn't actually her nephew, but rather a random freak. It must have been that that caused her son be taken.

"Petunia Dursley, do you have anything to say for yourself?" Magic asked, giving her the chance to confess to her crimes and seek forgiveness.

"I have done nothing wrong. I raised my son with everything he could have wanted, and if I tried to stomp the freak out of my nephew so what? We're the real victims here! We were lied to and forced to let a stranger in our home and I had to prepare a funeral for my sisters shortly after my parents and she wasn't even dead!" Petunia spat, glaring at the three in front of her, her lip curling unpleasantly as her eyes passed over Magic and Time, though it seemed like Fate's still lingering veela charm was too much for Petunia's eyes to hold much malice when turned on them.

"You wanted to stomp out my gifts?" Magic asked, Time having to fight the urge to step back at the malice in their eerily quiet voice that seemed to carry through the whole hall. "It is people like you who hurt my children to the point they have early ends."

"This is the same girl who spent years hoping to be able to cast magic too? You don't hate magic, you just hate you don't have it, and would harm everyone who does if you could." Time said with an almost smug smile as they looked down at the woman. Blaise guessed the three had grown taller since they had first entered.

"You took in a child you believed to be your relative and were the one who came to the decision to neglect him, and left a small child trying to look for love alone in a cupboard under the stairs with nothing but the worst of the hand-me-downs and spiders." Fate said.

"Your punishment will be that you have to work in the magical world without my gifts, and if you should wander into the muggle world you will loose your senses for the duration of that time. You will also have to sleep in places infested with spiders and you cannot buy new clothes again." Magic said, seeming to take glee in the fear and distaste on Petunia's face.

"No!! You can't do this to me! I am a good, Christian mother!!" Petunia practically screamed, making a lot of the students, teachers, and Harry flinch from the shrillness of her voice.

"Yes, we can, you're not good, use church as a moral restart, and you're no longer a mother." Time reminded Petunia that Dudley had been given to a different family as their new baby.

"I don't want to see you anymore, leave." Fate said, and on command, Petunia disappeared to start her punishment.

"Peter Pettigrew, while the amount of harm you directly caused Damien is low, if it weren't for your betrayal then he would never have faced the hardships he has. Not only that, but due to your actions he felt robbed of a chance to have a family, while we, and the person offering that chance, know that was a lie, neither you nor Damien knew." Magic sneered, looking at the little man in front of them with disgust.

"I was trying to live, he would've killed me, you would have done the same." Peter sobbed, his face covered in snot and tears as though he had been crying for hours, even though he had only started when the attention had been turned to him. He was very good at looking to be a mess.

"How dare you accuse us of such cowardice!" Fate yelled, their eyes flashing dangerously as their wings burst from their back, further dwarfing the people tied to the chairs. While their wings looked soft, the few stray feathers that cut Peter's cheeks said otherwise.

"We graced you with our gifts and you repay us by insulting us?" Time asked, their eyebrows raised, their face turning a darker green in their rage.

"Your punishment will be that every time you betray someone you will feel immense pain and a day will be taken off your life. You will not be trusted by anyone more powerful than you, and you won't be allowed to use my gifts." Magic said, glaring coldly at the blubbering man tied to the chair in front of the hall.

"N- no please! I-I'll die!" Peter sobbed, not a single part of his face not covered in tears and snot.

"Sucks then." Time said with a shrug, looking away from the ghastly sight. They moved their hands to wave over the view of Peter, causing the young man to disappear in a quiet pop.

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