Chapter 25

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Damien's room was between Blaise and their mother's, with doors leading directly to both. They were currently bewitched to ensure that only Damien could open the doors unless in the case of an emergency. Regardless, his room was his own space, where privacy could be guaranteed. 

Damien's room at the Zabini household was the exact opposite of Harry Potter's room with the Dursleys. It was his own space, rather than him staying in a storage room, and while it was empty now, he was already being encouraged to decorate it however he wanted. That much was nice, but the room also intimidated him. 

It was so large, the bed large enough for him, Ron, and Hermione to all sleep in and lose each other, but at least 10 of them could fit in the room. There was a large wardrobe that even with the clothes the Slytherins and his mother had deemed unwearable and thrown away (he had hidden a few from the Slytherins to make sure he still had clothes to wear that his mother found), he still won't have even filled a 10th. The window was larger than a whole wall of Harry Potter's room at the Dursleys, with a view of the whole back garden, that was, again, huge. 

The room was hardly empty, but Damien was less than fond of large, open spaces like this room, and it was overwhelming. 

Though Hedwig's presence was familiar and comforting, the same could not be said for Fawkes. 

The human-bird made Damien feel on edge, like he had to keep up his flimsy act of being okay that had been looked past so often by this point. It was true that her songs were so nostalgic and comforting they felt like he was being wrapped in long forgotten affection and made him drop his defenses to the point of complete vulnerability of sleep, but even then she never saw what he was hiding. 

He appreciated their efforts to help him, but he wished Fawkes had chosen somewhere else to stay, though he felt he couldn't say that. Even the Weasleys didn't treat him with as much affection as he's being smothered with here. 

Thinking of the Weasleys, Damien still wasn't sure if he wanted to cry; the wave of relief that washed over him when not just Ron, but Fred, George, and Ginny visited him in the Hospital Wing to reassure him they had known nothing about what he had been put through and were still on his side would have knocked him over if he had been standing. He hadn't heard from Percy, but he had never been very close to the strict Weasley child. 

He also hadn't heard from Arthur or Molly, but Professor McGonagall had tried to keep as much as possible under wraps, so they likely hadn't heard. He hoped they hadn't known. 

He would definitely have cried if he had lost everyone from before, he couldn't cope with the idea that everything had been a lie, but equally having their support made him equally emotional. 

The loss of Remus and Sirius still hit hard though. He had relied on them and trusted them as parental figures that could love him for once in his life. He didn't know the details, honestly he didn't want to yet, but he knew enough. Luna would tell him anything he wanted to know when he wanted to know. 

Damien sat by the giant window, the chill he was used to at the Dursleys magically prevented, though he kind of missed it. 

He didn't know how he felt; was this home, or was this another place he had to adjust to? 

Through the darkness of the night sky an owl approached. His heart in his throat, Damien realised he knew that owl - it was Errol, the Weasley's owl. 

He rushed to open the window before the owl crashed like he so often did, catching the warm, ruffled owl as he fell out of the sky. 

Sorry for the lack of naming line, we're unsure what you want us to call you. 
We always knew you as Harry Potter, and no matter what happens you will remain the unofficial extra Weasley. We are so glad that you have a family now, you deserve the world. 
Please know that we had no idea of any of the things the Potters, Marauders, or Dumbledore were doing, We also found a contract between the Weasleys and Potters we had never signed, which we have broken. 
We understand you need time with your family, but we would still like to see you. 
Much love 
All of the Weasleys 

Especially Ron (Don't tell mum I signed separately.) 

Damien smiled, pulling the letter close. 

He took Errol to Hedwig's owl care equipment, though the owl was far too tired to do anything but fall over. 

Damien curled up on his giant bed, silent tears of relief sliding across his face. 


"Um," Damien finally broke the silence at the breakfast table, Blaise and Vitoria just watching him. "Would- uh- could I invite some- some people I know?" 

Damien tried to keep his hands from shaking, but it was a battle he was largely losing, keeping his hands by his side rather than eating the food. It was something Damien had never seen before, but it felt like a childhood beloved food. 

"You do need support, though I have to ask who you're inviting." Vitoria's heart ached as she watched her baby scared to make such a small request - she didn't realise the irony of it being one she usually turned down. 

"Um, I was hoping I could invite the Weasleys, and maybe Hermione?" Damien was struggling to keep his voice audible, even with Hedwig's reassuring presence behind him. 

"They're his friends from before Slytherin," Blaise told their mother. "I'm pretty sure they actually beat up Harry Potter at one point because he took a week to leave them alone. They stuck with him. The two Weasley twins call themselves Damien's bodyguards." 

"Alright, though I suppose it's only fair to invite Hermione's parents too, and some of Blaise's friends." Vitoria nodded, this could be a welcome home celebration for Damien, though at a level that wouldn't overwhelm him. 

Blaise's eyes lit up at their mother's words, though Damien looked a little uncomfortable. 

"Hermione's muggle-born, her parents are both muggles." Damien wasn't sure what the Zabini view was on muggles. 

"I don't see how that's an issue. It's not like they don't know about magic. Besides, I'm sure they'd like to see where their chick is spending the extended holidays." Vitoria seemed to emit a divine aura as she spoke, eyes closed as she cut a mouthful of the food, that made Damien's heart feel stifled, as though he was missing something. 

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