Chapter 5

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Harry returned to the Slytherin common room, Pansy standing in front of him, looking very proud of herself. His robes were fine, his shoes were barely passing as such, but his face? Pansy had done a good job.

Harry had a thin layer of foundation, covering all of his blemishes, except the scar that showed the world who he was. His lips were a matte red, and his eyelids were a smoky dark green, with detailed light green vines intertwined as his eyeliner.

Draco was staring at Harry, completely unaware of his surroundings. Neither of them even noticed, then again, they normally stared at each other from afar, sometimes even from close to each other while playing Quidditch.

"You did good, Pansy." Blaise said, fighting the urge to cover Harry with his cloak, not that he had any idea why.

"Of course I did, it's me. Also he was much better behaved than the rest of you." Pansy said glaring at the blond who didn't seem to have blinked since she and Harry had entered the room.

"Green is definitely your colour, Harry." Theo said, admiring Pansy's work. "But we need to get going or we'll be late for the feast."


Harry wasn't an idiot, he knew people were staring at him as he entered the Great Hall, but when weren't people staring at him? He assumed it was because he was walking in with the Slytherins and sitting at their table, rather than his new look. Blaise and Draco, however, noticed the looks Harry was receiving, and glared at everyone sending him hateful or lustful looks.

Ask either and they would say they were just defending a fellow Slytherin, but in reality they both felt oddly protective of him. Blaise had never really talked to Harry before, but Draco had always felt a pull towards the small, skinny boy. He had always thought it was hate, but now he wasn't so sure.

To the distant displeasure of Ron and Dumbledore, Harry found that he fit in very well with the Slytherins. Now he was one of them the jokes were slightly kinder, but they were still slightly insulting. They all had their barriers though, and nobody went past them.

Harry couldn't remember a time he had enjoyed a meal more. This was better than having Hermione fuss over his sleep, even the meals with Sirius where it always felt as though there was something he wasn't telling him. He liked joking around with the Slytherins, especially now there was no malice behind it.

Up at the teachers' table, Dumbledore was trying to control his anger. He had moved Harry to Slytherin to isolate him, after the years of fighting, he assumed they would get on like oil and water, but they were getting along splendidly. He could only hope that Ron and Hermione would leave him, hopefully that would cause him to isolate himself.

Sitting at the Gryffindor table, Ron was brimming with jealousy, looking directly at Harry laughing with the other Slytherins through the gap where Harry would normally sit. He wasn't sure who he was mad at; was it the Slytherins for taking his best friend, or was it Harry for suddenly being so friendly with the richest kids in the whole school? And that's not even mentioning how good he looked right now. He tried to distract himself by talking to Hermione, but he would constantly try to give Harry the look except, he wouldn't be there.

"Wonder if Potter's gay, I mean, look at that makeup." Someone a few seats further along the table said, laughing and sounding scornful.

"And there's something wrong with being gay?" Dean asked, turning his head to face the first year so fast his head was a blur.

"It's disgusting, I can't believe a hero is a gay." The first year's friend replied, scoffing.

"What's disgusting, is you two brats." Fred said, glaring at the kids in question.

"There's nothing wrong with wearing makeup." George added, fixing the kids with an identical glare as his twin, if looks could kill, these first years would never have been born.

"Gay or straight." Fred finished.

"And he looks great, unlike you two." Ron added, angry that someone was insulting his friend, but realising he had never considered his friend being anything but straight. For some reason he had always imagined Harry would marry his sister, but what if Harry didn't want that?

The two first years grumbled, but shut up, faced with so many older and more skilled wizards. Under the table, Seamus grabbed Dean's hand. They already had an amazing plan for coming out and they were planning to do it in Umbridge's next lesson with them. It was nice to know that they would still have some support, even if everyone else turned their backs on them.

Fred and George went back to eating as well, continuing to glower at the first year. First: How dare they use gay as an insult? The wizarding world had never had a problem with sexuality like that, if only because there were spells and potions to allow homosexual couples to have children that are biologically theirs. Second: How dare they use that tone when talking about their youngest brother!?


After the feast, the first time in a while Harry had eaten a decent amount, not even noticing how much he was eating due to how much he was enjoying himself, Ron ran up to the group of Slytherins who were walking back to the dungeons.

"Harry, wait up!" Ron called out as Harry was about to enter the passage way that lead to the dungeons. It wasn't just Harry who stopped and turned around though, it was also Blaise and Draco.

"What do you want, Weasel?" Draco sneered, earning himself a light glare and elbow in the ribs from Harry.

"To talk to my best mate, shove off, Malfoy." Ron responded, fixing Draco with his own, much less friendly glare.

"What's up Ron?" Harry asked, not wanting the situation to get more hostile than it already was.

"Why are you suddenly a Slytherin? I thought you were happy in Gryffindor." Ron said, a hint of sadness and possibly abandonment in his voice.

"Dumbledore had me resorted. That was the meeting this morning, I didn't really have a choice." Harry said, needing to reassure his friend, his first friend, that he wasn't abandoning him.

"Why would he do that?" Ron asked, now sounding seriously confused.

"No idea." Harry said, shrugging.

Blaise and Draco were still standing there, waiting for Harry to finish talking, not that the two friends noticed.

"It's going to be weird not having you in the dorm anymore." Ron said, rubbing the back of his head.

"Yeah, not that I'm going to miss your snoring." Harry joked.

"Hark who's talking!" Ron said, referencing Harry's nightmares, not that the other Slytherins got that, thinking that Harry snored.

"Well... Bye, I guess." Harry said, turning to walk back to the dungeons.

"Yeah... Bye." Ron turned away, walking back to Gryffindor tower.

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