Chapter 9

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"What time do you call this?" Draco asked, advancing towards the unusually pale teen who had just collapsed into an armchair.

"Whag Draco?" Harry slurred, almost sounding drunk after he jerked wildly.

"Potter... Are you drunk?" Draco asked, before noticing the trail of blood leading to where Harry was sitting.

"No, just tired, I'm going to sleep now." Harry said, leaning against the headrest of the chair.

"Is that blood?" Draco asked, pointing to the thick dark splatter on the floor.

"Hm? Yeah." Harry said, noticing where Draco was pointing.

"Is it your blood?" Draco pushed, not wanting to let this go if the subject if his friend was hurt.

"Uhh... Yeah." Harry said, looking at his bleeding hand.

Draco walked over and grabbed Harry's hand, ignoring the sound of complaint coming from the smaller boy. He noticed that the cuts on Harry's hands were shaped like letters, looking more closely, he read the words I must not tell lies. Those were the words Harry said he had to write for his detention, she couldn't be...

"Harry, are you writing with a blood quill for your detentions with Umbridge?" Draco asked, trying not to explode with anger.

"What's a blood quill?" Harry asked, looking a little dizzy.

"A quill that when written with uses the writer's blood to write whatever was written. It cuts the back of the hand, but heals pretty quickly, if used often enough the cuts stop healing and will just bleed. Eventually it won't even scab for hours, sometimes leaving people to bleed out. They steal the writer's magic." Draco explained. "They're highly illegal."

"Cuts you when you write with it?" Harry asked, looking as though he didn't understand. Then he pouted, the things this boy did to Draco's heart, and looked up to Draco's face. "Then yeah."

Draco had to suppress the urge to curse loudly, instead he grabbed Harry, carrying him in his arms and heading to the Hospital wing. From the trail of blood he had no choice but to follow up to the entrance hall, the quill had already gotten to the point of stopping his blood from clotting at his hand. He needed to take a potion that would replace his lost blood, however Draco couldn't think of any at the moment. Besides, it would be useful to have a healer look at him, and the closest was Mme Pomfrey.

"Where are we going?" Harry asked, his big emerald eyes looking up at Draco with a mix of confusion and fear.

"I'm taking you to the Hospital Wing, you need Mme Pomfrey's help." Draco explained, not wanting to worry Harry, finding out you had been tortured using an illegal magical item that steals magic.

"I don't wanna go to the Hospital Wing." Harry wined.

"I know, but you need help and Mme Pomfrey is the closest healer." Draco said, hoping that Mme Pomfrey would still be in the Hospital Wing as he had no idea where her office was, never needing to find her after hours. He was also hoping Harry's loud, spacey voice wouldn't bring Filch down on them, as it was after hours. Then again, Harry was still bleeding and they were on their way to the Hospital Wing, so hopefully he wouldn't give them detention.

"I don't need help." Harry argued, a claim that was undermined by how pale he had gotten, along with his half lidded eyes.

"And if you don't she will say the same thing." Draco said, knowing she wouldn't.


Thankfully Mme Pomfrey was still in the Hospital wing attending to some second years, apparently they had heard about Professor Lockhart's duelling club and had decided to start their own. It had not gone well.

"Mr Malfoy, what's the problem?" She asked, exasperatedly walking over to him, noticing the blood on the floor.

"Blood quill." Is all Draco said, Harry still babbling quietly about how he was fine, but most words weren't understandable.

"Put him on the bed." She said, already going into another room to fetch the blood replenishment potion and muggle dressings to stop the blood as magic didn't heal wounds from blood quills.

"Can I go to sleep now?" Harry slurred, turning to look at Draco.

"No, stay awake a while longer." Draco asked, knowing that he would at least need to have the potion before he slept. He might even have to have the Dreamless Sleep potion, Draco didn't want him to wake up screaming after a nightmare, he had been through enough today as is.

"Mr Potter, drink this." Mme Pomfrey said, shoving a warm, dark brown potion into his hands.

Harry smelled it, before pulling back, grimacing. It was obvious he did not want to drink it, but the stern look from Mme Pomfrey and the concerned look on Draco's face persuaded him to do it. He swallowed it as fast as he could, and had to stop himself from gagging, but some colour came back to his cheeks.

Mme Pomfrey started fussing around Harry's hand, stemming the bleeding and wrapping it up. Harry seemed to be becoming more aware of his surroundings, but he still looked exhausted.

"Mr Malfoy, you should return to your dorm, it's after hours and you need sleep just like everyone else." Mme Pomfrey said, gesturing towards the door after she had finished bandaging Harry's hand.

"Um, actually, can I have a quick word?" Draco asked, pointing a short way away from Harry's bed. Mme Pomfrey nodded and followed him over there.

"What do you want Mr Malfoy?" She asked in a stern voice.

"Harry has night terrors, and you should probably give him Dreamless Sleep so he doesn't get them tonight." Draco said, knowing that Harry probably wouldn't like that he told her, but knowing that a healer would never tell others about patients.

"I knew this would happen." She hissed. "I told Dumbledore to let either me or another healer take a look at him, or at least keep him at Hogwarts for a while longer, but he insisted the child was fine and sent him back to those muggles who have no idea what it's like to watch someone die."

Mme Pomfrey steered Draco towards the door, before going to her stock room. Draco left, but not before seeing her reenter the room with a purple potion.

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