Chapter 3.1 - The Writing on the Wall

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The next day at school, I was livid. I waited until Irina walked in, then cornered her at the front of the hallway.

"I know what you did, Irina."

She sighed. "If you want me to even pretend like I care, you're gonna have to be a little more specific."

"Last night at the game, you switched our shoes." I pointed my index finger straight ahead at her. "You put Ahmed's in my locker."

A small grin crept onto her face. "I don't know what you're talking about. But even if I did, I'd probably say that you got what you deserved for trying to set Ahmed up to fail. I mean, gosh, aren't you two on the same team? What kind of a moron jerry-rigs his teammate's shoes to fall apart so he looks bad at the start of a game?"

"Don't change the subject!" I screamed, starting to draw the attention of other students trekking through the hallway. "That low-life had it coming! He's a freshman, and he thinks he can strut around that basketball court like he runs the place!"

"Hmm. Sounds a lot like someone else I know," she sneered. "Except, last time I checked, Ahmed doesn't skip class to make out with his girlfriend in the back of some stupid truck."

I chuckled in reply. "You're such a loser. You and I both know the only reason you're helping that dork is 'cause you're jealous of me and Grace."

"Oh, that's rich. You and Grace are the last thing on my mind." She paused, looking over my shoulder. "And from the looks of things, there may not even be a you-and-Grace much longer if Ahmed has anything to say about it."

I whirled around, reeling at what I saw.

Grace was standing next to Ahmed's locker, the two of them chatting it up like old pals.

"Son of a—"

"Careful, Steven," Irina interrupted. "This is a Christian school. No cursing allowed." She turned on her heel and sashayed away, leaving me boiling with rage as the warning bell for first period rang.

Ignoring it, I stormed over to where Grace and Ahmed were standing and grabbed Grace by the wrist.

"What's the matter with you!?"

Her eyes grew wide. "Steven...I" she stuttered. "It's—it's not what it looks like! Ahmed and I were just talking about his biology homework..."

"Wow, Grace. That's some serious bullcrap. You're a senior, and this dork is a freshman. Unless you failed biology three years in a row, there's no way you two're in the same class."

Her hand rose to her hip. "I'm the TA, Steven." She pulled her other arm away from me, her eyes taking on something of an edge for the briefest of moments.

I paused. "Wait, the what?"

"The teaching assistant. I've been Mrs. Alvin's teaching assistant since freshman year. You were there when she asked me to take the job at the end of the second semester, remember?"

I shook my head. "I—I don't care. TA or not, you're my girlfriend. And I'm not about to let you use some BS excuse to go flirting with other guys."

I turned to glare at Ahmed as I barked out those final few words, and the kid bolted the moment I did.

"Steven..." Grace tried again, catching my hand balled into a fist as I watched Ahmed scurry off with his biology textbook folded fearfully under his arm. "...Please."

I turned back to her, scowled. "Just save it. I saw you."

"Because it's my job," she protested, her voice strained. "He was just asking me a question—they have a biology test next week."

I grunted.

"Nothing happened, I swear." Her eyes fell as she mumbled out the words. "Do you seriously not believe me?"

"To be honest? No, Grace. I don't believe you."

"Why would I lie to you about this? We've been dating for two years. Have I ever lied to you before?"

"I don't know," I sighed with frustration. "I don't know what to think anymore."

"You can't be serious..."

The second bell, signaling the start of first period, sounded as Grace was talking.

I turned to go.

"Steven, no! Wait!"

I kept walking.

"Please," she sighed. "Whatever you want—I'll do whatever you want. Just please don't leave me like this."

I grinned, turned back around to face her. "Glad we're on the same page again."

A single tear rolled down her left cheek.

"And if you really want to make it up to me, I've got just the thing in mind."

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