Past Chat Noir

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Adrien POV

I'm right infront of Marinette's window waiting for her to open the balcony's door.

How did I get here may you ask?

Well this is how it happend...


I'm right now face plant in my comfy bed reading manga. Yes, I read manga. Deal with it. Anyways. Plagg out of nowhere brought Marinette in our conversation.

"Have you see how sad Marinette looked when she left the school?" Plagg said for the first time in my life concern. I did a double take to make sure I wasn't seeing things.

"Ummm... yeah I did..." I said, now that I think about it she lost the brightness in her eyes.

"Why don't you check on her? I know this is sudden but..." Plagg said, hesitating.
I just looked at him confused.

"... well you see in my past Chat Noirs they actually suffered through depression..." Plagg said, looking down in shame. While I had a face full of shock. Plagg didn't like talking about his past Chat Noirs. Wich confuses me on why he brought it now.

"And when I saw that girl... it was kind of obvious to see that she is suffering from depression. And she just gave me flashbacks of my past Chat Noirs." Plagg said, getting all sentimental. While me on the other had could only repeat the same thing in my head.

Marinette is suffering from depression?

Why didn't she told me? Well we aren't really close but still. Now I feel ashamed at myself. I noticed Marinette's change in behavior and I did nothing! What if she actually-

"Look all I'm asking is for you to check on her. I made a mastake in my past Chat Noirs and I don't want you to pass the same thing I did." Plagg said.

And so I did.

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