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Jeno looks at Renjun and Donghyuck for help earning both of them mouthing at him to 'go after him' as Mark suddenly stood up.

The raven haired stops him by placing a hand on his shoulder as he stood up as well gently pushing the boy back down, "I'll go." He said sternly.

Mark shrugged and Jeno nods at them before leaving the cafeteria to catch up to Jaemin as he left his poor lunch that Donghyuck paid for, was getting crowded by the boys.

He ignored his headache that was only getting worst as he rushed to find Jaemin who apparently was speed walking around the corner, "Jaemin!" He calls.

People around turns their heads and watched the well known "couple" having a scene in the hallway.

Jeno grabbed Jaemin's arm stopping him from running away, "Jaemin stop!" He pants.

The caramel haired glared and snatched his arm away, "what the fuck was that huh? Get away from me!" He spat.

The raven haired caught up his breath as he sighed, "you don't know what really happened," he said getting already tired of things.

Jaemin huffed, "know what? That you're going behind my back kissing other guys?" He retorts.

Jeno winced at that, the boy wasn't wrong. He did do that, actually more than just that, because of his job. But this is just ridiculous.

"Why are you mad about it?" Jeno hissed as he looks around seeing other people looking at them. He scoffed before grabbing Jaemin's arm dragging him to an empty classroom.

He locks the door and turns around to see Jaemin crossing his arms, "so you're just gonna lock the door and kiss me? Is that your way of things, to kiss anyone to get anything?"

Ouch, it technically was what Jeno was doing most of his life since freshman year. He had to do more than just a kiss, he had to pleasure those people, he had to sell his body for money, just so he could get things he needed.

The raven haired shuts his eyes and breathed heavily before calming himself down, he blinks back the tears that were threatening to spill, he doesn't need to cry.

Despite what happened this morning, which was almost the usual, this whole misunderstanding with Jaemin is more painful for him, it hit him in the heart than just his body compared to his stepmother.

"We're not even dating! You said it yourself none of this is real and both of us shouldn't get mad when the other is seemingly cheating, because face it! This is bullshit!" Jeno yelled.

He sighed frustrated by everything as he pinched the bridge of his nose trying to get rid of his headache.

Jaemin flinched at his voice, he was shocked to say the least. Jeno was never the one to yell at someone, hell that boy could barely speak in front of class.

The caramel haired pursed his lips and clicked his tongue, "right," he breathes out after a moment of silence. "Sorry, I didn't know what came over me," he whispered.

He questioned himself, what just happened? Why did he react like that? He has no right to be mad when Jeno and him aren't really dating, he shouldn't act like a jealous possessive boyfriend, but at the same time, it felt somehow right.

Like he should be mad that Jeno kissed someone else, that someone touched Jeno like that, that someone gave him a mark that will show for more than a day to everyone who sees him.

Jaemin shook his head at his weird thoughts, Jeno isn't his, he's supposed to go after Hana, yup that's right.

Hana, he likes Hana, Hana and her beautiful brown eyes and small slim body, Hana and her shy but sassy personality, her cute moon eyes– wait, Hana doesn't have moon eyes.

Oh shit, Jeno has moon eyes. What the fuck– Jaemin mentally slaps himself, why was he thinking about Jeno? He doesn't like him, no. He shouldn't.

"Hey," Jeno voiced out with a hint of concern in his voice when he saw Jaemin just staring at the floor with a look and mumbling to himself.

The caramel haired blinks and sighed, "sorry, was just thinking," he shrugged and stood up properly from where he was leaning against the table.

He walks out of the room and saw a few people gossiping and some were minding their own business around the hallway.

Jeno catches up to the older and grabs his bicep turning him towards him, he saw once again people looking at them, jeez can they mind their own business?

"I just wanted to ask," he mumbled as Jaemin raised a brow gesturing him to continue, "we're good, right?" He asked.

The caramel haired hummed staring back to his eyes with a look he couldn't describe making the younger blush in pink, "yeah." He whispered.

Jaemin cups his cheek and wraps an arm around his waist with the other, Jeno blushed even more when he heard what the older asked, "can I kiss you?"

Jeno nodded and gasped when he felt Jaemin connect their lips together, he places his hands on the boy's chest kissing back as he was pulled closer.

The kiss got even more heated and Jeno was now pushed against the locker, Jaemin's kisses turned harder and more as he licks the raven haired's lips.

The bell rang making them both pull away and catch their breaths as the color of pink was tinted on their cheeks.

They heard people around them cheering and squealing as some were jealous about the reminder and more "proof" that the quarterback and school's loser were "dating".

The caramel haired pursed his lips, okay now what the hell did just happened?

Did they just made out? Their first make out session? In the hallway? And it was amazing not to mention he liked it? What the fuck?

"Class is about to start," Jeno whispered shyly.

Jaemin felt a tingling in his stomach at the sight of Jeno being shy and blushing around him, why does he feel good?

These are too many questions that he didn't have the answers for, well there are answers but he's just not realizing it yet.

Jaemin coughed awkwardly, "I'll see you after school," he said.

Jeno pursed his lips, "actually, I wanna show you something later," he said and sighed before looking at Jaemin with pleading eyes, "but you can't tell anyone." He adds.

The caramel haired raised a brow, "and why's that?" He wondered a bit skeptical about the raven haired.

The younger sighed, "I'll explain it all later," he said. "I'll see you okay? Meet me at the gate," he informs before leaving a kiss on his jaw and went to his next class.

Jaemin stood there a bit shocked but mostly confused, he punches his stomach lightly like it would help getting rid of those damn butterflies in his stomach.

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