Not In The Mood

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Jeno comes to school with a frown on his face, he was wearing his usual mask and paired it with his glasses. He didn't wear anything that Jaemin would tell him to wear, instead hidden in his oversized blue hoodie.

The raven haired had a bad night. There were more clients that were booking a service for him at the bar than usual, his stepmother was home after her business trip, Donghyuck once again snapped at him.

So when Renjun saw his best friend back to square one like how he first saw him, he didn't ask. He just led the raven haired to his classes and helped him with his stuff on his locker.

Jeno was quiet most of the day, he nodded his head when he agreed on something, shook his head when he disagreed, shrugged his shoulders when he wasn't sure and hummed to indicate he was listening.

Renjun was worried of course, he didn't like it when Jeno was frowning and looking like he hasn't slept, which he did but you get he point. But he knows not to bring it up when Jeno doesn't want to, the latter will tell him when he's okay with it.


It's been a few days and Jeno is still not in the mood. It really wasn't getting any better when Donghyuck and his stepmother gangs up on him while he doesn't have a choice but take extra shifts at the bar or go to Renjun's house.

Just anything or anywhere else that's away from his so called home.

He also told Renjun what was happening and even showed a few bruises from when his stepmother initiated on getting physical.

Renjun cried and kept rambling about how he doesn't deserve this while he was treating Jeno's bruises.

Today, Jeno plays with his food at lunch while he was in between Renjun and Jaemin. His best friend was talking to the others while sneaking some glances at him.

Jaemin had his arm around his shoulders while talking to Mark, the boy noticed Jeno's behavior but didn't know what to do. He thought it was just a phase the raven haired will get over it somehow.

Renjun looks at Jeno's food and nudged his arm, "Jen," he called as some of the others glanced at them. Jeno hummed as he was twirling the pasta on his fork for the past few minutes.

"Please eat," Renjun said as Jeno sighed and looked up.

"Not hungry," he mumbles with a shrug. Renjun pursed his lips and gave him a look that was mixed with plead and strict. Jeno sighed softly and took a nibble of his pasta.

Renjun patted his knee and returned to the conversation with Chenle and Donghyuck. Jisung was busy on his phone as he took a gulp on his smoothie.

Mark nudges Jaemin's side as he mouthed something. The latter looked up and saw Hana and Jeongin on their way, he cleared his throat and turned his head to Jeno.

He pulls the younger closer and leans in to peck his temple, "they're here," he whispers as Jeno only hummed at him. Hana and Jeongin slowly walked over to them with hands entwined.

"Hey guys," Jeongin greets as Hana looked at them, her eyes staying at Jaemin and Jeno for awhile. "How are you?" The boys gave a short reply as Mark was glaring at them.

Jaemin bits the inside of his cheeks, "we're good," he replied, "especially when my baby is around," he smiles and kissed the said boy's cheek.

Hana and Jeongin nodded and walked to sit at a table near them, still in ear range as they sat together. Jaemin noticed and let out a huff.

The caramel haired mentioned a few compliments at Jeno out loud who only hummed and nibbled on his chicken as his cheeks heats up, but was still quiet.

Hana turned around to look at them when Chenle suddenly laughed out loud at Donghyuck who had a bit of sauce on his face and Renjun rolling his eyes.

Jaemin turned and cupped Jeno's cheek with his free hand and kissed him on the lips. The raven haired didn't kiss back and just hummed as he placed his hand on Jaemin's neck.

Their lips connected for a few moments until Mark coughed signaling that Hana wasn't looking anymore. Jaemin pulled away as Jeno wiped his lips, he then raised a brow at the latter.

Jeno sighed and stood up, "I have to go somewhere," he said as Renjun looked up in worry. The raven haired left the table and heads towards his locker while the chinese was about to stand up and chase after him.

Jaemin grabbed Renjun's arm, "I'll go," he said and gave a look as the older pursed his lips and hesitantly nodded.

"You better not do something," Renjun said warningly as Jaemin clicked his tongue but nodded anyways. The latter excused himself and went after Jeno.


Jeno was at his locker grabbing a few things while ducking his head, he doesn't want any attention drawn to him right now and most likely wants to get to class early.

He then felt someone grabbing his arm making him flinch and yanked it away. He looks up and relaxes when he sees Jaemin raising a brow at him.

"What's bothering you lately?" Jaemin asked as he leaned on the lockers besides Jeno's. The latter bites his lips and kept quiet as he turned back to find his Physics book.

Jaemin tsked and bites the inside of his cheek, "Jeno seriously, what's up with you? You didn't kiss back and you look dead, no offense," he paused, "but you're like back to what you were before, I mean yeah you're a quiet person but it just looks like something is wrong."

"Oh somethings definitely wrong alright." Jeno thought.

Jeno sighed and closed his locker while holding onto his book, "I'm just not in the mood, sorry if I'm not acting properly, just dealing with something," he bites his lip, "I'll be better next time so Hana will believe us," he adds.

Jaemin was about to speak up again but the bell rang cutting him off. Jeno sighed softly, "I'll see you around babe," he said with a soft tone and cupped Jaemin's cheek with his small hand and pecks him on the lips.

The younger gives him a tiny and not to mention looks like forced smile before heading towards his next class, leaving Jaemin standing there by his locker with a thousand thoughts.

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