Chapter Five: Aaron: Walls Could Talk

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A/N: I'm both disappointed and proud. On one hand, this took ages to finish and is very short. On the other,,, I wrote most of it!! And I finished it!! But it sucks lmao. Sorry for keeping all 3 of you loyal readers waiting and thank you to those who left comments!!! We appreciate every one we get :) -Arie

A/N: Aaron's a dumbass gay and I stand by that assessment. And Arie I will physically fight u if u keep insulting ur amazing writing I stg - Lilian (but i have knives :) -Arie)

It was hard not to notice the side-eyes and whispers that followed me in the halls. It wasn't surprising given what I had read off Twitter that morning, but it wasn't very pleasant either.

Please let me get home safely at the end of the day. So help me God, I'm gonna get murdered. Amidst my praying to numerous higher powers, a girl approached me unnoticed. I was snapped back to my predicament as her high voice pierced through my thoughts.

"Hey! Zero!" I kept walking. "Listen to me, fucker!" I stop abruptly and she practically runs into my back. Not even turning around, I looked down at her out the corner of my eye.

"Get lost." She froze, then scrambled back a few meters away from me. My nerves were beginning to fray; I struggled to maintain my composure and not snap completely. Staring straight ahead, I tried my best to keep the facade up until I got to the door.

Finally making it over to where Garroth sat outside, I was able to unclench my jaw. He sat at one of the rectangular tables scattered around one of the school's side entrances, legs crossed and looking like a full page out of a modeling magazine. Wait— what was I just thinking? Whatever. His hair practically looks white out here. I'm gonna go blind...

Meeting Garroth outside of school hours was strange. For the last few years, we barely interacted outside of the occasional jab at my Number or glaring as we passed each other. He never went out of his way to seek me out outside of school, and neither did I.

"Aaron! Where were you?"

"Let's just say one of your admirers isn't as smart as the others."

"Like that's a high hurdle."

I practically imploded with laughter after hearing that coming from Garroth, of all people. "Gar, gimme a hot second—" It took quite a while for me to calm down before I could continue. "Haa... Wow. You really gonna insult your fans like this?"

"I mean— it's true." I choked back another laugh.

"Okay, okay. I'm done dying. Anyways, how'd you hold up today?"

"Oh shit, I gotta go." Garroth's phone read 7:13 on top of his lock screen.

"'Kay, get home safe. Try not to get jumped in an alley."

Garroth scoffed, "The most I'll get jumped by is Vylad being way too into his vampire persona. Y'know, there are actually rumors around that our mom just fucked a vampire and Vylad is the result. That, or my whole family is like the Cullens from Twilight."

"Wow, a sparkly Garroth. Weirdest mental image I've had in awhile."

"Yeah, that one isn't really popular from how easily it's been disproven."

"You better get going; I've kept you here long enough."

"See you tomorrow, I guess." Garroth grabbed his and swung it over his shoulder in one smooth motion, looking over his shoulder back at me. "Bye, Aaron." I gave a lazy salute toward his back as he walked off. Sighing, I pulled off the glove on my left hand and rubbed at the one permanently etched into my skin.

"Fuck you, dad; why did you have to make me a Ten too? Augh..." Leaning back, I caught a flash of purple in my peripheral. SHIT—

"I knew there was something funny with your Number!!" Goddamnit why her of all people... "You're a Ten!" She practically cackled, "Wait until this gets out. The whole school will know!"

My mind raced to select the best course of action. I don't really care about other people knowing because none of them will wanna accept it, they've insulted me for three years of course they wouldn't, but if this gets to the principal I could be expelled for false number registration and though that's not much of a problem, I'm already almost done with high school, so do I really wanna change schools? So how do I get her to—

"Wait a minute... I can use this as blackmail!" ...she's not very bright, is she? "Okay... what can I get you to do?" She hummed in contemplation. "You should... stay away from Garroth!" She grinned triumphantly while glaring down at me, dark hair blocking light from the setting sun. I leaned back onto the table behind me and sighed.

"Fine, fine. Whatever makes you happy, your Royal Highness."

"Exactly. As long as you do as I say—" She stopped dead in the middle of her sentence. "...You were being sarcastic, weren't you?" Her face was flushed a bright red from anger and embarrassment. It took a great deal of self control to not start laughing.

"No points for that, but good catch, Princess." She made a spluttering sound and balled her hands into fists at her sides like an anime character.

"Ugh! Why would Garroth even want to hang out with you? You're so rude!" I rolled my eyes.

"Exactly. Not that you'd believe he'd like anything about me. Not like you need to. Just noticing this now, are we? We done here? Any other demands?" She blinked, as if rebooting her brain.

"I— Hey! I'm the one with the blackmail here!" I sighed and stood up, pushing off the table behind me.

"I'm well aware of that..." I realized I didn't know her name, and tried to remember what Garroth had said. An "a" name... I tried to find the most unusual one in my mental library. "Adaline, but some of us have things to do." She made a noise like she was choking on her words.

"Adaline!?" She demanded, "it's Aphmau!" Ah, I thought, that is a little strange.

"In that case, Princess, I've still got things to do. Clearly you know where to find me. Hopefully I won't see you again. Ta." I waved vaguely as I walked away from her. Her sounds of indignation faded as I moved further away from the school.

I'm so sorry, Garroth.

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