Chapter Two: Garroth: parents

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E/N: I wrote most of this chapter and I'm actually really proud of how it turned out. I'm not really the greatest writer so cut me some slack.


Hold your head high.

Don't stumble.

Joke about faults.

Don't slip don't slip don't slip.



Breathing was not supposed to be this hard— that much I knew. What I didn't know was why it was suddenly a problem. Before this year started, I knew who I was and what I wanted. I was Garroth Ro'Meave, Ten, heir to Ro'Meave corp, center of my own little universe. I could do anything I wanted without consequences. I had everything I had ever wanted. Money, popularity, girls– heck, I even had boys.

Insult him, throw her aside. Don't let anyone get close.

"Remember, you are better than everyone else. You are above all others. They do not matter to you."

I believed it. I believed every word and every mantra they fed me.

"Friends? You don't need friends."

I don't need friends.

I walked the familiar halls of Phoenix Drop, the same I had walked for two years before. It was eerily quiet in the evenings. All the clubs had left at that point, leaving only a few lone students around, wherever they chose to be. Walking out the main doors of the school, the warm orange of the fading sunlight fell against my face. Even then, I couldn't relax as I approached a smaller figure that sat on the short outside wall's ledge.

"Go away."

I sighed in amusement, "Nice to see you too, brother."

"We're definitely not related. And don't call me 'brother'."

"Zane, you're going through an emo phase, aren't you?"

"Black is nice, okay?" I saw Zane's body stiffen and start to turn away during our short conversation. His hand had fled to the string of his hoodie, rolling the end between his fingers.

"Hey, why have you been avoiding me lately?" It was a question I had on my mind ever since I saw that Zero in the hallway. Luckily, he didn't see me at my locker to the side. Zane and that Zero were... kind of similar in a way.

"I– I haven't been avoiding you! You're just imagining things!"

"Zane, you're such a bad liar."

He was staring holes into the ground below him. "Well, okay. But you gotta hear me out. Promise?" Dark hair shifted as Zane moved his head up just a bit.

"Fine, but just tell me already!"

Zane took a shaky breath, "I... I didn't really notice it last year because y'know, we're not in the same building all the time. But– you're not you anymore!" He looked away, but not before I caught a faint shine on his face.

"...What do you mean? I'm still the me I've always been!"

"Let me finish–" He brought his leg up to his chest. "No, you really aren't. I don't know what it is, but now you just are straight up mean. Like, you teased people a lot, but it wasn't mean, even if it did get annoying. Didn't you say once that it doesn't matter what number people have? That it doesn't determine someone's worth?" His words came out rushed and pleading.

"I– I just–"

"Garroth," My head whipped up on instinct and met familiar icy eyes, now filled with tears.

"Who are you?"

I ditched school entirely the next day. Who am I? My mind was screaming at me, running circles around itself and all I felt like doing was lying down. When did I change? When did I forget who I am?

After Zane talked me into this mess, he jumped down from the ledge and sprinted his way home. When I did manage to stumble my way back, his door was locked and muffled angry screams could be faintly heard. Somehow, I was able to at least make it to my bed before I just collapsed.

The back end of the school was a great place to just lay on my back as my brain tried to unscramble the mess that is my personality, if it could even be called that. Unfortunately, my existential crisis was interrupted by none other than the Zero I had been insulting for a good part of my highschool career. Aaron Lycan. We just stare at each other for a while, the senior looking down on me lying on the grass, until he suddenly spoke:

"So, no 'Low-level loser' or 'fucking idiot Zero' today?" I can't find the words to respond. "Staying silent, huh? Tch." He drops his bag with a heavy thump and takes a seat, leaning against the sandy brick wall. I flinch involuntarily, not really used to having people casually insult me.

"Oh? Is the almighty Ro'Meave scared?" The question was mocking, and the Zero scrunches his face slightly in disgust. "Well, I wonder what it is that has him scared. It definitely couldn't be, oh you know... a lowly Zero, huh? Maybe he's finally realized how much of an asshole he is. But that couldn't be it, could it?" I rolled over so my back was facing him.

"...Shut it." Aaron choked out a laugh.

"Not feeling up to it today? What about all those times you publicly ridiculed me? 'Worthless Trash', you called me. Seemed like you were having fun with that. And look at the king now!"

"I said, shut up."

"Wow, getting riled up, I see."

"You know nothing."

"You think you're so high and mighty, better than everyone else–" I sucked in a sharp breath. He hit the nail right on the head. "I struck a nerve, huh?"

"I— Yeah, I really did think that."

"Well damn." I can feel his stare on my back. "Can't help you there." Silence stretched on for what seemed like an eternity, filled only by the rustle of the grass and leaves.

"I'm really sorry. I was–"

"Wait, you're apologising? I never thought I would see the day..."

"Stop pushing it." I sit up to face him properly and meet his questioning gaze. "I genuinely have no idea how to be a good person."

"Start by maybe not insulting people with lower numbers? Those don't mean jackshit. Your ability does not depend on some stupid mark on your hand. The only reason they can't do anything is because people like you deny them the chances to get anywhere."

"Ah, yeah. Sounds like... sounds like a good place to start."

"How'd you get this fucked up in the first place? Two years ago, you seemed really chill." I thought back to my better days. I didn't worry about social standing, the company, or my appearance. It was easier then.

"Business. Father thinks I should start getting serious about taking over the company. I never wanted to, which I think is pretty obvious."

"Oh boy, double daddy issues. Hooray~" Sarcasm dripped from his words.

"Fun, am I right? What does–" I stopped myself. Don't pry, he's already tolerating your selfish ass. Don't mess it up. "Nevermind, sorry."

"What? Oh, thanks for your consideration. I think you're actually tolerable like this. If you finally figure out who you are, maybe I'll tell you." He looked off into the distance past the trees a few yards away, contemplating something.

"Um, thanks? Consideration from such a low-level— Shit, I'm doing it again. Sorry."

"That bad, huh? They really messed you up."

"I... I guess so." It's was kind of comforting to have another person to trust, even if it's just to an extent. Honestly, just having Aaron sit there without trying to suck up or shy away from me was a major upgrade from what I had a year ago.

Suck it, dad. Friends are great.

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