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After one week Subhadra returned to Indraprastha marking an end to Arjun's desperate wait. After her arrival everyone welcomed her with smiles while Arjun hardly managed to smile at her. He followed her towards their chamber, and she knew about his intention well.

"How was your journey? How was your staying at your destination?" Arjun asked as soon as they entered into chamber.

"Everything was fine with me, but it's not what you wished to ask," Subhadra knew his question. In acknowledgement of his question she ignored his care for herself.

"I have wished to ask it, because my care for you comes at first before anything," he tried the best to cover up his hurt, but his voice conveyed that making her feel guilty.

"I had gone to Chedi to stay some days with Karenumati," she revealed the truth on her own.

Chedi was kingdom of Shishupal who was Nakul's father in law in relationship. Shishupal's daughter Karenumati was Nakul's second wife.

"You had gone there! But why?" His astonished stares scanned her face thoroughly to observe her expression.

"Sorry for the interruption, but allow me to answer this question," Nakul entered into the conversation.

"Nakul! You knew about this!" Arjun's astonished gaze shifted at Nakul.

"Yes, I knew. I wished to go Chedi for consoling Renu over her father's death, but two reasons forbade me," Nakul started to untying the knots of secret.

"What were those two reasons?" Arjun's astonished gaze turned into an attentive one.

"Even though Renu's brother isn't evil like her father yet he doesn't like me, because Renu have to live alone even after our marriage. So, going there I didn't want to create any hostility around Renu, especially when she was going through the pain of losing her father," Karenumati was living in Chedi as her entry was forbidden in Indraprastha.

Draupadi's father Drupad had asked a promise from Pandav brothers when Draupadi had to marry all five of them keeping Kunti's words. The promise was no Pandav brothers would bring his other wives at their city to live with Draupadi if they married second time in future.

In case of Subhadra, she had a close relationship with Arjun's family being Kunti's niece. Moreover, she was Krishn's sister. So, her case was an exceptional one. On the top of everything Subhadra had won Draupadi's heart to live with her.

"And the second reason was I didn't want to make Panchali feel guilty. I had gone to spend time with Renu many times, but this time it was different. Panchali would be guilty if she realised that the condition put by her father had distanced Renu from me, from her own family when she needed them the most," Nakul explained his helplessness over the situation he was stuck with.

"And you don't want Panchali to realise this, right?" They turned back to find Draupadi's presence.

"Panchali, you are here!" Nakul was tensed over Draupadi's presence at there.

"Am I this much heartless to prefer a condition to the pain of you and Renu? Is this your thought about me, arya Nakul?" Tears of hurt was visible in Draupadi's eyes.

"I am sorry, Panchali. I didn't mean that. We brothers had agreed to the condition of your father that no other wife of ours would come to live in Indraprastha, and I was just following the words I had given," Nakul couldn't find suitable reasons to console Draupadi with.

"My father had asked this promise for my happiness, and I couldn't be happy when any of my sisters had to suffer due to me. So, I have decided something," Draupadi took a pause before declaring her decision.

"What?" The trios asked.

"I want all my sisters here on my birthday. They will live with me here for forever. I freed all of you from the promise you all had given me on insistence of my father," Draupadi ordered with her signature attitude of being the queen of Indraprastha.

"I am sorry, Panchali!" Nakul apologized.

"I am sorry too, jiji!" Subhadra too followed him.

"You don't have to be sorry, Subhadra. I had realised the happiness of getting care and company of a sister after your arrival. If you hadn't gone to Chedi then this way of getting reunited with all other sisters would haven't come out," cupping Subhadra's cheeks with happy tears Draupadi hugged her, affectionately.

Two days later it was Draupadi's birthday. On that day Devika, Valandhara, Karenumati and Vijaya who were second wives of Yudhishthir, Bheem, Nakul and Sahdev had arrived to live in Indraprastha with their in laws for forever.

Everyone was so happy, and Subhadra was getting the credit of the happiness. Draupadi even had attention of her share enjoying the day in the best way ever possible.

That day Draupadi's year with Arjun got completed marking the beginning of first day of couple life of Arjun and Subhadra.

Long awaited moments of their lives were about to come along with the chance of reconciliation after all the rushes that had occurred in their lives.

So readers, here's the next part.

Now questions.

(1) Any fact did you like here?

(2) Any gesture to be commented?

(3) Any guess or expectation for next?

LAXMIPATI SHRI NARAYAN, please accept the positivity of my this work as an offering to you in name of all wellbeing of my LIFELINE.




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