10: he's just a teacher

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"I'll take you home."

Namjoon started pulling me forcefully. Before I could protest, I realized I'd walked a few steps ahead with him.

"Hey, wait!" Hoseok shouted from the back. He was probably shocked to see this happen all of a sudden. Namjoon did appear out of nowhere.

"It's okay. He's just my teacher," I managed to say as I was still being dragged by my arm. Namjoon wouldn't even look behind. How rude, and weird.

Hoseok stood there frozen in the spot, seeming awestruck, so I shouted again, "You can go home, it's okay."

"Okay...," He mouthed and soon I was out of his sight.

"Dude, what's wrong with you!" I couldn't keep silent anymore. I had to use my strength to get away from Namjoon's hold. "Why did you...,"

I trudged off, slowly rubbing my lower arm with my other hand where his grip was, till now. He watched me and his facial expression relaxed a little. "Did I hurt you?"

"What's wrong with you!" I avoided his question and asked it again. Was it really Namjoon in front of me? I'd never seen him like that before.

"No," Namjoon said in a calm tone. "What's wrong with you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Did you even know that guy?" He grimaced. "You were hanging out with a stranger!"

"I..., Wait, how did you know I was hanging out with a stranger?" I asked, suspicion rising in my mind.

Namjoon crossed his arms over his chest, seemingly irritated. "I saw Hyemi at college this afternoon, at that exact time you were supposed to be out on a date with her. So I asked her and she said she had classes till evening. And guess what? Yoongi saw you hanging out with a random guy today! I know you want to find someone, and desperately fall in love, but does that mean you can just hang out with people you don't even know?"

"He was Hyemi's brother."

"I'm sorry if I hurt you there, sorry if I'm getting overly involved now, but even if he is her brother, you only got to know him. There are all kinds of people in this world. You were out with him almost till midnight and this isn’t really a safe block!" He kept going on, and I didn't have anything to say in my defence, though he was getting on my nerves.

"Why do you care!"

"Because I don't wanna live with guilt if something happens to you. Rest of my life I'd think that I knew you could be in trouble but I didn't save you."

"Oh. That's why you were looking for me? To make yourself feel better?" I didn't know why I felt disappointed. Maybe, I wanted him to say that he cared. That would've been a better answer. He was an acquintance of mine, after all.

So, I started walking ahead before I'd actually hit him. "Selfish person."

"What selfish person? Don't you even care for your family Soomi? I'm sure they are worried sick now." His tone was calmer than before as he started walking behind me. "If my daughter hung out with a guy she didn't know until this late at night I'd actually get a heart attack."

"I'm not your daughter." I said, my words dripping with annoyance. "My mom is at work now and my brother still hasn't came back from the trip."

"Well, your dad—"

"I don't have a dad." I said without looking behind. "He left us when we were kids."

It was silent for a while, and I kept on walking ahead. I would've forgotten his existence if he didn't speak again.

"I'm sorry."

"Why are you following me?" I changed the topic, halting on my way then looking back at his face.

"I live in this neighbourhood." He stopped in his tracks and answered looking right into my eyes.

"We've crossed your place already and you're still here."

My eyes wouldn't budge from his stare. It was pretty late at night, and the neighbourhood was quiet with no living being out on the street except for us. I felt a cold breeze brushing past my body, making my loose hair run wild, so I tugged a few strands behind my ear.

There was a few feet distance between us and I didn't know what I'd suddenly felt. My heart was aching a little all of a sudden and I wondered why.

"If you get bored staying at home all day I'll spend time with you." He shoved his hands inside his pockets. Another gust of wind hit us making his soft hair brush against his forehead.

"Yeah. But why are you following me?"

"Because it's late at night and you're my student. I shouldn't let you go home alone like this." He shrugged with his shoulders.

I didn't say anything back and started walking again.


He was just a teacher.

A/n: i apologize for this chapter being so short, I still am a little sick but I hope you see that there's progression between Namjoon and Soomi's relation.

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