13: he was just being nice

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"You're here?" I asked Jungkook who was standing in front of my doorstep holding onto his bicycle, looking all ready to go somewhere.

So he had probably come with Taehyung who was inside, jamming over rap songs with my brother Jimin.

"Yeah," Jungkook said with a poker face on, standing still like that.

"You're not going inside?" I asked, moving aside from the door.

"Nah, I'm good." He shrugged dismissively. "I've been slacking off too much with hyungs. I should actually attend my classes today."

"You were waiting for me? Let me guess." I crossed my arms over my chest, making a face as if I was thinking hard to myself. "Your dumbass needs help with the things that you missed in class. Right?"

"Yeah." He gave me a huge toothy grin.

"Knew it." I started to walk ahead, he joined me, pushing his bicycle by his side.

"Do you even know there was a short test two days ago?" I asked next, making his calm expression waver.

"Eh? Really?" He licked his dried lip, glanced at me then glanced at the road again.

I found it so funny, seeing him terrified but I didn't laugh. Poor one had it hard already after scoring four out of fifty in our last quiz.

"Yeah," I stated. "I think you should talk to Namjoon after class today, and request him to solely take your exam."

He didn't seem to like the idea because if it was professor Choi, he would never agree, because Jungkook did slack off and he had to face the consequences. Although, knowing Namjoon, it was sure that he wouldn't be so hard on Jungkook.

"Don't worry, I'll accompany you after class," I said with a little sigh. Jungkook hummed in reply at first and later he asked me why.

"Just because." I took a moment to answer.

I had almost told him that Namjoon was like a friend to me.

When he wasn't.


"Go!" I gave a light push on Jungkook's back, whispering, though no one else was here except for us and Namjoon. "Talk to him!" I whispered again.

It was afternoon when the literature class was over, and everyone had left one by one already, Namjoon was leaving  too until Jungkook ran up to him.

"Um, Mr Namjoon!" He called out from the back, making him halt and turn back. In the meantime, I slowly crept up to Jungkook's side.

"Oh, you!" Namjoon made a face like he was trying to remember something. "You are-"

"I'm Jeon Jungkook," Jungkook replied hurriedly, Namjoon nodded at acknowledgement.

"You haven't been attending classes almost for a week now. There was a tutorial exam out of twenty five. That mark ought to be converted and seventy five percent of it would be added in the semester exam." Namjoon explained, I could see Jungkook breaking out in sweat already.

"Sir, I—"

"It's okay, I'll take your exam. Another student missed out on it since his mom was sick. I'll take his exam later this week so you can attend it too with him." Namjoon gave Jungkook a reassuring smile. "And no need to call me sir, please, Mr. Kim or Namjoon would be fine."

"Thank you so much, Mr Kim." Jungkook gave a short bow of gratitude even though he was still petrified.

"It's okay, it's no problem really. Fighting!" Namjoon cheered for him, then got ready to leave. "I'll get going, Jungkook, and, Soomi."

He glanced at us before going away.

That was... What was I expecting there? He did acknowledge me but why did it feel like I was invisible in his eyes?

All the time he had his eye on Jungkook, not giving me one bit of his attention— which was legit, because Jungkook was the one who needed to talk to him. Though until the end, Namjoon didn't look at me for once.

He felt so different unlike the other days.

"Yo, why are you stunned like this?" Jungkook pushed me lightly on the shoulders. "Did you fall for him too?"

"Yeah," I replied in a daze. "Wait, what?"

"You're just staring like— never mind. Mr Kim is so kind like— whoa, there I still feel so nervous. I never thought it would go this smoothly!"

"Yeah," I mumbled.

"He's amazing! But now I need help! I haven't studied at all this week; I never do study. You need to help me okay? Oi, are you even listening?"

"Yeah." I breathed out, realizing that we were outside. We had been walking while Jungkook was blabbering like that. It was surprising to me because I hadn't even noticed that we were walking until now.

I looked around while Jungkook unlocked his cycle that was lined up with the other bicycles outside. Suddenly something caught my eyes.

"Kook-ah, let me ride your bicycle." I looked away and focused on Jungkook.

"Why?" He questioned, furrowing his eyebrows. "I don't want to. Plus the gear hasn't been working properly since this morning."

"Just let me!" I shouted making him flinch a little. Seriously, why was I so annoyed?

"The gear changes randomly okay? You can even hurt yourself if you go up to fullspeed and knowing you, I can see that happening." Jungkook protested for the last time but I had already made my way to his cycle. "At least let me ride it?? You can sit on the carrier!"

"You know I don't like that? Sitting on the carrier, holding onto a guy's waist like it's some romantic fanfic." I shoved him aside.

"You're hopeless!" He threw his arms in the air, frustrated.

I didn't say anything and hopped on the bicycle. It was bigger and heavier than the one I had at home. My feet could barely touch the ground but I wanted to do something.

Something that could distract my mind from what I had just seen.

I started paddling slowly at first. When I got a hold of it, I increased my speed. I looked ahead breathing in and out. My long hair flying by my sides as the strong gusts of afternoon wind hit my face roughly, the sun dipping somewhere far in the horizon.

I was irritated, agitated, furious, everything that could possibly go with the term 'angry.'

What I saw back there was this girl stumbling, almost falling on the ground. Namjoon catching her before that could happen, smiling as he asked her if anything was wrong. Then walking rest of the way by her side so she wouldn't fall again.

He was a nice guy. Plus anyone would help someone from tripping and falling flat on their faces.

I would've done that too. But they were laughing, talking together and they looked nice. The girl seemed familiar too. She was probably from our class.

So Namjoon was like that to everyone. He was just nice to, everyone.

He was just nice to me.

I wasn't anything special. It was just him being nice and worried for a student. That was about it. I really wasn’t his friend, just like he had told me. He just wanted to help me because not only did I look like a damsel in distress (the girl trope I hated so much in fictions), but also because I was his student. I was temporarily under his supervision.

Suddenly I realized that the bicycle was going extremely fast in an unusual speed. I pushed the left break lightly but nothing happened.

There were a few people on the road and it was getting hard to control the bike. My feet couldn't properly reach the ground when I tried to stop it using my legs, instead I felt pain when my ankle hit the paddle, and before I had realized it, I had fallen by the side of the road with the bike on top of me.

It hurt. The bike was so heavy I couldn't push it off of me.

How could this happen? I'd always won in a bicycle race with Jungkook when we were teens.

"Gosh! You brainless girl!" Thinking of the devil, I saw Jungkook looking at me standing there with sweat dropping down his forehead as he huffed and puffed for air. I didn't know he was running after me all this time.

"Hi." I smiled at him apologetically, even though I was sure there was a good amount of cuts on my arms and legs.

He gave me an annoyed look then put his bicycle away. He helped me stand as I was grimacing in pain. It hurt everywhere.

"Are you okay?" He sighed, observing me from head to toe. "Forget it. Let's go to a doctor."

"You care for me? Aw!" I spoke, gritting my teeth to hide the pain as I held onto my knees.

"I care for my cycle. Look what you did to it!" He exclaimed pointing at his bike with his eyes. "You broke one of the breaks!"

Indeed one of the breaks were hanging there helplessly. Looking like it was struck by multiple thunderbolts.

"Yeah, sorry, I, ow!" I yelped in pain when I tried to walk with him. He came closer and took my arm, then he snaked it around his shoulder.

"Let's get to the doctor else Jimin might kill me."

I chuckled at him and we continued walking like that.

I was right. Namjoon was definitely just being nice to me.

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