8: what yoongi actually said

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Yoongi was standing by the door with a morbid look on his face. As he took a seat beside me, his muscles relaxed and his face became nonchalant again.

"You're wrong," he told Namjoon and then turned to me.

"I don't like you that way."

He was staring right into my eyes and those eyes of his weren't saying anything. I blinked fast, looking away to break off our staring competition but I couldn't say a word.

"But you said she was your type!" Namjoon sounded frustrated as he yelled aloud.

"Did I?" Yoongi shrugged. "I thought I'd said, 'she's low-key my kind.' Have I ever said that to anyone before?"

"Y-you did?" Namjoon looked like he was struck by an asteroid.

"That means I'm not interested in being friends with anyone. She's the first person I thought would be cool to be friends with, when I first saw her in the cafeteria."

Yoongi again turned to me and looked into my wide eyes. "I think you misinterpreted what I said. No, he did that." He pointed to Namjoon.

"And why would I like you? Aren't you a lesbian?" He added.

"What makes you think I'm a lesbian?"

Namjoon was trying to say something but I stopped him by throwing a question at Yoongi.

"Everything?" Yoongi cocked an eyebrow. "At first look you would seem like a normal tomboy but by observing closer you're definitely a lesbian."

"Elaborate," I demanded with sheer curiosity. Now I was actually eager to know why he thought that.

"The other day you saved that girl out of nowhere and in such a heroic way, it almost looked like you were trying to impress the girl."


Did I actually look like that?

"And today I saw you sending the entire pride flag, a rainbow heart to a girl. It wouldn't be right to assume she's your girlfriend, she could be a friend. It wouldn't have been right to assume you're a lesbian too but, you don't seem like you are interested in guys. What are you doing in his place early in the morning?"

"I'm only her teacher," Namjoon murmured.

"I'm talking here Namjoon." Yoongi gave him a glare. "So what I was saying, even judging by your outfit, if only your hair was cut short, I'd think you are a pretty guy. Girls your age at least uses some lip tint but you seem like you've never used makeup in your life. It's like the classic lesbian we have in TV showes. You have that aura, I feel it radiating from you. That you want to impress girls."

I waited awhile to see if he would say more, but he was silent so I spoke up, "Are you done?"

"Yeah. I'm tired talking too much." Yoongi made a face like he was annoyed.

"I've never seen him talk this much!" Namjoon said in a puzzled tone.

"I'm asexual." I said out of blue making them both look at me. "I think I am. So you are wrong!"

"Asexual?" Yoongi questioned back, furrowing his eyebrows.

"I clearly haven't gotten any kind of feelings for anyone before. It's true that I like girls and maybe, I wish I could like them that way. I haven't befriended many guys. My brother is only a year older and my mom brought us both up the same way. Probably, that's why I'm boyish."

"I'm sorry for assuming then," Yoongi uttered in a low voice. Even though his facial expression remained the same, his gravelly voice sounded strong and sincere. "I shouldn't have. People often assume I'm gay, and they're right. I honestly thought I found another friend like me here."

"You're gay?" Namjoon's voice was soft in a gasp. I was taken aback too and then I thought, it somehow made sense. Yoongi was gay.

The mint boy fingered the silver chain that dangled from his slender neck, down to his baggy black t-shirt that said 'fxxk off', and for the first time, he gave an expression that lasted longer on his face.

He gave a knowing look at Namjoon. "We should've both figured out back at 8th grade, when I told you my life-long crush was Seo Taji, not way later in college."

Namjoon heaved a small sigh, a smile slowly making its way to the corner of his lips. "I guess so. Congratulations Yoongi. I am quite dense, not to be able to realize it sooner."

"I just didn't show anyone I was stigmatized. That's why you didn't realize. Not your fault," Yoongi said back.

It was a nice moment between the two friends but then, my mouth did what it always did the best, which was blurring shit out. "At least one of us figured it out."

I thought, I saw Yoongi smile, almost.

"It's not cool to eavesdrop Yoongi," Namjoon added, after a few seconds passed by.

"What do you expect? Your house isn't soundproof, and your voice is extra loud on top," Yoongi deadpanned, looking the least apologetic.

Then he looked at me. "Maybe date the girl to find out if you're really a asexual or a lesbian, you do seem to like her."

"Which girl?" I raised an eyebrow.

"The girl you were texting."

"She's just a friend," I said, annoyed again.

"Then date him." Yoongi pointed to Namjoon with his eyes.

"What? Why?" We both shouted in unison.

"Why? You two look like you're in good terms," Yoongi jeered, the mocking tone never leaving his snarly voice. "I'm obviously joking."

"You're weird." I gave him a sharp look.

"Yeah, shut up," Namjoon chimed in.

Yoongi shrugged with his shoulder. "So are we good now?" He told me.

"You mean friends? Yeah." I showed him a fist, and he bumped his with mine. His skeletal ring almost leaving an imprint on my skin.

"Do you wanna go and drink this evening? To celebrate our newfound friendship?" I gestured throwing an imaginary glass in the air.


"No!" Namjoon shouted before Yoongi could finish. "Don't you have anything else to do Soomi? Go home."

Wow. Why was he being such a killjoy all of a sudden.

"I'm bored. No one's at home and I don't wanna spend another boring evening all by myself."

"Why are you protesting?" Yoongi asked, giving a judging look at Namjoon.

"Because you don't know what kind of stuff she can do when she's drunk!" Namjoon yelled making heat rush to my face immediately.

That's why, he was against the idea.

"What?" Yoongi looked at my face for an answer, then looked at Namjoon again.

"Nothing!" We both screamed making him flinch for the loudness.


"Ah! I can't do this anymore." Yoongi let his head fall on the table with a loud bang. "Soomi, I lose. You win. I just..." His tone became more distant with each word, as if he was slowing falling asleep.

While I smirked pouring another glass for myself.

"Will you stop now? Yoongi, are you okay?" Namjoon chided me before patted Yoongi's back with concern.

Yoongi didn't say anything and only showed a thumbs up with his head still down.

"Why don't you take a glass too teacher-nim?" I mocked. "Too afraid?"

"You're drunk Soomi." Namjoon looked away from the glass I was offering.

Now I got really annoyed. My conscience was as clear, as lucid as sun rays on a hot summer noon. I couldn't get why he was getting worked up by himself.

"Why are you even here? Do I look drunk? I bet, I can solve math questions even in this state. You—" I stopped and took my phone that was lying on the table, vibrating. "Oh, Hyemi texted me again!" I quickly tapped on the new messages from her.

"Where do you live? In this neighbourhood, right?" Namjoon asked but I wasn't looking at him. I was fully concentrated on my phone.

"What Yoongi said today, do you really think I should date Hyemi?" I ignored his question and mumbled to myself.

"Well, he said you should date me too. He's just crazy. Don't let what he says get it to you," his deep voice echoed in my empty head. My eyes were closed. 

When I opened my eyes, they landed on my phone's screen, and my heart fell to the pit of my stomach right the instant. Bile starting to rise in my throat.

"What the fuck have I done!" I screamed, making Yoongi jerk up from his position but then his head fell again involuntarily.

"What? Are you hurt?" Namjoon shouted back standing up from his seat.

"Oh my god I—" I gasped clasping my mouth as I still couldn't believe what text I'd just sent her. "I— I sent her a text, asking if she'd go on a date with me tomorrow!"

"What!?" Namjoon shouted again, making the bustling restaurant go quiet for a second.

Yoongi only showed a thumbs up saying nothing else.

"What do I do, I— When did I!" Panic rose in my voice.

"See! That's why I told you not to drink! You always do idiotic stuff like this!" Namjoon chastised, agitated at me.

"How do I delete this! Oh my God, she just.., she just texted me back!" My eyes went wide as I kept shouting.

"She said yes!"

A/n: yall thought yoongi had a crush on soomi like you got excited so much BWHAHAHAHA I'M LAUGHING AT YOUR ASS

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