Queen to Be

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I will become queen of the spirit realm. I can just feel it. Nothing is getting in my way.

"Ma'am?" One of the servants called from outside my door. Her family had been struggling to keep above debt, like most of the people who worked here in District A.

"Yes?" I answered, not bothering to look at the door. The room echoed as I placed

I fixed my necklace and the rest of the jewelry. I started smoothing out the small wrinkles in my dress as she called for me again. The maid let out a deep breath before talking, as if she were doing it to calm her nerves.

"Your grandfather wants you. He wishes to know why you refused all the maids' help."

I opened the door to meet her eyes. She practically trembled under my gaze. I almost felt bad for her. Almost.

"Irene! My sweet granddaughter." Grandfather exclaimed, hidden behind the shrunken servant. She scurried off to finish more of her many chores, keeping the house in perfect condition.

"Grandfather!" I exclaimed with him, running into his open arms. I pulled away, slightly disgusted at my fake enthusiasm.. "When are we going to the palace? I want to meet Third."

"We were supposed to be picked up by him, but he seems to be late. Per usual."

"What's the spirit like?" I asked, trying to get an idea of what I was working with. He frowned and let out a long sigh, holding the bridge of his nose.

"I believe you're asking for ability, it's omnisense, mind–reading, and..." He hesitated, "We don't actually know the third yet, but I can guarantee it's very powerful. Either that or his power is rebelling against the council-" A loud noise from outside stopped him from finishing.

"What was that?" I asked him, but only received an odd look, indicating he had no knowledge of the noise.

I marched out to find the source of the horrible cacophony outside. What I saw was a little boy holding a letter in his hands. He caught sight of me and handed it over, arms trembling. In a rush, I snatched it from him and scanned the page. Two words caught my eye.

"Rescheduling needed?" I asked in disbelief. "Does he think I'm going to wait another month?"

Grandfather crinkled his face and turned his head away, not wanting to meet my gaze. Angrily, I threw the letter back at the messenger and held my hand in my hands. He slowly stepped away and when he was far enough, he ran as far as his little legs could take him.

After collecting my thoughts and letting them fall into place, I finally had an idea. "I'm going to meet him there."

"I'm not sure that's-"

"A good idea?" I finished. "Don't worry. It can't be worse than what he's done." I stormed out the door and practically flew down the steps.

I'm not going to let him cast me aside. Nobody casts me aside.

A train came into view, it was heading to the palace. How convenient. The messenger boy caught sight of me and sprinted into the cabin. I rushed in after him and took his wrist, pulling him back until he fell onto a seat.

"You're going to take me there."

"Y-yes, my lady," he said, voice shaking. "But I have to warn you... the Third isn't in the best of moods currently."

The train pulled into the underground station and I quickly pulled the boy out of the car. As soon as he caught a whiff of the palace, he ran inside without me. The doors slammed shut, guards at the ready.

"What is this?" I asked, irritated.

"We were instructed to keep all visitors out. Third's consort should be arriving soon. I suggest you wait for the news at home like everyone else–"

"I am the consort!"

They looked at each other, asking silent questions with their eyes. Before they could escort me off the grounds, the gates opened again, revealing Second. He wore a golden suit of armor that seemed centuries old. Under his mask, a bright, large smile filled his face.

"Irene! We weren't expecting you so early." He peeked behind me. "Where is your escort? The guards won't be able to let you in without one."

The realization hit me and I dropped into a bow, "Forgive me. I was imprudent. The letter I received must have triggered my anger."

His smile dropped when I mentioned the letter, but quickly rose again.

"You are forgiven." He nodded at the guards who lowered their weapons and let me inside. Second led me down the halls lined with red carpets, past the vine-covered windows, and to a small room. He bowed to me, giving my heart a small shock.

"Hopefully, he is to your liking. If anything happens, report back only to me. Afterall, you are practically family."

"Y-yes," I stuttered out as he walked away. The footsteps echoed in the halls until he was out of sight.

Irene! Are you stupid? Grandfather was right. This was a horrible idea. Wyand could have gotten rid of me in a minute and Third in seconds!

The entire corridor was empty, giving off an ominous feeling. My fingers graced the intricate details of the door, then slowly pushed them open. The designs on the door were copied everywhere. The room had dim lights, not used in years. There was scattered furniture in the room, all of them draped with covers.

A shadow emerged from behind the cloth-covered dresser. Third.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," he started. His face finally came to the light, but quickly fell when he bowed. "Irene."

He looked back up at me, blue eyes gazing into mine. His brown hair perfectly matched his face shape. Taking a few moments to take it in, I realized he was looking at me weirdly. I was just staring at him and not talking.

"I'm sorry. I must have come off as strange to you. I heard you were in a bad mood or something along those lines."

"No stranger than everyone else," he assured me. "Don't worry about anything. After the ceremony, we won't ever cross paths. Meaning, you can live your life as a queen, and I won't intrude in your business."

"What do you mean we won't see each other afterwards?" I asked, stumped.

He basically laughed in disbelief at my words before looking at me straight in the eyes.

"I have no opinion in this marriage. Therefore, I despise you at the moment."

"I've done nothing to you!"

"My point exactly. I don't know you and based on your actions, I don't want to. So, read my lips. I don't like you."

He walked over to the exit and laid a hand on the designs. "Just a warning, don't ever do this again. Or else, I won't be as lenient. You're lucky you weren't here when I was in a state of rage."

He left me shocked and left the room, slamming the chamber door behind him. The residual wind blew dust into my eyes, adding to my irritation.

"That's where you're wrong. You haven't met me and you've made a grave mistake."

The corners of my lips tilted into a smile, as I marched out of the room. A strange feeling rose in my chest, feeding into my petty need for redress and vengeance.

"I haven't been rejected in two thousand years, and I'm not going to start now," I mumbled.

***Wrote this like a year ago, so there may be quite a few mistakes! If you find any, feel free to point them out!***


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