Chapter 2: Rescue of the One-Five (Part 1)

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In one of the most secure prisons on Sanctuary, many Arcadian soldiers loyal to the prince and his battalion were imprisoned there. Among the most notable of the prisoners was a woman with red hair and yellow eyes in a prison jumpsuit, and her cellmate was a woman with red-wine colored hair tied in a ponytail, who's also in a prison jumpsuit.

(Imagine them in prison attire)

These two were members of the One-Five, known by their names, Murata Himeko and Kafka Stellaron, who're both the analyst and assassin respectively.

In the cell next to them were a blue haired and white haired women with dragon horns in prison jumpsuits. They're also members of the One-Five; Ch'en and Talulah.

(Imagine them in prison attire)

Ch'en: Ugh, I can't believe that the empress was blind to that bastard's words!!!

Ch'en shouted in frustration, while Talulah could agree with her words as she remained calm.

Talulah: But with our current situation, we're sitting ducks until Jaune could somehow rescue us.

Ch'en: I know, but I'm worried that Jaune would be captured...

Kafka: There's no need to worry, Ch'en. Jaune will pull this through, no matter what.

Suddenly, the entire prison was shaken by a tremendous force, activating the alarms as the guards quickly armed themselves and see what happened.

As they got outside, they saw a large group of Republic Clone troopers, First Order Stormtroopers and Old Republic Troopers spearheading an all-out assault towards the prison complex.

However, it was the vehicles that posed a problem towards the prison complex, as they're being supported by AT-ATs (All-Terrain Attack Transport) and AT-CE (All-Terrain Command Enforcers).

At the forefront of the assault was a Clone commander wearing a modified Phase-II Clone armor with a Kama, utility belt and a right shoulder pauldron with maroon markings on his armor. This commander was feared among his subordinates and also his fellow clones, known simply as CC-1138, a.k.a Commander Bacara, leader of the 21st Nova Corps of the Galactic Marines.

Commander Bacara: Show no mercy to the Arcadian Guards!!

They began firing their blaster rifles onto the Arcadian prison guards, killing them on the spot as the heat of the blaster rifles cooked them internally from the extreme heat.

The Arcadian prison guards tried to return fire, but were gunned down by the combined forces of the Clone troopers, Republic troopers and Stormtroopers as they tried to get into their positions. It wasn't any better either above the air, as TIE Punishers dropped payloads of proton bombs and fired it's proton torpedo onto the prison's fortifications and anti-aircraft emplacements.

Not far away, three TIE Reaper Assault Shuttles landed behind the prison complex away from the battle and at a weak spot where the number of guards were lesser.  A group of clones in black armor with red visors exited the shuttle and began their assault, supported by 'Avalonia', now in darker armor with a red lightsaber.

The clone shadow troopers began shooting any prison guards, taking them off by surprise while 'Avalonia began cutting them down with his lightsaber.

Arcadian Prison Guard#1: Just who the hell are these guys?!?

They began blitzing through the defenses on the rear entrance of the prison, with 'Avalonia' using the force to push the guards away and destroying any automated defense turrets by force-crushing the internal mechanisms.

Among all of the chaos, the prison warden in the warden's office was panicking and under pressure. Today was supposed to be an inspection carried out by Bianca Arc, one of the few Arc sisters that stood with Nicholas.

To make matters worse, she's transporting in new prisoners with her today that were from the One-Five battalion, and with the current state that the prison was in, there could be a chance that they could capture the prisoners and take the princess as hostage.

However, he was interrupted by the sound of blaster fire and screams echoing through the prison complex. He pulled up on CCTV footage and saw a squad of Storm troopers with E-11 Blaster rifles advancing towards his office, gunning down any resistance from the guards in the hallways.

The Warden pulled out a M1911 from his desk, hoping to shoot down the first person that comes through the door. However, the door was sent flying towards him as he got out, which crushed him and killed him on the spot. At the doorway of the entrance was 'Avalonia', who've force-pushed the door a bit too hard towards the prison warden.

Avalonia: Whoops, must've pushed it a bit too hard...

He walked towards the Warden's desk, taking out a huge file binder that contains the prisoners that were loyal to Jaune (Arcadia) or his battalion, before exiting the room and entering the control room.

Clone shadow trooper#1: General Avalonia, we've managed to secure the entire prison complex.

'Avalonia': Good, what are the number of losses?

Clone shadow trooper#1: Half of the army was injured, through friendly fire by bombing runs by the TIE Punishers and 200 more killed by Arcadian prison guards manning the machine gun posts.

'Avalonia': We clearly need to redesign the TIE line soon if we want lesser casualties, like seriously though, why the fuck was the cockpit designed like an eyeball?!? You can't even see who's on your asses!!!

Clone shadow trooper#1: I agree, general. I flew one of those fighter's once, and they're borderline shit.

'Avalonia': We need to complain this to Shifter's father once we're done, but initiate phase 2 of the plan.

Clone shadow trooper#1: Yes, sir.


High above the planet of Sanctuary, an Arcadian ship was warping towards the planet, unaware of what happened earlier when Avalonia's forces appeared. The ship captain then told a battalion of soldiers led by Bianca Arc.

Ship Captain: Send down the prisoners. We can't delay the transport any further than the emperor intended.

Arcadian soldier#1: Yes, captain.

A transport ship flew out of the hangar bay and flew towards the surface of the planet. Unbeknownst to the people onboard the Arcadian ship, Avalonia's Executor-class star destroyer was observing it from a distance, though cloaked by jamming the Arcadian ship's sensor.

As the transport ship flew down to the prison, everything seems to be normal, at least for the prison. The defense turrets seemed to be destroyed by an attack and burn marks were visible on the ground and walls.

The transport ship landed right in front of the prison, with the boarding ramp lowering to reveal Bianca Arc and the Arcadian soldiers serving as escort for the princess and the prisoners, who were Lily Ironblood, Blade and Silver Wolf.

The prison guards soon let them in, as four of the prison guards escorted them to their designated cells.

Bianca Arc: I assume that an attack happened earlier?

Prison guard#1: Yes, your highness. The defense turrets will be online a few minutes later. Fortunately, none of the prisoners managed to get out.

Bianca Arc: What of the attackers?

Prison Guard#2: Repelled, and we've captured one of the soldiers as they fled. He's now being interrogated in one of the rooms.

Bianca Arc: I see. You may resume your post; we can take the prisoners to their holding cells.

Prison Guards: Yes, your highness.

Bianca and her battalion then led the prisoners to the One-Five's special holding cells. As they walked away, one of the Prison Guards, who're secretly the Clone shadow troopers, contacted Avalonia on him commlink.

Prison Guard#1/Clone shadow trooper#1: Sleeper-1 to Fake Warden, they've taken the bait.

Avalonia: Good, resume your post and wait for Phase 3's signal.

Clone shadow trooper#1: Yes, General.

Inside the prison complex, the Arcadian escort soldiers felt uneasy, as they passed by the guards. They kept an eye on the escorts and especially more on the prisoners, as if something was going to happen when they reached Kafka, Ch'en, Talulah and Himeko's holding cells.

Suddenly, the prison alarm went off for a moment, before the electronic cell doors were suddenly opened in the chaos.

All hell broke loose at that moment, as the prison guards began firing on the Arcadian escorts, killing them on the spot. Bianca and the prisoners could look on at the scene in confusion, but before she could retaliate, she was hit in the head by the prison guard's weapon.

The prison guards proceed to free the One-Five's restraints. 

Lily: Wait, what's going on?

Prison Guard#5: I think it's best that General Avalonia explain to the One-Five once we've managed to get every member to Fortress Chimera.

Silver Wolf: Who are you guys even? You don't seem to be the prison guards?

Prison Guard#5/Clone Trooper: You're correct on that one. I am not the prison guard but one of the few soldiers responsible for the assault on the complex earlier.

POV Switch: Assault Team-03

In a fortress controlled by the former Black arms and now by Nicholas' faction,  it was too quiet for the soldiers stationed there. There had been orders given by Nicholas himself to use the fortress to imprison three of the most wanted fugitives that had supposedly a hand in the gas attacks.

They already knew who they were, and locked them in cells that negates their abilities so that they won't use them to escape.

Arcadian Soldier#1: Hey.

Arcadian Soldier#2: Yeah?

Arcadian Soldier#1: Do you think Sergeant was right about the cells being able to hold the three prisoners?

Arcadian Soldier#2: What di you think?!? They can! They're designed by Jade herself to neutralize any magic wielders despite their mana or magic capabilities.

Arcadian Soldier#1: I know, but I'm talking about what would happen if the generator's suddenly shut down if we're being attacked.

Arcadian Soldier#2: Then the cells would drain their mana to maintain the cell's security until the generator's are back online- Wait, do you hear that?

Arcadian Soldier#1: Hear what?

In the background, they could hear jazz music playing above them, as if it was signaling the arrival of a threat.

As they looked up, they saw Jaune's personal starship and some sort of heavily armored robot approaching them at fast speeds.

The robot fired it's twin beam rifles at the two Arcadian soldiers, disintegrating them on the spot. However, one of the Arcadian Soldier spotted the machine and alerted the entire fortress immediately.

Shitfer/Full Armor Gundam: Well, our day just got even more harder...


(A/N: I do not own the images or characters used here. They belong to their respective onwers)

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