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I'm number 2 tho. Not sayin I hate his blonde or anything.



"Ok. So now the meeting has come to an end, my fellow politicians." Hoshi pushed his round glasses up his nose, coughing a little "Ahhh...I would have to go to the salon...I've lived over a hundred years of stresseu...and my hair has grown to be white."

"Shouldn't you be bald by then?" Chan corrected him. I glared at him secretly. Gosh, doesn't he have any other questions to ask?

"Chan! You do not speak to the Director that way!" Hoshi once again fixes his glasses, not being able to push them up his nose any higher. I don't mean to be offending or anythimg bit is his skin oily? His glasses just slides off his nose every time he pushes them up. It can't be. That little button nose is too cute.

Minghao coughed, "Back to the topic?"

"Ah, yes, the project," this time Hoshi was serious, taking off his round glasses as he does so "our grand finale. The concert to raise money to build a Children's Home!"


"Director-nim! How will you hire peroformers, the stage, E-T-C?" Asks Jun. Wait did he really say et cetera that way?

"For performers, we can perform by ourselves. Since we are all pretty much dancers. And since Chan has joined the group, it gets even better!" Hoshi grinned at the thought of it. He really is enthusiastic for this, huh? Well just for your information I am not a dancer. And I can't sing either so :\

"We'll think about others later," Hoshi continued.

I raised my hand, wanting to ask a question.

"When will the concert be held?" I ask.

"Ah, an interesting question I see." Hoshi smiled, he crossed his arms and leaned back "I'm expecting the concert to be held in autumn I suppose? By the end of summer? Yes."

We all nodded. I scribbled on my notebook, jotting down the important points of our new plan.

"Until then, my fellow politicians, you are dismissed." Hoshi stood up and we followed, all bowing.

"Psst, noona, what are politicians anyway," Chan whispered in my ear.

I knew the meaning but I couldn't explain it in some sort of way, so I just answered, "I have no idea," while receiving a derp face from Chan.

"Lia, come here for a sec," Hoshi called me, asking me to come with him. I followed, and reached a room where boxes were piled up, and Hoshi was basically digging into one of them to find something.

"Here it is!" He says with joy, a piece of white fabric in his hand.

"What's that?" I ask.

"Its our official shirt. Its supposed to be a T-shirt, to be honest," he sighed and continued "but I couldn't find any more t-shirts so all I have left is this XXXXXXXXL sized sweater."

I looked at him in a weird way, "Why did you even order an XXXXXXXXL sweater?"

"Because when I heard Minghao was joining I thought he was a big fat chubby boy," replied Hoshi, sighing. Well Soonyoung, you are wrong. Minghao is thin as a pin.

"Its okay though. I like sweaters." I replied, taking the white fabric from his hands "thanks!"

The meeting was dismissed, and Hoshi and China Line said goodbye to me, and Chan? Well, he stayed with Hoshi to talk about dance and how he can't live without his Michael Jackson albums and vinyls and songs and merchandise. This kid really is obsessed with MJ.

I went outside the building and took out my phone to give Seungcheol hyung a call.

"Honk honk hop in noona!"

I changed my gaze from my phone towards the car I'm front of me, the front windows were rolled down, and there was Hansol, looking at me with a look that I assume could kill thousands of girls, but not me though. God, I'm his noona okay.

"Is that supposed to be a pickup line or something? Because its like the worst thing I've ever heard my whole life." I say, cringing as I got inside the car.

Hansol looked at the boy who was sitting in the front seat and lightly shoved him, "I told you it was bad!"

"Well it wasn't my fault!" The boy replied.

I squinted my eyes, "Wait, so the pickup line wasn't yours?"

"No, I made that, me, Boo Seungkwan and I'm from Jeju," the boy named Seungkwan introduced himself fully in English. He leaned back a little and stuck his hand out, and I shook hands with him.

Cute how he says Jeju like Jey-Ju.

"My English beri high quality yes?" He asks again. I nodded, trying to hold in my laughter.

"You can stop with the English now man," Hansol sighs, hitting the gas pedal. I slammed against the backseat, my head hurting.

"Are you even legal enough to drive?!" I shouted at him.

"Well yeah I guess." Hansol replied, speeding the car up to 100km/h. Dude. Slow down.

Trying to calm myself down, I turned to Seungkwan, "I'll call you Seungkwan okay? You're from Jeju, yes?"

Seungkwan nodded, "Yeah! And my mother's cooking is the best!" He grinmed, beaming proudly. He really loves his mother yeah??

"You're in the same school as Hansol?" I ask again, getting a nod from Seungkwan "how's he like in class?"

Hansol groaned, "God, don't start."

"He's very.....uh..." Seungkwan eyed Hansol from up to down while trying to find the right words.

".....very low quality."

"Yah!" Hansol hit the brakes harshly when we reached the red light.

"Can you not?! I'm trying to talk to Seungkwan here?" I shouted at him. My head just slammed against the front seat this time. Great. I wonder if I'll make it home without getting bruises.

"He's very good at English," comments Seungkwan. Well duh. He's like, half English so.

"Pfft of course I slay bruh," Hansol says smugly, raising an eyebrow. Though that's true I'm not proud of you.

My eyes perked up, remembering the news about their school burning down. What happened anyway?

"Anyway, your school burnt down?" I ask again.

"You didn't watch the news?" Seungkwan asks me back.

I rolled my eyes, "I was at work okay. How did it burn down?"

"We heard the juniors started it," replied Hansol, glancing at the rearview mirror "some kid was stupid enough to camp inside the school and startd a campfire and it burned down."

Wait they made a campfire inside the school?

Oh. Well. Let me just say that the kid was a genius.

"Why were they even camping in the school anyway?" Seungkwan asks and pulled a face "they've got beds at home. Bunch of ungrateful morons."

"Yah, they were gonna steal the exam sheet answers, that's why." Added Hansol. Seriously? Stealing exam sheet answers? That's like so last year. People don't even do that anymore right?

So there was a fire. These kids are lucky. Why didn't I get a holiday when my school burnt down?

But honestly, how could Chan be so happy about the fire like, he could get eaten by the fire. And die. And no more aegyo towards Lia noona anymore :(

"Oh and Vernon, can you stop by the shoe store before we go home?" I ask, leaning to the front.

"What, you wanna buy heels? Noona don't even try. I'll record the day you wear them because you're gonna trip anyway." He snickered. This kid is seriously lucky he's driving, if he wasn't I would be pulling his hair out of his scalp by now.

"You shut your mouth you're the one who needs to buy shoes so stop wearing velcros." I huffed.

"But I only got a few dollars so-"

"My treat. Now drive."

"But I love velcr-"


• • • •

We ended up going home anyway, because the shoe store was closed for today. Why was it closed anyway?

And remind myself to never ride a car which is driven by Hansol. Ever. I will sue him for driving illegally.

"Where's Jeonghan?" I ask, looking around the house for him. The red liquid looked like it was cleaned just slightly, leaving light coloured red stains on the floor. He really doesn't know how to clean properly huh?

Hansol snickered, "I thought you hated him?"

"I'm just asking," I shot back, annoyed.

"Maybe he and Seungcheol hyung went out for a while." Hansol says, leaping onto the sofa. Is this his life every single day?

I climbed up the stairs to my room and tried on the sweater. Maybe it was just too oversized...

The neck was wide, nearly exposing my shoulders. And it was low, under my collarbones, so fully exposed. The sleeves were fine, a few inches longer than my hands, and the length was down to my thighs.

I kind of regret accepting this sweater now.

How did Hoshi even have the thought that Minghao would be this big anyway.

"Hansol? You asleep?" I called him, throwing my sweater in the washing machine.

"Noona! Help me with homework please!" He called back.

"Nope! You're just gonna tell me to do the whole thing!" I yelled. He thinks I don't know one of his old tricks? Ayyyye this is a classic trick Hansol.

"Noona I'm serious!"

"Still not gonna help!" I yelled again, closing the door to my room. I jumped on the bed and grabbed the book and started reading.

"Dang it," I muttered, the book dropping onto my face as I sighed "I forgot to press the wash button."

I felt sleepy somehow, and I was too lazy to go downstairs just to press the 'wash' button on the washing machine. Probably someone's gonna press it anyway. Perhaps Seungcheol hyung would notice.

So I drifted off to sleep.

• • • •

"Lia! Wake up!"

I heard the voice call me, followed by a knock on the door.

"Yeah hold on," I replied groggily, rolling out of my bed. God, why do I always have a headache after waking up.

"Whaddup hyung? You're home," I say, opening the door to see Seungcheol hyung, and Jeonghan standing beside him. They really are going to get married aren't they. (But then again this is a Jeonghan fanfic)

"You forgot to press the wash button didn't you?" Seungcheol hyung reminded me. I totally forgot about that. Plus, I slept.

"Well I actually remembered but I was too lazy to go downstairs and press it though." I grinned.

Jeonghan snorted, "Lazybum."

"I wasn't talking to you." I retorted. Jeonghan just shrugged and turned his back against me. He probably just flipped his hair and walked away.

"Anyway, you should go and get the dry clothes. Jeonghan already did the laundry and hung them, so I'm probably guessing they're dry enough." Seungcheol hyung smiled and ruffled my hair "go wash your face, you look puffy."

"We all look horrible when we wake up," I rolled my eyes.

"Not me," Hansol interrupted as he passed by. Yeah right. But its actually true though, to be honest.

I washed my face as I was told to and tied my hair up. It was almost evening, that time of the day when it feels peaceful to sit on a roof. I've never done that though. Well I did - always - with Jisoo.

The clothes that were hung to dry in the backyard was like, a whole lot of clothes. These are all Jeonghan's right? Seriously? I don't even have these much clothes!

"Aish seriously." I muttered under my breath. It took me like half an hour to take all those clothes inside, forming two huge mountains on the floor. But hold on. Where's my white sweater though? I'm probably sure he washed it with his laundry too.

I dug underneath the piles of clothes, and found a piece of blue slash red-stained fabric. It had a familiar logo. The same one on my sweater that Hoshi gave me.

Did the sweater just got stained because of the mixed colours?

"Jeonghan!" I yelled, gripping the sweater tightly in my hands, forming cripples on the sweater.

He wad the one who did the laundry right? Seungcheol hyung said so. He did his laundry with mine. What was he thunking?!

"What?" He came running.

"Do you not know how to do laundry? Who would even mix the whites and blacks? Do you not know what's gonna happen if you do that?" I sighed, holding the sweater in my hands. Its blue stained. With little specks of red and white. Great. Why didn't anyone tell me we were going to celebrate the Fourth of July?

"Why do you even mix my clothes with yours? Don't do that!" I half-yelled. Why is he so clueless about this? Well yes of course I put my clothes first in the washer but can he just not- ugh???

"Its my first job and I was so happy about this and- look! This happened. What if Hoshi gets mad at me?" I snapped.

"Wait so that's yours?" He asks, pointing towards the sweater in my hands.

I was about to reply but because I was so frustrated at him I stormed off to my bedroom, walking past Jeonghan. I couldn't. I just couldn't anymore.

Hoshi gave me that sweater for work! What if he gets mad at me for staining the sweater? What if he expels me? He's pretty strict when it comes to work, I swear. He was scary when I watched him teach Chan dance.

I closed my bedroom door and leaned against it. I stayed there for a couple of minutes, just quietly staring into space. I just didn't know how to express what I feel. I'm not that mad, I'm a little frustrated, but with all those feelings mixed up I didn't know what to say to him.

I wanted to cry but it doesn't makes sense, right? Crying over something as small as this was just something to laugh at. I cry when I'm mad.


I heard a faint voice from outside my door, followed by a soft knock. I quickly wiped those tears away with my sleeve before they fell. Hell, you are not going to cry over this Lia.

"Lia, come out, your hyung is worried about you. He heard your yelling." The voice continued, knocking on my door.


I decided to ignore him though, and just sat there, legs spread on the floor.

"Fine. If you're not going to open the door, I'll just talk to you this way yeah?" I felt him lean against the other side of my bedroom door outside, sitting on the floor like how I am now. Please tell me this isn't Frozen.

"Look, first of all I'm sorry for ruining that sweater. And in case if Hoshi scolds you, call me. I'll explain everything. I promise you I'll make up for it and buy you a new sweater some time."

"And second, I never really do my laundry so you might wanna have to teach me. Can you? Please?"

"I'll do you a favor. Brush your hair, yeah?"

I wanted to laugh all of a sudden. He is obsessed with brushing people's hair.

For some reason he's really good at calming people down. I don't understand my on-off moodswings either.

"Lia? You there?"

"What? Yeah."

"God, I thought you weren't gonna talk to me again." I heard him sigh in relief, a trail of laughter at the end.

"I would like to do that if I could." I chuckled.

"Can you open the door now?"


"I brought your favorite food.

"Fine I'll open it. But just because you have food." I sighed. That escalated quick enough. I opened it because of food anyway. The food okay the food.

I opened the door but I stopped halfway and closed it again, "Wait, how do you even know- Wait are you okay? Oh my god!"

Big mistake, Lia.

Jeonghan's hand got stuck at the gap between the door as I tried to close it again, and I'll admit, it looked like he was dying when he screeched in pain. I immediately open the door again to free his hand.

"I'm sorry!" I yelped, catching his hand.

But honestly, his face was so hilarious. He should've seen himself. And I feel bad like I'm doing the wrong thing, but I started laughing like crazy. Gosh, nice timing laughter.

"Why are you laughing when I'm in pain? It hurts a lot you know!" Jeonghan whined, holding his right arm like he broke it. He looks so helpless right now I seriously cannot-

"Yah! Go get a bandage or something!" He whined again. God, chill. Its not like you broke your hand in two or bruised your arm. But I'm pretty sure there's a bruise though.

I finally sighed, "Alright, I'll go get some treatment stuff." I got up to leave, but Jeonghan caught my hand before I went out of my room.

"Can we make a deal?"


"Promise me that you'll let me brush your hair next time yeah?" Jeonghan asks, grinning. But his grin faded a little and he turned embarrassed "not like I'm girly or anything, it just became a habit."

"So, promise?" He stuck out his pinky. Jeonghan please, you're not a five year old. That's just your mental age.

I linked mine around his anyway and smiled, "Sure."

"And Lia?"


"There were a few of your other clothes that got stained too..."



Lmao so okay its a late update, sorry. I have pressure going on here. My exams are coming up next week so wish me luck! <3

Anyways, thanks for the reads and votes and comments guys! I love you guys so much ahahaa

Oh and seventeen on ISAC were manly af lol.

- Cee

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