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author: this fanfiction story is based off of art work on deviantart by hyunhon under the same title as the story. I loved their art work and asked to do a fanfiction story based on it.

Sam: I still can't believe that you killed me.

Phantom (angrily holding an energy blast in his hand): you better find a way to fix this.

author: don't worry........I think that people might be a bit surprised at what I did.

Sam: but you still killed me.

Phantom: don't worry Sam if I have to I will invoke the powers of God to bring you back.

author: I claim no rights or don't claim to own any of the characters and stuff featured on Danny Phantom or its series. This fanfiction story is completely my own idea.

Special Keys: "regular human speech", 'thinking', *mental speech*, 'written notes/letters', italic - angelic speech, bold - demonic speech, {other languages}


Once Phantom unleashed his true form, he flew at full speed at Plasmius and Walker.

Enough is enough! I will not allow you to kill anymore humans! Phantom snarled angrily. His life mate was gone. He could no longer feel the bond that they once shared. Her light was forever gone. Phantom attacked Walker and Plasmius viciously as the dark angel seemed more powerful than ever before. Phantom felt as if all hope was lost as he had lost the one person he loved more than anything else, the one person whom had changed his life forever. Suddenly a bright white light filled the area that blinded everyone. Phantom could feel someone tap him on the shoulder calming down his anger and rage.

*All hope is not lost my dear Phantom. I will not allow your life mate to die that easily. She shall be reborn as a dark angel. So calm yourself Phantom, you are not alone in this fight.* stated God. Phantom could feel himself transforming back to his normal form before the light finally dimmed. Standing by his side was a male angel with large white wings. He had medium to the shoulder length silver Grey hair as he wore a pair of black glasses over his sapphire blue eyes. He wore a Grey spandex body suit with an open white skirt held up by beige scarfs. Around his neck he had a maroon cape and a pendant of a white angel wings hanging from a black cord. He had on full length white gloves and boots that stretched up half of his lower arm and leg. In his hands he held a very long transparent sword on a red hilt with the blade's base, black demonic wings. The angel smiled at Phantom as the dark angel seemed to know whom this angel was.

My lord? he asked in question.

So we finally meet face to face at last my dear Phantom. God stated before he turned to the attacking angels and demons whom all looked at him in fear. As for those whom thought that they could take over the human world by killing off humanity, you have another thing coming. stated God. Phantom shall we show them what happened when they defy Heaven's laws? asked God as Phantom smiled nodding his head yes. Phantom and God stood side by side with their weapons crossed. In their free hands both God and Phantom began to summon forth their power combining it in one blast. Both Phantom and God unleashed the blast as it hit both Walker and Plasmius hard killing them both. With their leaders gone the attacking angels and demons didn't stand a chance against God and Phantom. Both God and Phantom flew attacking the angels and demons slashing at the remaining one whom had not fled with their weapons. Soon it was all over as the demons and the angels laid scattered among the humans that were killed. God created a blinding light as all of the bodies vanished from sight...........all except for Sam's. When the light dissipated, Phantom flew to Sam's side as he picked up his life mate in his hands holding her close. Tears streamed down his face as God walked over to the two. God knelt down by Phantom's side placing his hands onto Sam. God spoke in an ancient language as his powers flowed into Sam. {For the bravery you have shown, the gentle nature you have shared, and the kindness you have shown to others, I will allow you Samantha Manson to be reborn as a dark angel much like your life mate Phantom.} stated God. Phantom could feel the bond that he shared with Sam returning as life was breathed back into Sam. Sam slowly opened her eyes as they had a light glow to them.

".........Phantom.............?" she asked weakly. Tears streamed down Phantom's face.

"Its all right Sam, you will be all right." he stated softly as God rose to his feet. Phantom looked up at God. Thank you my lord. he stated bowing his head.

There is no need for you to thank me my dear Phantom. Now you shall never be alone again as you will always and forever have Sam by your side for all eternity. replied God before he turned to the three allies whom have helped Phantom. Ember, Penelope, and Wulf knelt down onto one knee before God. Please rise you three. I thank you for helping my soldier in stopping both Plasmius and Walker from their plans. Wulf even though you are a demon, I shall allow you to either come back up to Heaven with us or remain in Hell. The choice is yours. Penelope and Ember no words can ever thank you for your help. stated God.

{Lord with your permission I would like to see if I can straighten out Hell. With Plasmius gone, I feel that it will only be a matter of time before the demons attempt to try this again. I feel that I could change them and make them understand that we are all your children despite our appearances. I do not wish for another war to happen ever again.} stated Wulf. God much like Phantom had no language barrier as he understood Wulf's words clearly as it seemed the demon understood what God had said.

Then by all rights, I name you Wulf the new leader of Hell. With in time there shall be peace among all of the races including my demonic children. stated God as he used his powers to send Wulf back home to Hell.

My lord if I may speak? asked Ember.

Please speak Ember, what troubles you my child? asked God.

Could you use your powers to allow humans to know the truth of our existance. There are a few that all ready know as they helped us in whatever way they could. stated Ember. God looked over at Phantom as he helped Sam back up to her feet as her friends rushed to her side hugging her. Phantom smiled simply as a few of them hugged the dark angel. Phantom at last seemed at peace.

Very well Ember, I shall do what you ask of me. must speak with your life mate's family before you both leave back up to Heaven. The transformation into a dark angel shall happen to her shortly. God stated before he, Penelope, and Ember flew back up to Heaven.


author (cheers): more chapter left. I hope you guys enjoyed the story!

Sam: I can't believe that you are having me become a dark angel. What was going on in your mind when you came up with that?

author: well since you were Phantom's life mate, I felt that if I killed you and you were reborn thanks to God that you will become a dark angel. I couldn't clearly have Phantom become human.

Phantom (angrily): but now she has to say farewell to everyone she knows on Earth.

author: I wouldn't be so sure of your self Phantom. I have been known to pull one over on people before. You think you may know what I am planning but I turn around and do the unexpected.

Sam: much like my death.

author: exactly! I think everyone will be pretty much happy with the way that I will end this story. I want to thank hyunhon for allowing me to do this story and all of my readers and reviews that I have gotten.

Phantom: so stay tuned guys as the last chapter will be up shortly.

Sam (waves): bye for now and don't forget to leave your comments and reviews!

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