Chapter 2~Underground

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2nd. POV

Nothing. That was all you could see. Nothing.

It took you long to realize that you weren't dead. That you had your eyes closed.

With a groan you opened your eyes, shielding them with your hand when you were meet with light shining through the hole.

Right... The hole. You almost forgot that you got banished.

You looked at your back and a smirk formed on your lips seeing that you still had your wings. They were black now instead of white but you actually liked them more that way.

With a laugh you spread them and took of into the air.

A short gasp left you as pain spread through your wings and an unown force pulled you down back into the flowers you fell on. You just noticed they were there, but you were glad they broke your fall.

So he wasn't this stupid... He left you with your wings, mocking you. You were so close to getting out, yet so far.

You growled under your breath and slowly rised up to your feet. You looked down at what you were wearing.

As you expected no comfortable leggings and shirt for you. Just a plain, white dress. It's not like you hated it, it was pretty comfortable, but how were you supposed to survive here with that on?! least you weren't naked.

You looked around, trying to spot a way out of this 'room'. You managed to see a corridor leading who knows where. Still, it was better than nothing.

Before deciding to go you looked at the hole, then your wings, then back at the hole. Worried, you flapped your wings and slowly started to float above the ground. As you predicted, after only few seconds you felt sharp pain in your wings and you fell on the floor again.

Standing up you growled madly, your hands curled up into fists. You took deep breaths and counted to 10, trying to calm down. You decided it was time to see where the corridor will lead you.

You looked at your wings again. With them I will look too suspicious... You sighed and tucked them as close to yourself as you could. Concentrating your mind you felt them dissapear, replaced by a tatto of them. Close enough...

With your head high, you slowly made your way through, looking around and carefully took every step. You knew that HE might be watching. You won't give him the satisfaction of seeing you broken and scared.

It took you really long time to see the end of it. There were few puzzles but you got through them without difficulties.

You found yourself in a clearing so big a whole house was there!

You carefully walked to the door and knocked lightly.

No answer.

You tried again.

Still nothing.

You tried to open them and to your surprise they were open!

You walked in but seeing it empty made you feel more relaxed.

Looks like no one is living in it yet...

You decided to explore a little, maybe there was a way out.

You found a suspicious looking staircase leading to...the basement?

You decided to go there and you were meet with long, purple corridor. At the end was a door. Big one with weird symbol on it.

You pushed them open and you were meet with a beautiful view. A forest covered in gentle yet cold snow with a path in the middle. From the sky or should I say the ceiling small, delicate snowflakes danced, falling down.

You didn't have much time to stay in awe as the door closed behind you with characteristic sound of door being locked. A cold wind flew around you, making you shiver in cold.

But how? You had very high resistance to temperature...unless...OF COURSE! HE HAD TO TAKE IT AWAY! He wanted to see you die from the cold... To see you beg him to get back.

Well he won't see it cuz you would rather die than do it!

You wanted to curl your wings around you, but it would be to dangerous so you just took off running, your bare feet leaving footprints in the snow.

As you ran, you frantically looked around, hoping to see something you could put on you.

As if the world decided that it was cruel enough today, from one of the tree branches hanged a coat.

It wasn't the newest, but it would be enough to slow down your freezing to death.

You screamed as the tree branch moved, revealing that it was in fact a monster and those were it's horns, not branches.

-Finally!-it said and you noticed it looked very similar to a reindeer. You also noticed that it's horns were covered in many different things and looked almost like a Christmas tree. you want me to help you get those things off your horns?-You said shyly, thinking that its why the monster looked so happy when you took the coat.

The reindeer looked at you with shining eyes and you smiled, starting to take those things off from his horns.

It wasn't long until they were clean. The monster grunted happily and thanked you, before running into the forest.

You smiled to yourself and went back to going down the road.

You stopped seeing a bridge over a hole. It looked like someone tried to block it out but failed.

You wanted to go through but weird, blue power picked you up.

-What are you doing here human?! And how do you have so high L.O.V.E?

You gulped. Looks like a monster saw right through you...well almost as you weren't fully human. You just looked like it.

You sighed, ready to face whoever caught you.

"When all the love around you is dying-"

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