Chapter 23~ Feelings?

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You slowly opened your (e/c) eyes, sun shining down on your sleepy face. You blinked a few times, before sitting up and stretching yourself. You let out a yawn, letting your eyes wander around the room.

It wasn't your room, but it felt strangely familiar.

Your eyes stopped on a wall, well more like where the wall should of been, as in it's place was a giant window.

You untangled from your sheets and walked over to it, your bare feet touching the cold floor.

A city. With a mountain visible from behind the houses, looking giant, even when being so far away.

You recognized this place.

The dream you had long time ago, when it was only your first week at Gaster's house.

You looked around abd found a pair of nice, warm slippers besides your bed.

You put them on and then opened the door, walking out of the room.

You carefully walked down the stairs and just as you expected, you heard a voice.

"Hi mum"

You turned around, expecting the faces to be non visible somehow, as if they were hidden by a mist, but you were met with two skeletons you grew to love so dearly.

The thing was, they weren't children anymore, instead already adults, Papyrus being very tall and Sans being the short one.

"Hi boys!" You smiled at them, already liking which direction this dream was taking.

The skelebros walked away, seemingly to the kitchen and you were left in the living room.

You looked around the room, taking in the nice and comfy, but not too luxurious design of everything.

In one word. It felt homely.

A sudden shiver went down your spine when two strong arms wrapped around your waist and a deep voice called out to you.

"Hello love~"

You melted into the touch, your body leaning on the chest of the person behind you.

You immiedietly noticed the bones and realized who it was. But what caught your attention even more was the fact that, on one of bis fingers, was a ring.

You glanced at yours and surely enough, you also had one.

You felt him put his head in the crook of your neck, his warm breath sending another shiver down your spine.

"Sans and Papyrus went out with Undyne and Alphys-" He started to speak again, one of his hands slowly sliding down your waist and then thigh.

"What do you say that we have some fun?" He whispered in your ear, your face turning red immiedietly after.


You woke up with your face red and your eyes widened.

That dream sure was... Something.

You sat up, putting your head on your knees as you desperately tried to ignore the butterflies in your stomach that you felt throughout the it.

It can't be THAT, I'm sure this dream had some other explanation...

Who am I kidding?! What other explanation can a dream where I was married to Gaster be?!

I am hopelessly in love, aren't I?

Does he even like me that way?

Your thoughts raced, making you feel dizzy.

"Ugh! I need to go clear my head..."

You quickly dressed yourself and walked down, the others being still asleep.

You left a note on your door as you didn't want to worry your family and then took your coat, heading out on the snow.

Spreading your wings, you flew up, closing your eyes.

You took a deep breath and headed to the Waterfall, the only place except New Home where the temperature wasn't too hot or cold.

You flew around for some time, clearing out your head and calming yourself down.

"Toriel said that if I ever want to visit, her doors are always open. Maybe I should talk with her about it..." You said to yourself, sitting at the top of one of the waterfalls, your feet hanging off of the edge.

"That could work."

You decided that you didn't have any better ideas and she would probably be happy about you visiting.

With that now in mind you flew back to the house to bake some cookies to bring.


You took the cookies out of the over, taking in the delicious smell they had. You put them outside for few minutes to cool off and then put them on the counter, taking a few of them into a nice bag to bring to Toriel.

You heard footsteps and turned your head around to see Gaster walk in.

"What is this delicious smell?" He asked and his eyes fell upon the cookies you left on the counter.

"I decided to go visit Toriel today and thought that she might enjoy some cookies. Those on the counter are for you and the kids. Just don't eat them all!" You smiled and then moved, letting him take one of the baked goods.

You took your coat and walked out, heading towards the castle.

What you didn't know is that Gaster happened to also went to the Royal pair, just to Asgore and not Toriel.

He got to the palace faster as he teleported, instead of walking there like you decided to do.

He started the talk with business and core stuff, so Toriel decided to go play with Asriel, as she didn't want to interrupt anything.

Then with his nonchalance and ability to bend the conversation towards what he needed or wanted, he filled Asgore in with his new found feelings towards a certain angel.

You on the other hand didn't try to smoothly tie it into the conversation.

Instead when you and Tori sat down and started to eat the cookies, you immiedietly told her about the feelings and dream, the Queen listening carefully to what you were saying.

Both the Queen and King couldn't help but laugh at how clueless the two of you were about your feelings towards each other.

"You love him/her!" They said watching as blush spread on your and sciencists face.

Both of you already knew about it, but both of you also tried to deny it, feeling like you weren't good enough for the other.

Hearing it from other person however, made the feelings bust out from the cage both of you were keeping it in, not letting you ignore them again.

Both of you stayed for some time after that, you still thinking that Gaster was at home.

And when both of you left, Toriel and Asgore sat down together and just laughed, betting on how long it would take for both any of you to finally make a move and try to confess.

"I say a month." Toriel suggested, taking a bite out of the cookie you baked.

"I say three weeks at most." Asgore countered also taking a cookie.

"The looser has to do what the other says for a week." Toriel said, already sure about her winning.

"Deal!" They shook hands, sealing the agreement.

Meanwhile you came back home and found Sans and Papyrus on the couch with Gaster, who was reading to them.

"Mind if I join?" You asked, leaning on the door frame with a grin on your face.

"Well I can't say no to a lady, can I?" Gaster chuckled, moving slightly so there was room for you on the couch.

You smiled and sat down besides him, picking Papyrus up and letting him sit down on your lap, so he could see the pictures in the book better.

This was one of the moments you will cherish forever.

Nothing to worry about, no more war, no more fighting and competition.

It was just you, your kids and the man you just so happened to be madly in love with.

It was perfect.

A life of your dreams.

One you wouldn't give up for anything.

"Fallen angel, close your eyes-"

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