Chapter 27~ A broken soul

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You were sitting on one of the counters, your feet dangling off of the edge, swinging casually as you watched Gaster work on a machine that you couldn't really name, nor tell what it could be doing.

He had waken you up earlier today and said that he will be taking you to his lab to do something about the feathers falling out and thus here you were.

You studied him as he worked, which was definitely not checking him out, catching small details like how his eyes twinkled whenever something worled correctly or how he bit down on his, non existent, lip whenever he was doing something that needed precision.


"Aaaaaaaand done! It should work correctly now." He called out to you, fixing his lab coat.

You watched as he turned on the machine, eyes sparkling with curiosity as you starred at the whirl of colors that appeared inside the tube.

Soon the colors died down and the machine displayed something on a small screen besides it. You didn't really understand why it wrote 'soul not located', but it seemed like it was what the thing was supposed to do as Gaster smiled triumphantly.

"Everything works just as intended. We can start." He announced, turning to you with a happy smile.

You smiled back, giving him a small nod as he opened the tube, letting you step inside it.

You walked in and your wings sprouted from your back, the machine having enough space to contain them without you having to press them against your body.

You gave Gaster a nod and he closed the tube, going over to the control panel to turn on the process.

You should be scared, standing in a weird machine that you have no idea how it works. But you weren't. You trusted Gaster and if he built the machine, then you had nothing bad to worry about.

The machine whirrled quietly as the process begun and the colors that you saw before started appearing around you, circling your body, keeping close to where your soul would be.

You took a deep breath, watching the colors and occasionally glancing at your lover, who was preoccupied with the screen, tho he did glance at you from time to time to give you a calming look.

You watched his expression change when the machine started displaying the results and from the look he had, it wasn't good.

The colors quickened and their laps around the tube started to be more chaotic, even being close to flying straight through you.

They suddently synced with each other and just now you noticed that the colors were the colors of the souls traits a human can have.

They flew straight through you and then disappeared as more results started to show on the screen.

A pain shot through the place where they hit you, your breath getting stuck in your throat.

Seeing that Gaster quickly turned the machine off, rushing to you, opening the tube and then helping you out. The results being gone with the proces being cut without being finished.

"Are you okay?" The softness of his voice calmed you a little as you slowly nodded, holding onto his lab coat.

"This wasn't supposed to happen! The machine was simply supposed to identify your trait or traits and then make a scan of your soul, but all the colors disappeared..." Gaster cursed under his breath before picking you up and helping you sit down on the counter again.

"(Y/n) when was the last time you checked your soul?" He asked softly.

You shrugged, trying to remember. "When... When I finished the angel training. The reward for finishing it and becoming an official one was an additional soul trait. After that I never really checked..." You spoke, shivering slightly at the memory of the training.

Gaster nodded, his expression not changing from the worried look that he had.

"As I feared... Do you know how to summon your soul? I need to see it." He spoke, his mind wandering to what he read in that book from the library.

You nodded and closed your eyes, your brows furrowing as you concentrated on your soul.

A small glow made you open your eyes and both you and Gaster watched as your soul appeared.

And yet instead of the bright (soul trait color 1) and (S/t/c/2) (which can't be determination. Sorry guys but it's for the plot!) which always shone brightly, your soul was grayish color.

You gasped quietly, looking at the heart floating in front of you.

At least it wasn't cracked, which was only a slight reassurance.

"I think we know what is causing your feathers to fall out." Gaster said quietly, his eyes focused on the floating heart. He glanced at you and you nodded, letting him inspect the soul.

He gently took a hold of it, looking at it from different angles and writing some stufd down quickly, making sure not to hurt you.

"So... We get back my traits and the feathers stop falling out?" You guessed, looking at his notes, which you sadly didn't understand as they were written in wing dings. You will have to ask Gaster to teach you how to read them.

"Theoretically yes. We don't know if it will work but for now it's the only option we have. That or your god guy reversing whatever he did." The mention of him put you in even worse mood.

"He won't help us. I insulted his pride by rebeling so unless I go praying on my knees for him to take me back, which I won't do, he won't move a finger to aid us." You spoke, glaring into the air.

Gaster nodded, letting out a quiet sigh.

"Got it. Bringing back your soul traits it is-"

There was a knock on the door and then a short, young looking dog monster walked in.

"Doctor Gaster! The king is here to speak with you!" The monster said and, seeing Gaster was busy, quickly excused itself and walked out, leaving you two alone again.

"Sorry angel. I will be back in a couple of minutes, then we can think of something to do regarding your soul." He gave you a quick peck on the lips and then walked out, leaving you in the room alone.

You stood up from the counter, made your soul dissapear and then walked over to the door, deciding to explore a little.

As you walked out, you turned to look at the door and saw that there was a sticker with 'Doctor W. D. Gaster' written on it.

Oh right! I remember that he introduced himself like this when we first met... He seemed like a douche back then... I will have to ask him about what the W and D mean.

With that you turned away from the door and walked down a random corridor.

"Fallen Angel, close your eyes-"


Yea I died again. Sorry. Don't have any excuse this time. I just didn't feel like writing anyhing and had a terrible writers block. I knew what I wanted to write, but just couldn't word it.

Well I hope this chapter makes up for it!
Stay safe my friends!

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