Chapter 32~ Red eyes

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You hummed softly, your legs swinging as you laid on your stomach reading a book.

Besides you, Gaster was scribbling something down in Wing Dings with quite a happy expression.

The silence was comfortable, the only sounds stretching out in the house being the sound of pencil scraping paper and the occasional turning of a page.

The kids were out with Indarra so you two had time to simply enjoy each others presence. It was refreshing. No rush, no emergencies, no impending doom over your head. It was just you, your skeleton boyfriend and a very good book.

That is until your peace was interrupted by an annoyingly loud knock on the front door.

You glanced up from your spot, irritation written all over your face. You were just getting to the good part in the book too!

Gaster chuckled at your expression and motioned you to keep reading.

"Don't trouble yourself with it love. I'll go check it myself."

With that, he put down his pencil and walked out of the room. You heard the sound of the door opening soon later and decided to invest yourself in the book again.

A few minutes later you heard footsteps and then Gaster re-appeared in the doorway.

"We're needed in the castle." He said quickly, rushing over to grab his coat.

You put back the book, bookmarked of course, then made sure you were dressed appropriately too.

When the two of you were ready, Gaster took your hand. The world swirled around you as your boyfriend teleported both of you to the castle's entrance. The guards, somehow, didn't even flinch at that and gave the two of you a nod when you passed them.

Knowing his way around the place, Gaster lead you to the main room, where he suspected the royal pair was.

It was proven to be true as the moment you got there, you were met with two fluffy monsters waiting for your arrival.

"Your majesty! You requested our presence here." Gaster spoke when you two appeared within ear shot.

Asgore nodded, a soft smile breaking upon his face.

"That we did. And please, cut out the formalities." He spoke, giving both of you a tight hug.

"Is everything all right? It isn't often you call us in like this." You mentioned, looking worriedly over to Toriel, who hasn't spoken yet.

"It is alright, at least we hope so. I think it is better to show you as it's quite hard to explain." Asgore gave a nod to his wife, who in turn glanced back and waved her hand.

"Come on out. It is all right. They are friends and won't hurt you." The queen spoke softly, coaxing someone to show themselves.

You waited with hitched breath as slowly, a small figure approached, stepping out into the light for you to see.

You couldn't help but gasp.

It was a child, furthermore, it was a human child. Their hair was brown and neatly brushed, their cheeks brightly pink against their pale skin. But what struck you the most about the kid, was their eyes.

They were red. Bright and shining.

"That- that's a human. But how-" Gaster mumbled out, staring at the small figure while glancing back at you.

"Their name is Chara. We found them roaming the underground. I couldn't leave them to freeze so, I took them in." Toriel explained, looking at the kid with a loving look.

Chara fidgeted with their hands, shyly looking between you and your partner.

"From what I know, only one human soul can have determination strong enough to be the mail trait. This kid is special." Gaster spoke up.

You rolled your eyes at him because of course he looked at it from a science perspective.

Opting to look at it from an 'oh my gosh this kid is adorable' perspective instead, you knelt slowly in front of the kid and offered them a handshake.

"Hello. It's very nice to meet you. I'm (Y/n)" You spoke softly, giving Chara an encouraging smile.

You saw them glance at your wings, their eyes sparkling a little.

"Awe you an angwel miss?" They spoke for the first time in your presence, taking a hesitant step towards you.

Not loosing your smile, you nodded, slowly moving your wings around to show they were real.

"That I am, little one." You giggled, watching as the kid's eyes followed your wings movement.

Toriel smiled at how quickly you took a liking to the child.

"This is why we called you in. Since you're mostly human, we wondered if you could help us take care of them." Asgore explained, turing to look at you.

By the time he was finished talking, Chara was already in your arms, playing with the feathers from your wing.

"I would love to help!" You squealed, giggling as the child shifted in your hold to get better acces to your wings.

The five of you heard quiet footsteps as a small ball of fur ran into the room, eyes shining with excitement.

"New sibling?!" Asriel asked as his eyes landed on Chara, who, hearing the commotion, was now looking at the smaller goat.

You put them down and let Chara and Asriel get a closer look at each other.

"Yes my child, new sibling." Toriel spoke up, watching happily as the two children instantly took a liking to each other and rushed out to play somewhere together.

Being so absorbed in the moment, you didn't notice the smirk that grew upon Asgores face.

"Took you two long enough." He started, causing you and Gaster to turn and look at him.

"Pardon?" Your boyfriend asked confused, you two not yet understanding what the king meant.

"I mean, the whole castle was making bets at this point on who will confess first. I swear you were more oblivious than Tori and I in our youth and that's saying something." The king continued and it finally clicked as to what he was saying.

Your face erupted in red and you resorted to hiding behind your wings.

"I- think bets were unnecessary" Gaster spoke up carefully, his face painted in a purple shade.

"Oh they were completely necessary! I won at least 5 of those against the guards and 3 against the chefs!" Asgore triumphantly announced, while you and Gaster wished for the earth to swallow you whole.

"But hey! Better late than never! I swear when I heard you two finally got together I was this close to throwing a masquerade ball to get you two to slowda-"

The rest of the sentence was not heard by you as Gaster teleported you two back to the safe walls of your house.

"When you went to hell and back again-"

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