Chapter 36~ You want to be a hero? Then die like one

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Gaster watched, eyes wide and his throat dry from yelling as the person he had loved swings her sword down at their children.

There's a pause, as if the world itself froze for a few seconds to process what happened along with them.

Then, breaking the tense silence and the victorious hum of God, an angel stumbles back.

They look up in shock, brown eyes meeting white as they raised their hand to the giant slash across their chest.

It wasn't bleeding, it was just a black hole with a few golden sparkles coming out of it.

The hold they had on the youngest out of the tree skeletons loosened and then disspaeared completely as the angel turned into a cloud of golden mist that soon was blown away.

Gaster let out a shaky, yet relieved breath watching as (y/n) turned to face both him and God.

The soul appeared again, both soul traits pulsing brightly and then, the chains around it broke in a flash of red, the white eyes dimming and the beautiful (e/c) coming back.

There was something different in her soul now. In the middle, small and almost unnoticeable, was a bright red color.

"You will never make me hurt my family" Her words were laced with venom, hand with the sword stretching out to point the blade at him. The fire turned orange, bright and warm, surrounding the metal.

God didn't seem phased, but Gaster could see the slight panic in his eyes as he tried to keep his composure.

"Oh please Golden Wing, do you really want to fight every angel here? No matter what happens, you will loose." He stated casually, motioning towards the small army he had brought with him.

"It's (y/n)."


"I said. My name is (y/n) not Golden Wing and I prefer death over helping you again!" with that, she got into a fighting stance while the two angels holdig Gaster tightened their grip to make sure he won't try to fight.

"Very well. Angels! Whoever defeats Golden Wing will get her sword and a status of a hero when we return!" That seemed to have been enough for the more scared or unsure angels to make up their mind, the small army going into a battle stance, weapons drawn and ready to fight.

"A hundred of you and one of me? This fight might be fair then" Gaster had never seen her so confident and cocky. Her wings shone, gold reflecting off the snow around her, giving her almost otherwordly glow. Her smirk was paired with a smug stance of someone who was sure of their abilities.

Gaster would be lying if he said he didn't find it attractive.

With her old friend in hand, she spread her wings and faced the army.

"Come" Was all she said before chaos began.

The other angel holding Sans smarty decided to not participate in the fight, now simply sitting in the snow and watching. The ones behind him weren't so nice however, so Gaster was reduced to just watching the show.

And what a show it was.

His eyes never left her figure as she ran at the small army with no fear in her eyes.

Her moves were calculated, with every swing of her firely weapon another angel would fall.

It almost looked like a dance as she barely touched the floor in the flurry of her merciless attacks.

A few angels flew up, bows with pale gold arrows in hand as they aimed at his lover.

They fired and she was quick to react, using her wings like a shield with the arrows not doing much damage.

Then, Gaster saw her use an attack he had never seen.

She brought her wings up and in two quick movements send a bunch of feathers at her attackers. They seemed to change shape mid flight, hardening and impaling into her enemies.

Gaster glanced at God, who was watching everithing from the back like a coward, an unreadable expression on his face as more and more angels turned into mist and dissapeared.

(Y/n) seemed to be getting closer and closer to where he was standing though, clearly wanting to rid of him the most.

Gaster glanced back at his captors, who were focused on watching the fight. He smirked and sensing his opportunity, he summoned two blasters.

Before they had a chance to react, two beams of pure energy finished them off, leaving Gaster free to join the fight.

And join the fight he did. Rushing in while summoning his six hands, soon finding himself right beside his girlfriend.

She glanced at him, a bright smile breaking through the focused expression when she saw him unharmed.

Back to back, they started to fight together, almost in sync as one by one the angels fell.

"That's your full power? I expected better." Gaster joked, earning a laugh from his lover as she stabbed another angel through the chest, them turning into mist before she even took it out.

"Give me a break, I'm out of shape having to stay at home for so long!" She shot back, ducking as a blaster took out an angel that was about to throw a dagger at her.

She looked at God, who was watching them fight and send a glare his way. She would have flipped him of if not for the fact that she needed her hands to fight.

"I'll hold them back, you go and show that guy who's in charge" Gaster proposed, summoning a shield around himself when an angel tried to hit him with his axe.

"Sounds good to me. Don't die or I'm dragging you back from wherever you end up in" She called and then in a swop of her wings she was in the air, eyes focused on her target.

Gaster didn't stare for long at the beautiful sight, turning to summon more blasters to hold back as many angels as he could alone.

It was starting to get difficult as they resorted to team work instead of trying to take him out alone.

He raised his arm to shield himself from oncoming blade when in a burst of fire, the angel was pushed back into the nearest tree.

"You didn't think we'd let you have the fun all to yourself, did you?" The familiar voice of his good friend made the skeleton chucle, a fire elemental appearing from behind the trees.

And with him, the rest of the Snowdin and Waterfall.

"Took you long enough! I was starting to thing the city went deaf!" Gaster called out as his friend joined him in taking care of the angels.

There were two howls as Dogamy ans Dogsressa wrecked havoc with their giant axes. Indarra laughed maniacally, screaming about revenge as he summones spears after spears and the fire elemental beside Gaster was burning any angel that came within range.

Then, when Gaster turned to look at how (y/n) was doing, she wad already by God, their weapons clashing in a show of strength.

The angels were starting to panic, their ranks getting smaller while the monsters were yet to have any causality happen.

With grimace Gaster had noticed that most of them had little to no gold on their wings. God really underestimated them that much huh?

Before any of them couls do anything else, he saw (y/n) rush at God with her sword again after being pushed back. She jumped up, sword above her head as she was about to swing it down on him.

"STOP!" With that, it felt as if every one froze in place, not moving an inch.

The thing was, no one was actually moving. The angels in the air froze too, wings not flapping and yet they somehow stayed in the air.

"Finally. This was starting to get tiring." Gaster turned his head to see got dusting himself of, a glaring (y/n) stood right beside him, weapon still out.

It seemed he had froze everyone except Gaster and (y/n).

"What? Scared that you're loosing" She called out, clearly angry, walking over to Gaster and making sure he was okay.

"I'll go straight to the point because this is already taking longer than I wanted it to." God started saying, sheating his weapon.

(Y/n) looked at him suspiciously, Gaster following suit. They obviously didn't trust him and to have him talk so casually was not a good thing.

"Frankly, I'm tired of this whole deal and I'm ready to let you stay in your happy little hole under certain conditions."

(Y/n) raised a brow at that, unsure where the conversation was going.

"I take it you will not leave this... Things no matter what?" He lazily waved in the direction of Gaster and their two sons, who were sitting through the whole battle with said other angel and were frozen in place just like everyone else.

"Yes. I won't leave them. And call my family a thing one more time and I swear on your name that when I'm done with you, no one will be able to recognise who you are anymore." The angel growled out, wrapping an arm around her lover in a protective way.

Gos rolled his eyes at that.

"I cannot simply let you stay here with your full powers, but if I take them away, you will die again and it won't solve the problem." He explained, to which she shrugged.

"You're supposed to be all powerful and everything aren't you? I'm sure something like that shouldn't be a problem for you." (y/n) sassed back, earning a quiet chuckle out of Gaster.

God growled under his breath, ego clearly struck by her words.

"I was getting to that. I propose a deal. I will let you keep enough of your power to live, but you cannot come back to my kind-"


"You are quite eager for the deal. I can still let everything slide if you come back." Gaster snakes his arm around his lover, shooting God a glare when he said that.

(Y/n) giggled quietly at her lover, but then her face fell when she turned back to God.

"I'd rather die than come back to you, so yes, I'm eager to take the deal" God ignored the clear hostility in her voice, simply bringing his spear up again and mumbling something.

It almost felt like deja vu for the angel, even if the situation was a lot different than back then.

She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath and let the magic do it's thing.

When she opened them again, she didn't feel any different than before, but a glance at her wings told her that something did in fact change.

They were now white at the top, gradually turning darker the lower they went, ending up black at the bottom. It didn't look half bad in her opinion.

"You will bleed again and can no longer come back, but everything else stays mostly the same. Don't make me regret this decision and come back for you again." With that, he snapped his fingers and the angels and him were gone, the monsters unfrozen and now looking around confused.

"We will have a lot of explaining to do" Gaster mumbled to his lover, looking over the confused monsters but then grinning and kneeling when two small children rushed over to them.

The duo picked them up, hugging them close as Grilby walked over.

"Did we win?" He asked, making Gaster and (y/n) take a glance at each other.

"Yes, we won"

"Fallen angel, close your eyes-"

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