Chapter 4~W.D Gaster

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~After you fainted~

While Sans and the figure talked, Papyrus turned to look at you.

"" He called out making the figure let out a humm of acknowledgement.

"I think she fainted..." That got the attention of the older skeleton and his dad.



You let out a grunt, sun shining through the curtains to your room. You tangled out of the sheets of the king sized bed, your pyjama covering your (s/c) skin. You opened your eyes, letting the view in. You were in a medium room with big window on one of the walls. You walked over to it, seeing a forest and a mountain on the horizon. Below were other houses in the not so small city.

You walked out of your room and then down the stairs that were at the end of the hallway.

You saw a cozy living room and part of the kitchen that was besides it. You heard footsteps and two people walked in. For some reason their faces were all blurry and you couldn't see their hands nor legs, even if they had shorts on. You had a weird feeling that those two were your sons. "Hey mum!" The taller one said while the shorter said quick 'sup'. You smiled and they went into the kitchen. You looked after them with a small smile.

Before you became an angel you always wanted to get married and create a family.

You looked down at your hand and surely you saw a ring on it. Just then you heard a chuckle and someone hugged you from behind. Just like with the other two you couldn't see his hands, but you could see the ring on one of his fingers. Not knowing why, you melted into the touch causing him to chuckle again. "Good morning dear. #*+$£÷& made breakfast. Would you want some?" For some reason the name he said was all blurry and you couldn't figure out what he said. You nodded and he took your hand, leading you to the kitchen. As you expected, his face was hidden by the same blurr. You sat down and soon your 'sons' joined it. It was great morning, you ate, talked and laughed with your family and then you watched a movie together.

It would of been perfect. The life you always dreamed of. If not for the fact that it wasn't real.

You knew it. It made you sad, but you knew that it wasn't possible. You lost your chance to have a family the moment you died and choose to become an angel.


You woke up, for real this time.

Yet again you were in a bed, but no sun shining down into your eyes, no giant window with a mountain and a forest. You looked around. The room was simple. The bed you were lying in, a small shelf besides it, small wardrobe and a book shelf opposite of the bed.

You tried to sit but the pain you felt in your side stopped you from doing so.
"I see you're awake human." Your breath hitched and you looked at the person who said it.

He was standing there, near the door. He was tall skeleton-like monster, wearing a white laboratory coat. You looked at his face. He had black eye sockets with white pupils, but what caught your attention were scars he had. From one of his 'eyes' the scar went up, while from the other one the scar went down, reaching his mouth and going even lower.

You just nodded your head, not knowing how to react.

The skeleton walked over to you and you stiffed, not knowing his intentions. He must have noticed it, cuz somehow he rolled his eyes. "I need to check up on your wound so calm down or you will just hurt yourself even more."

You didn't trust him, but since you didn't exactly had a choice, you tried to relax.

He lightly put your sheets away and you noticed that you weren't in your dress anymore, instead being in a white blouse and black leggings.

He lightly pulled your shirt up, took the dirty bandages away and began to inspect the giant wound you had in your side. Your eyes widen, looks like you were defeated by a tree.

You hissed in pain when he touched it and glared at him while he was writing something down in a notebook he had with him.

"Your glaring won't get you anywhere. Believe me I would of finished you off if not for the fact that you saved my sons." Now you were nervous. So the boys had a father...and he almost killed you.

You huffed, trying to hide the fact that you became somewhat nervous and tried to keep straight face when he began to bandage your wound again. "Like it would matter to someone..." You muttered, making him lightly look up at you, but continue his work at the same time. "So little human felt depressed and decided to jump in here to get attention." You heard him say and immediately you say up. "Excuse me!? I did not felt depressed! And the 'little human' has a name you know!?" You answered what he said, but then hissed in pain, your sudden movement causing the wound to sting. "I wouldn't recommend to move So much human, unless you want to reopen your wound and bleed out, then I'm not stopping your foolish actions. It will be easier for me." He told you, saying the word human just to annoy you. You growled under your breath, saying few not nice words about the stranger.

"Well monster I will say this again. First I have a name. It's (y/n). Second, I wouldn't have to be here if not for the fact that you almost killed me!" You knew it wasn't really the greatest idea to tell him your name, but you were stuck underground anyway so there's nothing to lose now.

"If you're a spy, then you should find a better job. If not, then you should of stayed in your village." You looked down as a sudden wave of realization hit you. Now it's not possible for you to go back. Now that you were wounded and on mercy of a monster, you started to regret what you did.

But when you imagined HIM, lauging at you and saying that he knew you would regret it soon, you got your confidence back.

The skeleton was writing something down in his notebook, not paying you much attention.

"Well I told you my name, so it would be appreciated if you tell me yours." You said, not wanting to call him monster or skeleton.

"And for what would you need my name for?" He asked, looking up from his notes.

"Well your sons didn't let you kill me, and would probably be sad if you let me die. The wound is big and it will take some time for me to heal. Which means I will have to stay here for some time, unless you want me to call you monster." You replied snarky, getting slightly irritated with his attitude towards you. As if it was your fault he almost killed you!

The skeleton put his notebook down and looked at you. "I suppose it won't really change anything."

He smirked. "Doctor W.D Gaster. Royal Scienceist." He bowed down in a mocking way, his 'eyes' began to glow. One had blue mist, while the other red.

He then walked over to the door. "The dinner will be in an hour." And with that he left, leaving you to your own thoughts.

"How did you hide it all for so long-"

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