Chapter 6~A day with the skelebros

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As the recovery continued, you finally got the promission to walk around the house. It just took 2 weeks...still worth it.

You and Gaster had come to a truce. You can walk around the house, but you can't go to his room, or the brothers one without permission. You also have to get back to your room when someone visits. You didn't mind that.

Today was no exception.

You yawned, waking up and groaned, wanting to sleep some more. You tried to fall asleep again, with no avail. You groaned again and sat up. Walking over to the closet and taking out a pair of white/black jeans and a nice, (f\c) loose shirt. Gaster gave you some clothes to chose from as he got iritated with bringing you them himself every day.

You yawned again and slowly strolled over to the bathroom, brushing your teeth and hair.

After You were satisfied with how they looked, you walked out of the bathroom and strolled down the stairs. You saw Papyrus sitting on the floor, playing with a Rubik's cube and Sans lying on the couch, watching TV.

You smiled and walked over to them, sitting at the edge of the couch so you won't disturb Sans. "HI HUMAN!" Papyrus greeted you. "sup" Sans mumbled and went back to watching TV. "Hello guys." You answered and decided you will watch whatever Sans was watching right now.

After some time you got bored of the same, one program that was on all the time and turned at Papyrus when you heard his stomach, or whatever he has there grumble.

"Have you two eaten anything?" Both of them shook their little, bonly heads. "But...shouldn't Gaster make you breakfast before he goes to work."

Sans nodded. "Yea, but today dad was in rush. He said there was an emergency at the lab and he had to be there as soon as possible and ran out of the house." The older brother explained and you held back the urge to facepalm.

"Okay then. Where's the kitchen?" Sans lazily pointed to where the kitchen was, still lying down on the couch.

"Okay then. What would you two say if I would make you some (f/f)?" That perked up their interest.

"Oh! What's that?!" Papyrus asked, jumping to his feet and looking at me with his adorable eyes shining like he just got the best present ever.

You laughed. "You will see. I can use your kitchen right?" Sans nodded so you took Papyrus into your arms and went to the kitchen, Sans following you after few seconds.

Somehow you found all the indigriends you needed and began to cook, Papyrus still in your arms, happily watching you doing it, while Sans watched from behind.

Soon you finished the food and put it on a plate for Papyrus, Sans and yourself.

You began eating, and seeing that you were the skelebros began eating too, their eyes(or whatever they have) lit up. That made you smile proudly, seeing that they liked it.

After the food was done you put the leftovers away, saving them for dinner.

You looked at the boys. "So what would you want to do?" You asked them and Papy immediately jumped up and ran up the stairs, tripping few times because of how fast he was running up them.

You looked at Sans, confused by how quickly Papyrus reacted. The skeleton shrugged and motioned with his hand for you to wait. You nodded and sat down on the couch again, Sans going to sit besides you.

After few minutes you heard small foot running down the stairs and Papyrus showed up, holding many things in his small arms. You were surprised at how many things he was holding.

Chuckling, you and Sans helped Papyrus put everything down onto the ground. There were some crayons and paper to draw on, a book about a cool bunny and his big adventure, a Rubik's cube, a puzzle of a waterfall with weird, blue, glowing flowers on a black landscape and few toys of different looking monsters.

He looked up at you and Sans, giving you the puppy eyes. You shook your head in amusement and keeled down in front of him, giving him a warm smile.

"So what do you want to do first?" Papyrus grinned happily, his eyes shining happily as he picked up one of the toys.


You played for almost entire day, laughing with Sans and Papyrus.

You played around with toys, solved a Rubik's cube with the help of Papyrus who told you about his love for puzzles. You then began to draw with them. Sans drew a bottle of ketchup, but you decides not to question it. You drew a cat/dog that you had before becoming an angel. Her/his name was (p/n) and you loved him/her with your whole heart. What suppriesed you was what Papyrus drew.

It was him with Sans, holding his father's hand, were there. It wasn't drawn in realistic was, it was a child's drawing after all, but you could clearly see that it was you.(h/l), (h/c) in a little messy way was almost covering your face, your (e/c) eyes staring back at you. A bright smile on your lips. You were in the same, white dress you were when he first meet you. Papyrus was holding your hand.

Under the drawing, in bold, red lethers "MY FAMWILY" was written.

You gently put the drawing down and turned to Papyrus and Sans. You walked over to them, keeled down in front of the brothers and without saying anything you spread out your arms and hugged them tightly, holding back tears. Both of the brothers were suprised. Papyrus hugged you back almost immediately while Sans took few seconds to process everything that's happening and then hug back.

You've been in here for almost a month now, but never in the world you would think that Papyrus thinks of you as a part of the family.

You pulled back and gently petted both of their heads, giving them the biggest smile you ever smiled.

Both of them smiled back and you went back to playing.

You finished the puzzlez with them, creating the beautiful imagine that was on the cover and then you took the leftover (f/f), heating it up for dinner.

The three of you ate and you left some for Gaster when he gets back from work.

While you washed the dished Papyrus and Sans went to get ready to bed.

In the time you finished both of them came back in cute pyjamas, Papyrus holding a book.

You took them upstairs to their room and sat down on a bed, looking like a sports car.

The kids layed down, while you began to read the book for them.

By the time you finished both them fell asleep. You smiled at them and then yawned quietly. You felt Papyrus nuzzle to you and decided that a small nap won't hurt.

You lied down and both of them immediately nuzzled closer to you.

With a smile, you closed your eyes and feel asleep.

"How can I save-"

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