Epilogue + Author's Thoughts + Bonus

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I yawned as I woke up and stretched. I heard my wings and back crack a little bit when I did so, relieving me of stiffness. I relaxed my wings, putting on my toga to start the day.

It's been a year, and yet I still feel strange living in my own temple-like home in Skyworld. It feels like it's unbelievable, too different to be true.

Phos and Lux have their own stables next to my home on my personal floating island. The Lightning Chariot is in a garage next to it. So because I have the full set for the Lightning Chariot, I bet I'm gonna be interacting with quite a bit of gods. I mean, I already have. I have to protect it with my gut, though, just so it doesn't get into the wrong hands. Hephaestus offered to build me a really security-based garage and stables, so thanks to him, I don't needa worry about constantly staying here.

To be honest, having my own little home is kinda lonely, but at least it's super close to both, Viridi's and Palutena's temples. I visit them all the time, every day, see if they both need any help. If they don't, I just see what I can do in the villages. There are still left over monsters to deal with after the whole thing with Hades. I wouldn't call it a war, but it kinda was one... Anyway, that's besides the point. Sometimes I see Magnus in the villages when I try to help out, and we fight together. Kinda wish I spent more time with him during my adventures as a human, but you know what? Hanging out with him and fighting with him even as an angel is just as fun. I still see Hecate as well. Sometimes she contacts me via telepathy asking me if I have the time to help her with some potion arranging or testing new spells that she knows for sure won't harm me. I mean, she's pretty talented at that— she's the Goddess of Magic. I rarely see Poseidon. I see him when I'm fighting off monsters at the coast, but that's about it. I've heard he's been talking to Palutena more, so that's cool. I'm glad Palutena's in contact with more gods since I left her team. Phosphora is sometimes over at Viridi's, so we all just chill and help each other, I guess. Phosphora and I actually helped fight for a village that Viridi surprisingly tolerates, since the people there actually praise her. I guess I did convince her that not all humans are bad. As for Pittoo, he also has his own home near mine. He's usually off fighting somewhere else, but he visits quite often, and the two of us go hang out at Viridi's or Palutena's often. He kinda warmed up to having allies, so that's good.

Anyway, you all might be wondering what's going on with Viridi and me after she kissed me on the cheek a year ago. Well, she's not hiding feelings anymore. She told me that she acted mean to me so that I couldn't suspect she had a crush on me. I believe that's called a tsundere, but I'm not quite sure. I mean, I don't really hear those terms often. And after that whole adventure we had together, I warmed up to her even more than I already was. So, uh, turns out, I kinda like her too. We know we like each other, and we're kinda sorta dating, but we're not kissing each other like crazy. We both have never been in a relationship before, so it's quite new and awkward. But we continue to support each other, which I believe is a great thing to have in a relationship. Phosphora, Palutena, and Pittoo tease us all the time, but we're fine with it, because we know it's true. Maybe when we are older, our relationship will become more, well, like a relationship. She does peck my cheek from time to time, and we hug, so I think we qualify as a less extreme type of couple, I guess. Don't get me wrong, I like it this way! It's nice! Nothing intense!

Another thing, it seems like the more I fly on my own, the stronger my wings are getting. It makes me wonder if I was actually born with a defect in my wings and Hades's magic somehow cured it, or if relying on the Power of Flight didn't allow me to develop strength in my wings on my own. Maybe I was a late bloomer. But that doesn't matter, since now I'm able to fly by myself. Each day, I can fly faster and faster, higher and higher, and I'm able to do more push-ups with my wings. Yeah, you heard me. Instead of using my arms for push-ups, I use my wings. It's pretty good training, actually.

I'm kinda wondering if Hades will ever come back. Maybe he will, but that'll probably be years from now. Hecate made sure of that. All I know is that Medusa is never coming back unless Hades does, because turns out, Medusa came back to life because Hades used souls to bring her back, kinda like how he expanded his army. So at least we don't really needa worry about the bosses attacking since Hades isn't here to revive them.

When I was done getting ready for the day, I flew to the field where I first woke up without my wings and saw the village up ahead. I remember how it was burning and under attack when I regained my conscience that day. With a deep breath, I flew towards the town. As I passed by, the people waved at me and thanked me for protecting them all the time. This village still remains to be my favorite of them all. I'm glad Viridi began liking it a little, too.

I stopped by a small house with lots of flowers in front of it. It looked really cozy. I think this is the house. Palutena told me it's here. So if I get it wrong, either I have a terrible memory, or the house looks just like another one in this village. I knocked on the door, and a woman with dark hair and brown eyes opened it. She saw me, and she immediately knelt down.

"No, it's fine!" I laughed.

"Oh but I must," she said, standing back up, "Please, please, come in!"

I walked into her house. I guess my presumption of the house being really cozy was right.

"This is a really nice house you have, Miss!" I smiled at her.

"Oh, I'm glad you like it, thank you!" She smiled back, pulling up a chair at a table, "Please, sit here! Would you like anything?"

"It's alright, thank you though!" I shook my head.

"So what brings you here?" The woman asked, sitting down at the table with me, "Oh, I'm Beatrice, by the way, it's a pleasure to meet you, Sir—"

"Pit is fine," I laughed, shaking her hand, "Nice to meet you too! So I'm here because I just wanted to visit someone who lives here. Do you by chance have a daughter?"

She looked at me with wide eyes and nodded.

"D-did she do something?" Beatrice asked worriedly.

"Trust me, she's alright," I assured her, "I just want to thank her. It's been long overdue."

Beatrice's smile returned, but as a calm one. She stood up and motioned for me to follow her. I stood up and walked after her as she led me upstairs to a door.

"I'll let you two talk," Beatrice nodded, walking back downstairs.

I turned the knob on the door and opened it while knocking with my other hand.

Inside was a girl with the same dark hair as her mother with the same brown eyes. She looked up at me, hearing the knock. Her eyes widened and the widest smile I could ever see on a human's face appeared. She scrambled up and ran to me while I welcomed her with open arms.

"Pit!" She exclaimed, hugging me tightly. At least she didn't trap my wings in that grasp, haha!

"Hi, Ella!" I chuckled.

"You have your wings back!" She pointed when she pulled away.

I flapped them once.

"Sure do," I laughed, "That's actually why I came. To thank you."

"Thank me?" She smiled even wider. Was that even possible?!

"Mhm!" I nodded, "Because that day, if you didn't tell me what was going on, I wouldn't have thought of trying to contact someone immediately. I would've noticed my wings were gone eventually, but it would've taken longer for me to figure out, since I don't look behind me very often."

If I did, I'd probably see the player!

"So," I continued, "Not only that, but I guess if it weren't for you comforting me about my lost wings, I would've had a panic attack, lost control over my breathing, and died from a heart attack or something. But when I found out when you were with me... You comforted me. I didn't have anyone close enough at the time to do that, and you, someone who didn't even know me at first, acted as a friend. And for that, I thank you, Ella. I did say I'd keep you in mind, didn't I?"

Ella hugged me again, even tighter than before.

"I'm so happy you came to visit," she exclaimed, sounding like she was sniffling. Did I give her happy tears?

I hugged her back, and we stayed in that embrace for a while.

Pit! I heard my name being called in my head. It was Viridi.

Ella noticed that I was listening to something.

Yeah? What's up? I asked.

There's an attack on the coast! She told me, I'm already here, and so is Poseidon, but we kinda need your help! I know today was your visit, but Dark Pit is far right now and wouldn't make it in time, and you're super close to where we are! I'm sorry to cut your visit shor—WOAH!

I'll be there, I assured her.

"Is something wrong?" Ella asked, cocking her head.

I let go form our embrace.

"Yeah," I said, standing up, "I'm sorry to cut this visit short, but a situation has risen up near here, and since I was close, the gods called me. I'm sorry I have to leave."

Ella hugged me again.

"It's okay!" She looked up at me with a bright smile, "I'm just happy you came. Just please come again sometime!"

I ruffled her brown hair.

"I'll definitely visit you more often, Ella," I laughed, "You can count on it."

Ella let go and rushed to her window, opening it. She looked over at me as if she was expecting me to do something. I smiled at her.

"I'll see you soon, Ella," I said, jumping out the window and flying through the sky.

I saw her wave at me from the window, and I waved back before flying off. Heh, I guess a hero's work is never done. But you know what? I don't mind, because this means I get to help people all the time, whenever they need me. I get to make friends along the way, like Ella. And it can also get a former enemy of yours to be one of your best friends, and possibly even a girlfriend.

I'm trying to find a way to close off the story without being too cringy and cheesy, but I guess that doesn't work? Haha... Well, you know what, I'm just gonna say this. I hope you enjoyed one of the most traumatizing but most amazing adventures in my life. So uh, I guess this is goodbye for now!

Pit, you here yet?!

Viridi is so impatient, oh my gods, haha! Gotta go! Bye!

Author's Note

So. You all made it to the end!

I feel like I didn't do too well on this book. Towards the middle of it, I was caught up with consistently uploading Twisted and that being more popular I guess, even when I was done working on it.

You see, I always finish the book first, edit it to catch any mistakes/inconsistencies, and then I publish it a consistent rate so no one gets impatient with me. Twisted worked that way, and I was proud of that one.

This book was different, because it wasn't surrounding a ship entirely. Though Piridi was kinda obvious, the story didn't surround those two unlike in Twisted. I'm pretty decent at mixing adventure and love together, but in Kid Icarus, it's kinda hard to do. There wasn't much for me to go off of.

Even worse for me, I've never played Kid Icarus Uprising. I absolutely adore it to its core, but the thing is, I don't have a 3DS to play it on. It's fantastic, and I've watched the cutscenes and play through of it, but you all can tell that I never played it. I didn't know most of the monster names. I didn't know some of the attacks some of these bosses used. I only cared about the story itself. I looked things up to try to be on the same page, but again, it's not too easy when you're relying on wiki and not on the game itself. I tried my best.

But nonetheless, I lost motivation writing this towards the middle of it. But I decided, no, I'm gonna finish it. So many stories of mine are drafts that were never published because I never felt motivated to finish them. I guess it's a good thing I never published each chapter on its own from those books, because imagine if people enjoyed it but I didn't wanna continue it. It would disappoint the fans of those stories. I didn't want Fallen Angel to be another one of those. I'm planning on continuing two of the drafts, maybe starting them over, but my next major project is definitely another Sonic story since those are more successful on my account. And besides, I care for that franchise the most, so it keeps me motivated.

Anyway, enough of me rambling. I'm just glad you made it to the end. I'm sorry it wasn't the best, because it definitely feels rushed despite me not trying to rush it, but I hope you enjoyed nonetheless.

Personally it wasn't my best work in my opinion, but that's okay. It's not one of the main stories for me, anyway.

Onto the bonus, because you all deserve it ^^


So! Bonus stuff! Woo!

I don't have too much, but a few things!

I dunno if you all noticed, but I added far too many Easter eggs throughout this book XD Many of them being referenced to other franchises!

See if you could name them all! (Link was probably the most used, so I'm giving that one to you).

Some of these references are well hidden :)

I'm gonna say what franchises are involved, however. Maybe you can guess what the reference is from it.

- Super Smash Bros
- Legend of Zelda
- Undertale (there are multiple!)
- Avengers
- Maleficent
- Castle Swimmer (from Webtoon)
- I think there was a Sonic reference in there, I'm not sure, though.

Now that I look back, I'm so mad I didn't put in a Percy Jackson reference XD


Next, my friends, is the concept art!

First we have Pit's and Dark Pit's disguises!

The drawing's not the best since I drew this during the summer (and my art quickly progresses not gonna lie)

I'm also not good at drawing feet XD

But yeah!

So as you can see, Pit's hair is a little bit based off Link's hair. I just tried to keep some of Pit's original hairstyle here.

As for Pittoo, that's one of the references ):3
Hmm I wonder which one.

And this is just a quick doodle of what Hecate looks like! Body proportions are a little better, seeing as this was drawn this month XD

(Her hair is meant to be like a super dark coffee brown, by the way, like almost black)
So that's all I had for the concept art if I'm being honest 😅

I have two concept comics that I will not share because they're absolutely cringey and did not make it into the final cut XD

And finally there's this I made a long time ago

Boom. Insane Palutena.

But anyway! Time to close this off! Try to find all the references if you want a bit of a challenge and if you want to reread!

You've reached the end of the book, and if you enjoyed it, I'm glad XD

I'm probably not gonna write more Kid Icarus fanfics since this was the only original idea I had in mind, and I'm more focused on other stories I know I will be writing in the future.
The next one is a Sonic one for sure, the one after that might be a Sonic x Stranger Things Sonaze story (because that's what my Sonaze readers wanted I guess) and after that maybe, just maybe, I'll go back to one of my old drafts, most likely an Undertale one, and rewrite it to make it better. I dunno.

If you guys want to see more of my work, I highly recommend Twisted and Ask the Sonic Cast (which is one of the more random and ongoing ones)

The other ones I have aren't too good, but... uh... everyone progresses when it comes to writing!

If you want to see more of my actual art and not this crappy junk, check out my art books! The first one is crappy as hell but the second one is more up to date!

Heck maybe check out my random updates book for entertaining and random updates XD

Again, I do hope you enjoyed this story! Took me about half a year to write and edit, so not too long. If you have any questions, I'll gladly answer ^^


~ Sweggy

• • •

OMG Hi!!! This is 2021 Sweggy 😂

I went back to edit this book so it's easier to read (since there used to be no spaces in between paragraphs—), but oh my god, I seriously wish I did better in some parts, especially with characterization.

I'm glad a lot of you are enjoying this though! The amount of comments I've received about this book that were positive is so sweet, I really appreciate the support ^^

I also looked at my old drawings here and I just cringed super bad 😂 I need to redraw those XD

I have made some doodles based on this story recently, so I can show some of those ;)

Man, this was back in April?!! Holy crap 😂

And here's a smol doodle from June :) it's like September of 2021 right now XD

Can you all see the improvement? 😂

If you guys want me to, I can definitely draw more doodles from this book, I just don't know whether I'll dedicate a whole other chapter for this XD Maybe I will if enough people want that 👀

Anyway, thanks so much for reading! And to those who either just started reading this in 2021 or reread it, hi! You got exclusive extra content XD

See ya ^^

~ 2021 Sweggy 💞✨

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