[ 016 ] say the word.

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chapter sixteen, say the word.
[ season three, episode thirteen ]

TRICK GRIMES AND PHILIP Blake agreed to meet and negotiate. So that's what they did. Daryl and Hershel went with Rick which left Odessa and Glenn with Merle Dixon.

It took everything in Odessa not to kill the bastard. Odessa was in and out of the common area. She was left with making sure Theo was okay and helping get ready for an attack.

As she separated the ammo into piles she heard Merle's ugly voice speak up, "what we should be doing is loadin' some of this firepower in a truck and payin' a visit to the Governor. We know where he is right now."

"Are you suggesting that we just go in and kill him?" Glenn turned to the redneck.

"Yeah, I am." Merle responded.

"We told Rick and Daryl that we'd stay put." Michonne spoke up.

"I've changed my mind, sweetheart. Bein' on the sideline with my brother out there ain't sittin' right with me." Merle said.

"My dad is out there and I don't like it. Maggie and Beth's dad is out there as well and he has one leg. If anyone is gonna be okay, it's Daryl. Now shut up," Odessa hissed.

Glenn nodded in agreement with Odessa. "The three of them are right in the middle of it. No idea we're coming. They could get taken hostage or killed. A thousand things could go wrong."

"And they will," Merle retorted.

"My dad can take care of himself," Carl turned to Merle.

"He's right. He can." Odessa glanced up at Merle.

"Sorry, kids, but your dad's head could be on a pike real soon," Merle replied.

"Shut up!" Odessa nearly shouted. "Just shut up, Merle! The only reason you're here is because of Daryl! You're lucky I don't fucking kill you right now!"

"Kill me," Merle scoffed.

"Yeah, kill you! I have no problem making you number five! It isn't the right move. Not right now. We are not risking Dad, Hershel, and Daryl by putting them in the crossfire."

"That's final," Glenn nodded before leaving.

Merle's eyes cut to Odessa. Her hand was on her gun. "I swear, Merle. I don't care if Daryl will hate me or not."

She turned and left to check on Theo. When she entered his cell, she plopped down on the stool. "Wake up, Theo," she said. "Your dad and mine are meeting right now to negotiate. It's not like they're gonna come to any terms. We're gonna go to war, Theo."

She sighed and rubbed her eyes. "If you don't wake up soon, I'm gonna kick your ass when you do. Because that's what you're gonna do. You are gonna wake up."

A loud shout came from the common area causing Odessa to spring up. Then a gunshot. She rushed in to see Beth standing with a gun pointed at the ceiling. She followed her girlfriend's line of sight to where Merle was on top of Glenn on the ground and Michonne and Maggie holding Merle back.

Merle shook the two women off of him but was met with a gun pointed between his eyes.

Odessa Grimes's eyes were narrowed with anger and challenge. "Put your hands on one of my people again." She whispered. "And I swear on my life, I will end yours."

She pulled back and eyed him for a moment. She turned to walk away before Merle spoke
Up, "four's a lot of people, sweetheart."

She turned and looked at him over her shoulder. "Don't make to five, Dixon."

Beth wrapped her hand around Odessa's and looked at her. "You're brave," Beth said to her.

"So are you," Odessa quirked a smile. "Stopping a fight that would've escalated by shootin' that gun. Gives a girl butterflies."

Beth laughed at her choice of words. "Shut up," Beth grinned as they walked back into the cell block.

Odessa checked on Theo before Beth and Odessa found themselves laying in Odessa's cell. Beth's head lay on Odessa's chest. The blonde girl traced little shapes on Odessa's bare arm. Odessa's fingers brushed through Beth's ponytail.

"Are you scared?" Beth suddenly asked.

Odessa's brows furrowed. Yes. She was terrified. She didn't want to admit. Not to Beth, not to Carl, not to her father or Daryl or Glenn. But she was.

She didn't know what was to come of this war. But she did know that is what was coming. War. War with the Governor and Woodbury. Her people were strong fighters but the Governor had the numbers and military weapons.

"Yeah," Odessa confessed. "I'm terrified."

"Me too," Beth said quietly. "I'm scared of what the Governor is gonna do if he gets his hands on your or Maggie. Glenn and Daryl and your dad too."

"He's not gonna get that far. I won't let him," Odessa tried to reassure her. "He may have the numbers and the firepower but we have survived more than them and we're strong. We have nerve. The Governor is a pussy."

Beth smiled smally at her words. "Yeah, he is."

Odessa looked down at Beth and gently grabbed her chin with her fingers and kissed her gently. "I'm never going to let anyone hurt you, Beth."

"You can't promise that." Beth shook her head, blonde baby hairs covering her eyes.

Odessa brushed back Beth's little hairs and looked her dead in her beautiful blue eyes. "I can and I did. As long as I'm alive no one is ever gonna hurt you, Beth Greene. No one."

Beth smiled at the girl softly, tears burning in her eyes. "I love you, Odessa." She whispered.

"I love you too, Beth," Odessa told her. Beth kissed her girlfriend ever so softly. The kiss turned fast quickly.

Beth sat up and threw her leg over Odessa to straddled her. The Grimes girl placed both her hands on Beth's hips.

"Beth! Dessa!" Maggie's sudden voice called. The two teenagers jumped apart and looked at the doorway where Maggie appeared a second later.

Her eyes narrowed and she glanced between the two. She took in her sister's swollen lips and Odessa's disheveled hair. "They're back." Was all she said before leaving.

They shared a look before both girls let out a small laugh. They quickly descended down the steps and joined everyone else. Odessa took her place between Carl and Beth as she watched her father grab a rifle from his cell.

"So I met this Governor. Sat with him for quite a while." Rick informed them.

"Just the two of you?" Merle asked from behind everyone else.

Rick shook his head.

"Shoulda gone when we had the chance, bro." Merle replied before walking away to stand behind the Grimes children.

"He wants the prison. He wants us gone. Dead. He wants us dead for what we did Woodbury." Rick said.

His people stood before him, looking at him expectingly. They knew what Rick was going to say before he said the four words.

Odessa nodded when Rick's eyes locked with hers. They shifted to Carl. His eyes stayed on his two oldest children as he spoke, "we're going to war."


word count: 1,188

AHHHHH!!!! beth and odessa go from cuties to hotties so fast. love them omfg. they're one of my favorite relationships i've ever written (except for aiden & daryl and ruby & bellamy ofc).

but we're officially going to war with woodbury. all of season three is already written and there's only two chapters left of act one!! i hope you guys are excited for act two because sheesh. the amount of shit that goes down is insane.

odessa grimes supremacy!! she's such a badass. literally. take a shot every time she threatened merle's life in this chapter. love her for that.

she's so protective over her people. i love that about her. she loves her group so much she would kill anyone for them. she would lay down her life for them in a heart beat.

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