Taking care of you

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Their conversation~

Lui: Now answer my question

Shu: Yeah ask

Lui: So tell me that, Why the heck did you jump off the cliff? What was wrong with your brain? You are too young to do suicide. You scared me, I thought you died cause you looked deadly pale and stopped breathing.

Shu: *Give a sad expression to Lui*

Lui: I'm really sorry for that. I didn't mean that much. I think you might have a horrible past or something?

Shu: Do you want to hear why did I try to commit suicide?

Lui: Yeah

Shu: So listen, My parents were always busy. They never gave me time cause they didn't have to. When I was 7 years old, they rented a flat for me so I could stay alone. At first, I was totally alone but then I got a friend. He was Valt, he was very tender. He always helped me. Years passed and we became closer. I felt a weird feeling for him which is also known as love. We fell in love, we started dating each other. Our first date was going well until a call came. That call ruined our date. I don't know that person and not even what that person said. Valt just said that he had to go. Months passed, we were dating frequently. Until one day, I went to school and saw Valt he was extremely happy. After our school ended I went to the roof and saw that Valt was not there. I asked everyone but no one knew about him. I found Nika and Toko, I asked them where was Valt. They said that he had something urgent so he left. I practiced all alone. After practicing, I left the school. I was returning when I saw Valt and Free kissing each other. I was left heartbroken. I ran home crying, I reached my apartment and locked it. I was crying badly, I didn't feel well so I didn't eat anything and went to bed. Then suddenly heard a knock on my door. I opened it and saw Daigo. He asked me what happened and I said everything. He helped me. Now I had a friend again. One day, Daigo told me that he has to leave the town because of his father's transfer. He left, now I was alone and heartbroken. Now I had no one. So I decided to jump off the cliff. That's why I tried to commit suicide.

Lui: How did you get those cuts on your left hand?

Shu: I was so depressed that I just wanted to feel the physical pain.

Lui: So, that is why you cut your hand? So sad, that was a long story. If you want you can stay here, by the way, you are not well. I guess you need to heal your broken heart.

Shu: Yes *Starts Crying*

Lui: Shh... don't cry *Comforts Shu*. If you want you can come to Rideout School. By the way, you are only the blader who is capable of me. If you come here then we can practice together.

Shu: Thanks, I will and I would love to practice with you. You are so nice *cries*

Lui: As I said don't cry, by the way, the first time someone said this thing to me. I never thought that I would hear this thing from you.

Shu: Really?

Lui: Yeah really

Shu: So what is your backstory?


Lui: I don't have, it is just normal

Shu: Oh *cough**cough* ugh~

Lui: If you want I can tell you

Shu: Hmm~

Lui: It just started with a normal family. We were a happy family like everyone does. When I was 6 my mom got pregnant again. I got a baby little sister, Lucy. We use to play a lot but then on my 7th birthday, my mom and dad gifted me, Luinor. I started to practice with it. I forgot everything, I was addicted to, Luinor. I loved practicing with it my Luinor. I became 8 and thought to stay alone and become the most powerful blader. I practiced like crazy and finally was able to achieve that. I am still not that strong, I want to get more and more. So this is my backstory.

Shu: Oh *cough**cough*

Lui: By the way, you rest and I am preparing the breakfast

Shu: You can cook? I can help you if you want

Lui: Of course, I can and you don't have to help. You are sick.

Shu: Ok *cough**cough*

Lui: *leaves the room and goes to the kitchen*

Lui's pov

What the heck is happening to me? Why do I always blush when Shu is near me? I went to the kitchen and started cooking pancakes. I was done cooking pancakes. I put the pancakes on the plate and put honey on top of it.

Me: Shu!! 

I brought the food near him

Shu: You are pretty fast

Me: Yes, should I feed you?

Shu: I can eat on my own

Me: Ok

Shu: Yes

Shu said as he took the spoon and a fork.

Shu slowly ate his food while I kept my hand on his forehead to check his fever. It was a down. Thank god!! He was better. I felt bad for him. All of them left this poor boy.

Me: Shu

Shu: Yes

Me: I know, it might sound weird but ...

Shu: Yes continue

Me: They all left you, that doesn't mean you will try to end your life. You can find a new one, always. You are lucky to be born in this world so don't. I was very worried about you. As you said, we are rivals not enemies

Shu: Yes you are right

Me: Start a new life

Shu: Yes

Me: You can stay here if you want. I can give you a company

Shu: Sure!!





















-To Be Continued

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