Chapter 3

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"So, you're upset because a man who was in worse shape than you is now in better shape, isn't that right?"

Count Sharma and the present Duke of Oberoi had been rivals since childhood.

Nevertheless, due to his outstanding actions during the conflict, Count Oberoi—who at the time was less powerful than Count Sharma—was given the dukedom.

Count Sharma thought the oberoi had stolen the dukedom.

"Due to the outstanding accomplishments of my grandfather, it was meant to be mine. However, he stole it, and the Emperor was foolish to grant that bastard a dukedom!

That's a mental victory, all right. I understand.

But why must I be the victim of this retaliation?

In my recollected memories, I was supposed to wed Duke Oberoi's son as a ruse to cover up Count Sharma's evil plans, and he was well aware that I would be the first to lose my head if something went wrong.

Why, in both my past and present lives, has my family been like this? What went wrong with me?

I forced myself to hold it together even though I felt like I was going to cry. A daughter could not cry in this family and get comfort.

However, all was not lost.
I'll be moving out of this house in a week and finding a place to live in the Duchy of Oberoi, which is the primary location of the original story.

"Yes, every villain possession story starts with a crisis, but as long as I don't do things like Gauri did in the original, I'll survive!"

I decided what I wanted to do and got ready for the dinner that the two families were having.

The Oberoi Mansion's grandeur overcame me, even with my best of intentions. I was amazed by Sharma Mansion, but a duke is beyond compare.

Because winning a war against a neighbouring country was apparently a big deal, the mansion is extraordinarily spacious and opulent.

"Is it any wonder Count Sharma was so jealous if the oberoi's, who were less wealthy than him, were given a mansion like this?"

The disparity was significant enough for me to believe so.

It was undoubtedly more than just a mansion. I'm not sure, but I'm sure he received more, such as gold vaults and estates.

In any case, I didn't care.

"It's more crucial that I avoid getting physically assaulted for interfering with the negotiations today."

Count Sharma will make an effort to persuade Oberoi mansion to send some maids.

Naturally, it's not because he fears for my life or my safety.

He wanted to send me maids, but they were all mercenaries, trained in robbery and assassination.

"How are you even going to refer to them as maids?"

In particular, my preferred maid, Ragini, who had been tasked with keeping an eye on me and guarding the Sharma Mansion, brought in my washing water.

Although she is subordinate to me, she has more authority than me in the mansion.

In the original story, she was the one who assisted Gauri in carrying out the majority of her evil deeds.

Put another way, if I didn't bring Ragini along, my life would be much safer.

Trying not to show my anxiety, I took a slow, deep breath and trailed behind my brother Viraj Sharma and Count Sharma.

"Count Sharma has arrived, along with Sir Viraj Sharma and Miss Gauri Sharma."

The butler greeted us politely and led us into a spacious dining area.

The Oberoi family is seated at one end of a large, elongated table.

"I was surprised to see characters that I had only imagined or read about from the writer's description!"

When I saw Count Sharma, I didn't give it much thought, but when I saw the main characters from the original story, I got excited.

"That's Veer, the male lead, and that's Duke Tej Singh Oberoi and Duchess Jhanvi Singh Oberoi next to him."

The main character's handsomeness is to be expected.

His black hair and enticing eyes give him a cold appearance when he is not smiling, but his smiles are unnaturally beautiful.

Even just looking at his clothes made me drool due to his muscular physique.

"This guy is the most attractive man I've ever seen." My heart hurts so much.

But Veer is only for the lead female character, Ishana.

The person next to Veer is the one I will marry. God, oh God!

Just now, Veer was demoted to the second-most attractive man I've ever seen.

"I now understand why Gauri is so obsessed with him."

Even if he is an enemy, you can't help but fall in love with him if he has that kind of look.

Omkara Singh Oberoi is a striking man with dark brown eyes that seem mysterious and black hair that gives him an air of rebellion.

His brows are furrowed, his jawline and nose are straight and sharp, and his cold gaze betrays his discomfort. and a face that is generally more sensual than Veer's.

His body type is comparable to Veer's, featuring a wide chest, a trim waist, and thick thighs. Perhaps I'm oversexifying them, though.

Let's just say that today's eye candy makes up for my unfair death from my previous life.

The female lead, Ishana Rathore, provided the final visual shock.

Despite not being a member of the Oberoi family, ishana, who also attends the dinner, is described as "the goddess of spring" in the novel.

Gorgeous long hair that seems to flow on its own, eyes that look like the dark blue waters of Beautiful Island—I'm ashamed of my expression—smooth and soft-looking fair skin, and a delicate body that I want to protect even though I'm also a woman......

"The female lead in a Rofan novel is so majestic!"

Her beauty took my breath away.

I felt the word "wow" spilling out of my mouth, and I had to will myself to stop.

However, as though I were the only person enthralled with Ishana's beauty, Count Sharma's brow furrowed with resentment.

"You have made the effort to attend. I've cooked you some veal because Miss Gauri says she likes it, but I really hope you enjoy it too.

"As a father sending his daughter off, knowing that you care so much is a huge comfort, but..." With the courteous salutation from the Duke of Oberoi, Count Sharma's voice faltered.

"Weren't we supposed to have only members of both families present at this dinner?" he asked again.

At Count Sharma's inquiry, Veer and Omkara became icy, obviously uncomfortable with Ishana's presence.

They are acting in the same way as male leads, ugh.

"Ishana is a member of our family already. Since they will be seeing each other frequently in the future, I thought it would be a good idea to say hello and invited her to come down.

Although he appeared dissatisfied, the Duke of Oberoi gave an explanation. It was obvious that the Count would not back down if he said just one more word.

"Why are you already doing this?"

I tried to diffuse things before they got out of control, but Ishana said what had to say first: "I'm sorry, but this isn't the place for me."

Omkara turned to go, but not before grabbing Ishana's wrist. "Ishana, there's no need for you to feel regretful. You live with us as family. People who are unable to comprehend that are not worthy of belonging to our family.

It makes sense that, in the original story, Gauri's eyebrows shot up at this particular point.

However, I do not intend to do so.

My entire existence hinged on impressing Ishana, and I always wanted to get to know attractive girls.

Father, both Omkara and the Duke are correct. What's the harm in saying hello to her now since I'll be seeing her constantly after I get married?

I was so nervous that I can't even tell if I smiled correctly, but I tried my hardest.

Count Sharma grinned pitifully and nodded. "Well, Miss Ishana is sort of Lord Omkara's little sister, isn't she?"

This is amazing, to put it mildly.

Count Sharma had observed that Ishana had captured the hearts of both Oberoi's sons.

Omkara looked away and said nothing as I shifted inward.

Ishana could only look at him in confusion as he sidestepped the question without providing an answer.

"So, let's start the dinner now."

With a sound akin to a warning that he would tolerate no more disturbances, Duke Oberoi subdued the uneasy atmosphere and the waiting staff started bringing out the food.

Thank goodness for the aristocratic world of Rofan novels, where all you have to do is stay motionless. In front of you is an exquisite menu that has been carefully crafted by the finest chefs!

I was afraid that Count Sharma would go on an angry tirade once more, but he acts very refined and courteous in front of everyone, which is probably because he is the type of person who stabs people in the back while grinning.

However, it was all a front.

Following our second wine glass, Count Sharma got right to the point. As for the Duke and Duchess, I have no doubt that they will take good care of Gauri; it's not always easy for parents to send their daughter off to marry.

After giving me a mischievous glance, Count Sharma returned his focus to the Duke and Duchess of Oberoi.

The Duke of Oberoi gave a "it's finally happening" look as he nodded.

"I totally get how you're feeling. Don't worry too much, though. I will personally see to it that she has everything she needs.

"Oh, who am I to ask the Duke for such a favour? I just want to send a few of my daughter's maids along." Maybe our long-term maids will have a better understanding of Gauri's preferences.

The moment of crisis has finally arrived.

But Duke oberoi, being the perceptive man that he was, did not answer immediately, but paused.

Given that even Gauri might be viewed as a spy for the Sharmas, it would not be inappropriate for Count Sharma to invite more of his own carefully chosen guests.

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