Chapter 6

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"Earlier, Miss Gauri gave me a compliment on my dress as I was showing her out the door. I was pleased at the time since I assumed it was just a compliment.

Ishana fussed at her dress's hem. Omkara had bought her the dress she was wearing today so she could wear it to his wedding.

Omkara had pleaded with her, "This is ivory, not white," after she had refused to wear a white dress to a wedding.

She reasoned that it would be acceptable to wear something more modest because Gauri's dress, which is white with a lot of gold threads, is far more glamorous than this one.

If Gauri meant to be ironic when she said, "Your dress looks great on you," then she must have looked silly for smiling so broadly in front of her without understanding what she was actually saying.

"Do you believe Miss Gauri was upset?"

Omkara's clenched his jaw when Ishana dress was brought up.

"How cowardly to talk to the helpless Ishana's when you know full well that Oberoi's family made her dress," the comment reads.

However, Omkara's was blind to Ishana's anguish at even bringing up this subject.

"Not at all. She was too sensitive about your dress, not withstanding the one she wore today.

"Oh, Miss Gauri looked so lovely today, so glittery and..."

"She appeared vulgar."

"How can you call your own wife vulgar, Omkara? What do you mean?" Ishana enquired, seeming surprised.

Omkara subdued his fury without much delay. "I apologise; I used a harsh word in front of you."

"Miss Gauri should receive your apology, not me! Do you not even have sympathy for her? You are supposed to take care of her because she has come here by herself, doesn't know anyone else, and only trusts you.

But Omkara was deeply hurt by Ishana's concern for Gauri.

Grabbing her wrist, he said softly, "Did you mean what you said?"

"Omkara, huh..."

You're not nice, Ishana. Are you really unaware of how I managed to get by today?

Ishana shook her head nervously.

She knew his heart, Omkara was certain.

Ishana was someone who was unable to voice any thoughts regarding this marriage.
Perhaps this was her attempt to calm his fears.


"Hey, Omkara. I am...

Omkara raised her chin, displaying a charming expression of surprise as Ishana was speechless.

It was so sweet and innocent to see, like sunshine in springtime.

How comforting.

Omkara approached her lips gradually.


Omkara might have had the opportunity to kiss her if it hadn't been for the interruption.


Ishana awkwardly smiled and pulled away from Omkara to wave at Veer.

"That guy is truly..." Ishana pretended not to hear Omkara's low growl.

Then, Veer, who had spoiled Omkara's special moment, approached, acting as though he hadn't noticed the two were going to kiss at all.

"I find it odd that you're not in your room. Even though it's late at night, Omkara, why are you still here, abandoning the bride?

"My brother, go comfort her if you feel sorry for her."

"I don't want to start a rumour about wanting my brother's woman ."

Omkara was ultimately compelled to back down because Veer would not give up on Ishana.

Ishana would be in trouble if word spread that the Oberoi brothers were fighting over her on the night of the second son's wedding.

He didn't want to worsen Ishana's situation because she already dealt with enough drama from rumours.

Omkara went into his bedroom and got a drink as his heart ached like it had been sliced by a sharp knife.

On that particular night, he required a drink to aid in his sleep.


My eyes opened by themselves in the morning, even though I tried to sleep in until the sun was high in the sky.

As an office worker, my biological clock alarm still went off at six in the morning, even though I already had possessed inside Gauri.

"Oh, I see.. huh?"

I was, of course, expecting to feel as though my body would explode, but it was tolerable.

"Whoa, this is a healthy person with the stamina of a twenty-two-year-old!"

This must be a basic fitness issue rather than an age issue because I wasn't even this fit when I was twenty-two.

This is excellent. I adore it!

After everything I went through yesterday, I'm overjoyed that I didn't become ill.

Because, as they say, "a healthy body leads to a healthy mind," the fact that I wasn't in pain helped me see the situation more favourably.

I could be able to live as a cherished daughter-in-law if I do well. My in-laws won't be the same, even though my husband went crazy over someone else.

When I got married, I was told that I would detest my in-laws, but as long as they loved me, that didn't matter.

"All right, let's greet them first!"

I don't think any in-laws would mind their daughter-in-law welcoming them the morning after the wedding, even though it was somewhat custom.

Furthermore, isn't it one of the possessed villain's survival rules in a Rofan novel to win the main supporting character over?

Excitement made me jump up and down, but then I stopped.

"Should I spill some blood on the bed, or something else?"

A noble couple would go through their first night's bedding in some Rofan novels and look for bloodstains.

The marriage would only then be recognised by the government.

However, I shook my head quickly.

If I did something like that, Omkara would glare at me from the corner of her eyes. Considering that he is a man who will not lose his virginity to Ishana.

"Although he is a very attractive virgin, it seems excessive to deceitfully assume the virginity of another male lead."

Would the first Omkara, who remained a virgin until his death despite Ishana's rejection of him, have given up on love?

I pulled at the string, crying inside out for Omkara. I couldn't help but grin as I pulled the string.

How was your night's sleep, my lady?

Would you kindly groom me and wash my face?

Yes. In a moment, I'll have the water ready.

The polite maid, who unlike Neet was unable to look me in the eye and bowed her head, walked backward without making a sound.

"Lady," she remarked, "this word is strange no matter how many times I hear it."

I'm referred to as a lady even though I'm married. I mean, if I went by Madam Oberoi, people could mistake me for the Duchess.

I wouldn't be referred to as a Countess until Omkara received the title of Count and some of the Oberoi family's estates, which would eventually happen.

"The first Gauri passed away without ever hearing the title Countess."

I inhaled deeply, knowing that I could end up just like her if I made a mistake.

I attempted, with the maid's assistance, to become a proper daughter-in-law.

However, the clothing was the issue.

The Sharma's had sent me several dresses to flaunt their wealth, but I wasn't sure where to look because they were all so ostentatious and had deep V-cuts in the chest.

"What name did you say you were?"

"It's Neet, My Lady,"

"Go to the salon, Neet, and ask them to cover this dress' bust in a more natural way. Now remove all the adornments!

"Yes, ma'am."

Neet quickly obeyed, snatching the dress and racing to the salon.

I became aware of how poorly I had been treated by Ragini, the Sharmas' maid, when I saw her submissive demeanour.

"Well, I must have been the Sharma family pet dog to her."

Merely an attractively attired individual, but no more than a dog.

It was a fortunate move to part from Ragini.

Upon Neet's return, she styled my hair and put on a light makeup, while the deft fingers of the Oberoi family's maids made adjustments to my dress and sent it off.

In the short time they had, they were able to remove the ruffles and make it appear as though it was meant to be this way. I asked them to cover up my ample bosom.

The glitzy decorations had to go, and then the dress fit properly.

"How am I going to wear the rest of my dresses? I'll have to get them altered soon."

I let out a quiet sigh as I peered at the stack of Gauri's dresses. Observing them even for a brief moment causes my head to spin.

The people here would definitely call me "extravagant and vanity Gauri" if I wore those.

For the moment, though, the greeting came first.

I sent Neet to notify the Duke and Duchess of my arrival after changing into a more subdued outfit.

Luckily, the Duke and Duchess accepted my invitation to visit.

"I think you can leave at this time."

"Yes, that's true, but how do I look?"

"You look stunning."

An AI response would be more courteous than that even if one existed.

"I think people in this mansion are afraid of me."

It's possible that the maids were also instructed to use caution when speaking to me.

I made the decision to treat Neet with kindness and understanding.

"I guess so, if you say so. So, will you accompany me then?

"Yes, ma'am."

With my back straight and a half-smile to avoid coming across as haughty, I walked down the corridor to the tiny sitting room that led to the Duke and Duchess's room.

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