Date plans

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Steve point of view
Okay right now I am with Blu, my girlfriend, I would called her in my car. I am now drive us to the movie because I know she love action movie, so I choose the movie 'Respect'( the movie is about a sweet girl who like to help people but not every one show her respect. Some of the boys that live in her town keep on bullying her and say things like' You can't be a fighter, because you're weak or 'your dream will never come true'. But some how the girl training and practice very to achieve her dream and she did it. She have save many people from the bad guys who try to kill them.)
After 20 later we arrive at the movie theater. I buy the tickets and glasses because it will be in 3-D version.

Okay so after buying the food and drinks we enter the door and find out seat then seat down. For the first five minutes it is only advertisements so we just seat there and talk. We wait for about 10 minutes later then the movie start to play.
From the beginning of the movie, it is very sad, I could see Blu start to cry but then I have my hand over her shoulder and pull her toward me into a hug. The movie continue to the end and we have a great night.
After the movie we walk out the the door and walk outside. The outside was a bit cold and I could feel it. Since Blu does not wear any jacket, so I take off my jacket and put it on her. Instead of her feeling the cold, I would rather let my self be cold then her. I also hug her too because I want to keep her warm, and I try to lean in for a kiss, she didn't reject me, then finally we are right where we want to be. We open the car door and get in. I drive off to home.
My point of view
Today's our date so Steve take me to the movie and watch 'Respect', the movie was great. We go outside after that and it was a bit cold so Steve start to take his jacket and put it on me, and I was thinking aww isn't he so sweet. He also so hug me too, I guess he was trying to keep me warm. Then phew there is the car we open the car door and get in and he drive off. Wait I almost forget that Steve also kiss me. What a great night.

Victor point of view
Right now I am drive us to the restaurant because it is our date night. I get out of the car then walk to the other side to get the door and open for Kim then i close it.
Then we walk to the entrance then enter the door.
'Hello how may I help you sir?' Man
'I'm Victor Kim and I reserve a table here.' I say
' Oh yes Victor Kim right this way' man
Then the man show us where our spot was then we sitting down on the chair, Victor was being a gentlemen and pull out the chair for me, I sit down and he push in a little, then he sit down. We start to enjoy our meal. Later that night I drive us home.

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