Quest and new friends

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My point of view
Steve told me that RHPC come back today so we all get ready to get them at the airport.
*Car ride* ...........
For about 50 mins later we arrive at where we should meet them. I can't wait.
' oh look guys they coming this way' I say
' You right' Victor say
Then all of us go to see them and hug them.
RHPC point of view
After getting off the plane, get our stuff, and then get out the door we see not only Quest ran toward us but there are more then one girls.
'Hey guys, who is this?' Ryan ask
'This is Blu,Colton,and Kim, they are all Lydia's friend' Feng say
' oh ok nice too meet you guys' Greg say
'Nice to meet you guys too' the girls say
After meeting Quest's new friends we load our stuff into the car and then get in. And yes we RHPC and Quest live together.
In Quest car
Ryan, Derrick are playing Fruit Ninja on Ryan's iPad, they are in vs mode.
Daina and Erica are talking
Will,Greg, Sean, and Aris are goofing off.
Ryan.F, Hok, and D-trix are rap battle against each other.
Victor is working on his song and Brian help him with it.
Steve is sleeping like a baby
Jolee and Ru are listen to music
In the girls car
Blu is watching YouTube
Colton and Lydia are blogging
Kim is sleeping
In Blu's mind:Hmmm.... Quest, RHPC, and us living together? This will be fun.

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