Will you be my girlfriend?

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Steve point of view
Today I am going to ask Blu to be my girlfriend, I think she is in the sports room right now. So then I walk and enter the room and see her playing basketball, so then I stop her.
' Hey Blu, can we talk?' I ask her
'Sure' she say
' umm I know this might sound strange to you but just please hear me out , ok?' I ask her
'Ok' she reply
'From the first time we met, i start to like you, but I am not sure about my feelings so I didn't tell you yet but today I will so will you be my girlfriend?' I ask her with a hope
' yes, I have feeling for you too' she say and that go well.
Victor point of view
Hmmm how am I going to ask Kim out, let's see, okay how about just write her a song and sing it to her. Kim is in the living watching TV, okay here go nothing.
'Hey kim can i show you something?' I ask her
'Sure' she say then I start to get my ukulele and sing
'I wrote this song for you and I hope you like it' I say

Love you

From the first day I met you, I always have strange feelings, I don't know what it is, but I soon figure it out. It's the feeling of love I feel toward you. You always on my mind and I can't think straight, some how i just want to be with you and stay by your side, no matter where we are, I will aways be there with you. So will you please make my love count and be mine?  I can't think straight anymore  and always get lost in what I do, because I keep thinking about you. So please make my love count and be mine until the world is end.
After singing the song, I can see the tears start to drop on her face but I immediately comfort her and she say yes while I was hugging and try to give her comfort.
Ryan point of view
Calm down, Ryan. You can do this. I am trying to calm myself down because I was nervous about asking Colton out but here's go nothing. Colton in the girls room right now well let do this.
I walk to the girls room and see the door is open ajar and also see Lydia was with her so I ask if I could talk to Colton alone and she say yes. So then I sit down on the bed.
' hey Colton will you be my girlfriend?' I ask her but there are no answer until one moment later
' yes of course I will' she say then I hug her so that go well.

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