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Part 2:

DAY 1:


Madhu gets ready in her trendy lehanga which adds more beauty...

Nakul: kaash I would be the groom in the place of rishab...

Madhu : shut up... don't flirt with me... I m already irritated...

Nakul: arrey oh drama queen... let me complete nah... Kaash I would be the groom... it would be fun to do things to cancel this wedding... Who is tat idiot to marry you..

Madhu throws the vase ... he bends and saved his head...

Nakul: sometimes truth hurts ...

Madhu: nakul... If u don't shut it... trust me I will...

Nakul : ok ok relax... is everything ready...

Madhu : yup... and I m damn sure... u would love my surprise...

Nakul side hugs madhu signalling her tat everything will be alright




A girl with mini skirt and crop top entered the venue...

She removed her coolers and searched for someone... nakul who came tat way got stunned seeing her...

Smile appeared in her lips while she saw someone...she ran and hug the person tightly in front of all...

Nakul who witnessed the scene murmured: ANIKAA...???

Anika: hi rishab... missed u Soo much darling...

RISHAB smilingly hugged her back...

While all present in hall starts gossiping...

Nakul ran to mathu: idiot ... u .. u...

Madhu smilingly. ... I guess Anika came... and started her work...

Nakul: I will kill u madhu.. if my love story ends tragedically ...

Madhu: what love?? When this happened??

Nakul shyingly bowed down : yeah... When our fights ends in love... I could find...

Madhu gave annoyed look: I really don't understand.. u can't stand each other.. still u fell for her ..

Nakul: u can never understand...

Madhu: whatever...







mathu came there only to grabs rishab's attention...

WOW... the word skipped form his mouth without realizing... All laugh hearing him... he gets annoyed of himself as how the famous RK gets attracted by simple normal girl tat too like mathu...

Madhu whispered: now plan 2...

Nakul: what..

Mathu winks...

Nakul finds it rubbish... so he grabbed Anika and pinned her to wall; don't u dare to romance with that scoundrel...

Anika smilingly: pls.. don't call him scoundrel... he s tooo handsome to fall for... even if it's not madhu.. I would have actually done this..

Nakul grits his teeth which s enjoyed by Anika...

Anika: you will be always nakra maehra...

Nakul: don't call me by tat name...

Anika: tats what you are... NAKRA MEHRA.. NUMBER ONE NAKRA WALA MEHRA...

Saying so she ran while chased by nakul...


Ring ritual begin...

RISHAB slides the ring into madh's finger... Which was done by mathu too... all congratulates the new young couple... they took blessings...

Madhu signalled rishab ... And rishab followed her signal and stopped by one room...

Madhu called Anika to come to the room...



Rishab: what's ur plan..??

Madhu: it's just to lock u two in this room... and let all see ur dirty picture..

RISHAB came to RK MODE when he grabs madhu by her hand while twisting it...

Rk: don't compel me to show my evil side to you..

Madhu: arrey mr.body builder... let it be.. show tat to Anika... Let all think tat it's ur girl frnd...

Rk: I won't ruin my reputation...

Madhu: relax... you will say ur truth... but ... my family won't believe... so ur dad will be hurt as they don't believe you... as a result... our...

Rk: marriage will be cancelled...??

Madhu smiles

Rk: so stupid... how this dramatic idea pops in ur head... I guess u watch too many films right??

Madhu: just wait and see...



Nakul: Anika?? Have u found?m

Anika: no.. I just couldn't find my mobile...

Nakul: what's the plan 2.. mathu was talking abt...

Anika: I don't know naku...

Nakul: I don't even know where she has disappeared after engagement...




Inside room...

Rk went to bathroom...



AUUCHHH a sound came from bathroom.. mathu ran inside only to witness rk jumping here and there...

Madhu being confused: what happened...

Rk: there see na...

He pointed on floor...

Madhu searched : what...

Rk grabs madhu and hides behind her: it's .. it's... Cockroach...

Madhu laughed heavily: u get scared f cockroach... omg... tat too dead cockroach

She laughed heavily...

Rk in anger: tats not dead... See it's moving...

Madhu: ok ok.. let's admit tat to hospital and wait for its report

Rk: very funny...

Madhu laughed and picked it by her hands and threw that...



While he came outside..

Rk: listen... madhu...

Madhu controlling her laugh: ji. Rishabji...

Rk: don't say anything to anyone.

Madhu: what ji...

Rk: whatever happened here...

Madhu: I guess... it's impossible for me to hide anything...

Rk gets too angry... as no one saw his this side and this girl s now blackmailing...

Rk: just shut ur so called mouth... don't tell anyone..

Madhu make cute faces like innocent: vo actually rishab ji.. I don't know how to hide things... really...

She pulls her throat while saying that in a very cute way

Rk grabbed her : then tell everyone abt this also...

Saying those he took her lips into his...he really wanted to do ... And while she was blackmailing him .. his anger ruled over and he just grabbed her .. without even realizing he just kissed her

Madhu who was holding her phone dropped tat in shock... she closes her eyes... neither she responds nor she pushes him...she couldn't react .... She was just pulling his legs without thinking of the consequences.... Her cute expressions while blackmailing him is the culprit which made rk to do this...

Rk being rk took full advantage... The kiss longed for soem minute ... till madhu came back to her senses to push him hardly...



Rk Smilingly: I guess it's ur first precious kiss...
He said those while touching his lips...
Madhu became very angry... hwo can he just do that....Nakul and Anika came there at tat time...

Madhu (smiles shyingly): rishab ji...I guess I should drop my studies..(she just flipped the whole scenery as a result of her full anger... Now rk will surely regret this )

Nakul: WHAT??

madhu: I should get married to RK JI..

rk: it's rishab...(he is now confused... Guess she became insane because of his kiss)

Madhu: after what happened... I guess I have rights to call you rk... even ji is not necessary...

Nakul: what happened

Rk: (stammered) mathu... what..what .. r u blabbering...(now he is getting her anger level.... May be he has done big mistake)

Madhu (in rude voice): u have done that... why r u asking me... It's ur fault... Now do that for ur rest of life...(she is in full form to punish him for this sin)

Nakul: what.. what .. what he did...

Anika: what's gng on guys...

Madhu(with smirk): rk.. now just wait and watch... this little mistake of your will cost your life... And after marriage... don't forget to do this mistake daily... I would love this even in morning...

She winks at him while rk gave terrified look...

Madhu; don't think that I m blabbering... I have just made my mind.. so u better change ur mind... our marriage will happen at any cost...

Saying so she left rk who stands still...

Nakul: will u pls tell me.. what mistake u have done...

Rk still in shocked mode: I just tasted her lip gloss


Nakul confusedly: yeah me too tasted her lip gloss.. I love her strawberry flavours...

The sentence brought rk to normal mode .. he looked at nakul who s blabbering like idiot... rk left the place not even answering nakul...

Nakul: hey Anika.. how can madhu marry him for this stupid mistake of him


Anika : naku.. duffer... he meant.. tat lip gloss which madhu has put...

Nakul: so what... is that gloss s much precious to her... that she even wants to drop her studies...

Anika Pat's her head.. and grabbed him to give a long peck to his lips...

Anki : he would have tasted like this...

Nakul: (smilingly) then it must have tasted amazing..

Anika blushes...



Rk room

Rk: dam... Why should I cross the limit... no... she s not serious.. she just pretends as she s angry... TMR she will come with another plan of her... I m sure...


Madhu room

Madhu: how dare he... did he think of me ilke his usual toys .. this won't happen... He should regret this life long...



Rk: but she could have pushed me in beginning... why did she allow me...

Madhu: I just could.have pushed him... but...it was sudden shock... I just couldn't react...




The full night passes by with fear of rk and anger of madhu





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