Jayheart// You Broke Me So I Will Break Your Life

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Jayheart woke in the medicine cat's den. She still felt sore and the poultices still clung onto her wounds from the battle with the fox a few days ago. She had tried to convince Lostgaze to let her back into the Warrior's Den, but the blind she-cat rejected her many times already. The she-cat got to her paws and crept out, careful not to wake up the old she-cat. Jayheart just wanted to sleep in her own nest that was shared by her mate, Stormfang. She longed for his warmth. As she b approached closer, she heard giggling.


The former barn-cat was in HER nest next to HER mate, Stormfang. That she-cat was quite dumb, she thought foxes could climb trees and that she could disrespect Lightningstar. Her fluffy tail twined with Stormfang's as they gazed deeply into each other's eyes. "I love you and no one can replace you".


Stormpaw nuzzled Jaypaw and twined their tails. "I love you and no one else", he murmured softly. Jaypaw leaned her head against his shoulder. "I love you too".

//present time//

"STORMFANG!!", Jayheart yowled, not caring if she woke any other cat up. The gray tom's head slowly faced Jayheart, regret and fear in his eyes. "J-Jayheart.... I-". Blossomtail looked over without a trace of remorse. "SAVE IT FOR MY REPLACEMENT YOU FILTHY DUNGFACED LIAR!!", her voice cracked. "Jayheart... I... you... You were too reckless and I didn't want to have kits with someone who could easily end up dead...", Stormfang mumbled. "I COULD EASILY DIE???!!!", she screamed at him, jagged claws unsheathing," SAY THAT TO THE CAT WHO IS THE DUMBEST OF ALL CATS!!! YOU WANT TO HAVE KITS WITH SOMEONE AS STUPID AS HER??!!". Stormfang was about to silence hisnew mate but Blossomtail snapped," What do you want with me and my mate?!", she then looked over at the tom," Were you cheating on me with her?!". Jayheart let out a sorrowful-furious snarl and lunged towards Stormfang and raked her claws down his left eye," I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME!!". The gray tom let out a agonized screech as Jayheart then took Blossomtail's fluffy tail she was known for. "Stop it! Stop it please!", Blossomtail wailed as the brown tabby she-cat bit down and shook. When Jayheart felt her teeth hit bone, she bit down harder, wanting to rip that tail that once twined with Stormfang's. Finally, with a blood curdling screech and rip, the bloodied tail was ripped off.

Blossomtail let out a agonized screech as the she-cat slashed at her eyes that dared to look lovingly at Stormfang.

She tore at her ears that once heard Stormfang's charming voice.

She ripped away at fur that once brushed against Stormfang.

Blossomtail was a whimpering, bloody mess while Stormfang was in agony as well.

"You mad the worst decision of your life, Stormfang".


"Lets have kits one day". Jayheart smiled as she and Stormfang took a walk. Stormfang smiled back, nuzzling her gently.   "Yes, a family. A family with your beautiful eyes and pelt", Jayheart continued for him," And your charming voice and figure". "Just you and I".

// Future//

Blossomtail surprisingly survived, but not the most beautiful anymore, now the more horrid looking and known as Crookedheart the youngest of elders, making Stormfang's love for her destroyed. Stormfang has a blinded left eye and Jayheart disappeared after her attack on Crookedheart. Jayheart found out she was pregnant after the attack and ended up giving birth to a litter of six. One was stillborn, one died from starvation, one died in the cold.

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