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??? POV:

I decided to take a walk to stretch my legs. There wasn't much to do in my fortress. It's kinda lonely. Maybe one day I will find a friend.

I exit my fortress and observe my surroundings; lava, warped trees, and fire.

I sigh before starting to walk along the colorful grass.

There wasn't much to the nether.
Nothing super interesting.
There was not much color either.

The nether had a color pallet.

Red, blue, orange, black, and crimson.

The colors were all either bright or dull.

No pretty pastel colors.

When I was a kid I would always like to fly over the lava. That one time I did fall in though. I giggled at the thought.

Good thing demons are fire resistant.

I should maybe build a bridge over the lava pool.
It will be easier to get across the pool of fire.

I wouldn't have to waste my energy flying across it anymore.
Of course there were routes around it, but those were quite far. 

I was kinda the only demon really here.
The others died.

There was a war 18 years ago between the demons.Something about power my mother told me.I was only 9 at the time.

Now I'm 27.

Unfortunately my mother died in the war trying to protect me. I guess she would have wanted for my life to be good and not full of problems like it was back then.

My mother and father were always fighting, demons got into fights and sometimes even killed each other.

My friend, Alex, got killed by his own parents.

Demon children are kinda rare since most demons didn't like each other for their power, personality, or looks.

I still don't know why Alex's parents killed him.

But it was 2 years before the war when I was 7.



I looked down and saw that I stepped on some red and blue paste.

I wiped my shoe on the floor before crouching down to examine this "paste."

I touched it with my finger bringing it up to my face.

It was a bright red and a pastel blue.
The paste felt cold, but it wasn't sticky.

Almost like paint. . .It smelt like leaves.

Had something or someone bashed up leaves to make this paste to paint something?

I wiped my finger off on the floor and turned my gaze to the object the layed next to the paste.

A marker.
More specifically a sharpie.

What on earth? I didn't even know sharpies could get in the nether!

Was someone here?
None of the nether animals knew how to make paste. They all either wanted gold or to kill.

A demon couldn't have been here. 
The rest of my species died 18 years ago!

Perhaps a mortal? Maybe one picked revenge. . .

I didn't know much about the gate but I did know you could choose between peace and go to heaven or revenge and you'd arrive in the nether and somehow unlock a power to go to the overworld and take revenge on the one who took their life.

I'm not sure if when the mortals are sent to the nether to seek revenge they get horns and a tail too. It was a myth my grandfather told me before he sadly passed.

Most mortals die in the nether though. They either get killed by lava or one of the monsters here.

Like about a week ago I found bones in the form of a body, too small to be a demon, near the piglins.

Maybe it's from a long time ago and I hadn't noticed it or someone was here.

Maybe I should help them? I didn't like finding dead bodies anyways.

I stood up and started to walk forward looking around the area.

The paste seemed to have been made recently though. If it was made a while ago, it would have dried up.

I stopped.
Something caught my eye.

It stood out from everything else since it was pastel blue.

It looked like a body.

I made my way towards it.
It sat up against a tree with its head down. It almost looked dead.

It wore gray pants, a blue T-shirt and black long sleeve shirt underneath the T-shirt. It had a box on its head that was colored the colors of the paste I found.

I noticed that it had a tail too; It was black and at the end it had spikes. Smaller spikes trailed to the base of the tail too.

It looked smaller than an average demon. Even a child demon was taller.

A normal demon's height is about 9 foot.A child demon's height is around 6 feet.
A baby demon is 4 feet.

I crouched down in front of it. I wasn't sure if it was dead or not so I brought two of my fingers up to its neck to check its pulse.

It's alive!

Could I possibly make a friend?

Just thinking of the thought of having a friend made me smile.

No demon had a tail like it's though.

It had to be a mortal.
Perhaps the myth my grandfather told me was true!

My fortress did have spare rooms so I have room for a friend! 

I picked the being up gently in bridal style and began walking towards the lava pool.

I decided it would be best to fly over it since it was quicker and I didn't want to wake up the mortal and scare the living muffins out of them!

I opened my wings and began to fly over the pool of lava.

I hoped that the lil guy wouldn't wake up and scare himself and somehow jump and fall into the lava. That would be tragic!

I made my way over the lava and brought my wings back to my sides.

I brought him to the fortress and decided to set him down on the couch.
Then when he wakes up I can talk to him! 

My plans are always awesome.

I set the mortal on the couch and decided to go brew some potions while I wait.

Skeppys POV:

I woke up on a rather more comfortable surface. Was I still against the tree? Was this all a dream?

I sat up and realized I was on a couch. But it wasn't a couch I recognized.

The walls were made of the same brick that was on the fortress. No other buildings were in the nether to my knowledge, so I think I'm in the fortress thing.

How did I get here?
Did something or someone bring me here?

 I started to hear footsteps coming towards the room.

Then the door opened.

A tall figure about 9 feet tall entered the room.

It had on a black hoodie with red stripes, soot colored pants, and black boots.

It also had short black hair, black horns protruding through its hair, a black tail with a spade at the end, black wings with a white sanded down horn at the top corner, and lastly, glowing white eyes.

It looked like a demon.
It was a demon.

I was in awe but you couldn't see since I had my box on.

"Oh hi! You're finally awake! "The demon said with a cheerful tone.

I blinked before waving slowly, my tail hitting the couch repeatedly.

"Sorry if I scared you! My name is Bad and I'm a demon! I just found you alongside a tree so I decided to bring you here, "Bad said.

I paused for a bit, refusing to believe that this was all real.

"Erm, . . .my name is Skeppy, "I reply, trying to seem brave.

"Nice to meet you, Skeppy! ”Bad said.

"Why do you seem so. . .happy? "I ask.

"Oh, well it's kinda lonely around here and I finally found someone! "

"Those fleshy pigs can't befriend you? "I ask again.

"Oh, the piglins? Nah, they only want gold and they also kill mortals, like you. I only trade with them, "Bad responded.

"I wouldn't wanna be friends with them. They look so ugly and scary!And, if they are going to attempt to kill me then I definitely don't wanna be friends with them! "I exclaimed.

Bad giggles.

"Right well, let me show you to your room, "Bad says signaling for me to follow him.

I stood up and began following the demon.

We walk down a hall and he opens the door to my room.

The room had a nice bed with a white fuzzy blanket and a desk lay in a corner. There was also a black rug on the floor.

"It looks amazing! This is better than my bedroom in the overworld! "I exclaimed.

"Well, enjoy, see you in the morning, Skeppy! "Bad says with a warm smile.

"Goodnight! "I say before Bad shuts the door.

I take my shoes off and place them at the end of the bed leaving my socks on.

I fall onto the fuzzy blankets and do some sorta snow angel movements.

‘What just happened?’I thought to myself.

I continued to let my mind run, but eventually, I fell asleep.

Word count:1527

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