The End of a Cold War

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I can savor

The taste of fear

Riding upon the wind

As turbulently

As your troubled mind

Seeks desperately

To understand

The mortality of this moment

The life and death mechanics of Reality

The realization

When faced with death

As evident of the staccato pant

Of your futile labour

Frivolous at best

Arouses a sense

Of phallic justice

Hard truths

Brought to bear witness of

Your infidelities

Your betrayal


Aborning of arsenic

Sputters froth

From your womb

Searing traces of bitterness

Cascades a corrupted truth

Transformed into an ugliness

That has become us

Two hearts

That once beat as one

Cast fervently

Into a cold war

Unrelenting hatred reciprocated


Unmitigated threats


That cannot be reprieved

How did we get here

Do you even care

To ponder the thought of

How I once loved thee

A dream shattered

By the realization of now


The now

I can live with

The thought of losing you I cannot

Kill this relationship


I must

For the taste of you

Is the sake of me

My sustenance

I close my eyes

In perusal of happier times

When life was bearable


I'm jolted out of my reverie

By the hilt of your scorn

Protruding from my chest


I touch

As if to confirm its legitimacy

A reason for its being

Overwhelmed by solemn peace

I collapse in passive supplication

And as she turns and walk away


Of the final utterance

To flee my lips

I forgive you

I ponder

If she ever

Loved me at all

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