... Face reveal, and dogo reveal XD

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Whelp, here we go... first me...


Nope, jk, first Honey!! And this was taken about a year ago!!!!

I Remeber when she was this small.... and now she's huge!

Most recent!!! So, dats moi dogo Honey!!! ^^ uh... now Sugar!

She's the darker dogo!!!

Katie and Sugar ^^

Cute, eh?


That was me and Honey meeting for the first time. I fell in love with her right away. This was two summers ago..... our bond is strong together.

Me in New York, and we were at a fair sorta thing!!! ^^ it was fun!!!! They had lots of neat and cool stuff!!! (I like t-shirts, no judge!) This was uh... a month ago!!!

Me and my dad 2 summers ago...

My dad and my new grandpa!!!!

Me and Lexi, the gamers!!! (I'm the taller one!!)

I like riding horse back!!!!

Whelp ....
Sorry to disappoint you peeps, g-night guys!!
Moi pies~❤💛💚💙💜💖💕🍞🥔☕🎃

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