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     The train was going so quickly, everything was a blur. Andrew had the storage train car open and he was turned away from me. His white shirt was plastered with sweat as he worked on some metal instrument. I really had no idea how he planned to use it.

My foot tapped on the humming floor, "Andrew what are you-"

He held up his hand, "Emma, will you hand me the twister please?"

   I looked over at his tools and tried to find something similar to what he described. There were so many, several of which he had made himself. Everywhere he went, his tools went with him.

"Is this it?" I picked up a heavy piece of twisted metal with several attachments of levers.

Andrew glanced at my hand, " Yes! That's perfect."

     He continued on working and I paced back and forth. My dress moving with me, every step brought it swaying around my feet. My hair, that was once held up in a nice lady-like bun, had completely fallen. I sighed, but nothing could distract me from the broken track coming closer, and closer to us. The unyielding train barreling down the tracks soon to end.

     As Andrew worked, I looked over his shoulder. He had some sort of harness: there were straps attached to the large square board of metal, with several attachments of intricate metal parts. Perhaps even clock or pocket watch parts. Before I could step back, Andrew stood up and turned around facing me.

He smiled and blue eyes met mine, "It's done."

I smiled quickly and motioned towards his project, "So what now?"

 Andrew didn't look at me, "This is the part you wont like."

He began putting his arms through the straps. He turned to me," Will you tie the straps together?"

"Andrew please tell me you're not doing what I think you're doing."

His eyes met mine and he softly smiled, trying to make light of the moment, "And what is that?"

     It was like time froze, for just those few moments, there was no speeding train, no passengers in peril, and no enemies to be fought. Only Andrew and I, just us. His blue eyes looing into mine. We always had these moments. Neither one of us had told each other how we feel. To others, we're just companions working for the greater good, but in these moments, there's something more. Something I feel, we're too shy to face.

"Andrew," I stepped closer to him and touched his hand, my gaze never leaving his, "Please don't do this. I'll go with you."

He took my hands, his thumb rubbing the back of my hand, and he put his forehead on mine. He was looking down.

"Emma, do you remember that quote you read from one of your books?"

I couldn't help but chuckle ," Which one?"

"Life is either a daring adventure-"

I lifted my head, our noses almost touching, "-or nothing."

     Andrew leaned in and we met in a kiss. My arms wrapped around his neck and his around my waist. Even though we hadn't told each other how we felt with words, it was expressed through this kiss.

He stepped away and laughed.

My face flushed pink, "What?"

  Andrew caressed my face, "We pick the best timing for everything don't we?"

My eyes filled with tears, "Andrew, you don't have to do this, "I gave him a hard stare, "I'm going with you."

His voice got somber, "No. You know what I have to do."

Andrew stood by the open doors straitening the straps on his invention. We could feel the train swaying under our feet, "Andrew-"

I grabbed his arm, he glared at me, "Emma. I can't lose you."

Tears streamed down my face and my voice trembled, "And I can't lose you!"

He leaned in and kissed my forehead, turned and faced the open doors. He took a deep breath and jumped out put of the moving train car.

Hey guys! Thanks for reading and I hoped you enjoyed it. Please comment if you have any suggestions. Do you think this should be a full length story? By the way, the quote that inspired me to write this was by Helen Keller, "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing."


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