Chapter - 17

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“Hi, I'm Bea and this is Abby. We're Roxy's friends. It's nice to meet you. Sorry about my husband earlier, he is just very protective over her.” Bea says to Jake while smiling at him.

“Hey. It's completely alright. I understand where he is coming from. I have a sister of my own.” He smiles at her shaking her and Abby's hand.

Elle calls me towards her to show me something so I go over to her leaving Jake with Bea and Abby. As I make my way back to them, after listening to Elle, I look at them still conversing, but the aura around them is completely different now, Bea has a serious look on her face and well Abby, she just looks like her fiery self. What's wrong now... I think to myself.

“Jake I want to let you know that I have no problem with you and her being together, but if you ever... I mean like ever... hurt her at all... We're not going to spare you. She has already been through so much, so if you ever hurt her, we'll twist your balls and then feed them to you. Derek will take care of the rest...” Bea warns him with a very serious face, while Abby just keeps on nodding giving her approval. Oh God... These women... I groan inside my head as I hear their comments.

I look at Jake and saw him visibly gulp a little. Well... What did I tell you about Bea being scary? She really is. A smile makes a way to my lips.

“Hey... What's up? What are you talking about?” I say gamely to diffuse the tension.

My besties' expressions instantly softens at my appearance like they did not just threaten him to cut off his balls.

“Oh nothing. Let's go. It's time to party....” Bea and Abby make their way to the stage with Derek, Matt and Elle, while I move to Jake's side.

“Hey. You okay?” I touch his arm lightly.

“Remind me to never get on their bad side. I don't want to die so soon...” He mutters very seriously.

I start laughing at his admission. The scary Bea affect... Even he isn't immune to it. I shake my head at the thought and just chuckle at him.

“Aww... It's alright Jakie-boy. I'll protect you.” I say, making him narrow his eyes at me playfully.
“By the way, I heard that. Their threats....” I chuckle.

He lets out a resigned sigh. “She is scary. Abby too.”

“I know.” I chirp at him brightly. “Come on, let's dance.” I grab his hand in mine and lead him to the dance floor. He smiles at me and let's me drag him behind me.

We spend a good time together. Jake and my friends, all opening up to him very well. They have already become fast friends. Elle seems to be enjoying Jake's company a lot. We danced together to the slow music after Bea and Derek had their first dance. And let me tell you ladies and gentlemen, Jacob freaking Valtor could dance. Oh boy, he can. He swept me off my feet. His arms held me close to him. I could inhale his intoxicating scent. A hint of cinnamon spice, mint and him fused together giving him a distinct scent of his own. I think this is my favourite scent now. How I wish I could bottle it up and spray it around me whenever I feel like it. Damn this man... he is making me crazy. Is there something that he can't do? Uhh... yeah commitment. My inner voice mocked. I ignore it. I am enjoying myself a lot right now and don't want to ruin my fun.

We all make our way to cut the cake and enjoy the dinner. As we were walking, I heard a ripping sound from behind. Jake and I, we both turn around quickly to see what happened. There stood Abby with her dress torn from the side seam, looking furious as hell, as if she is about to commit murder. And beside her stood Matt with a horrified and scared expression, his foot on her now torn dress laying on the floor.

Oh no. Oh no. This can't be happening. She is going to punch him if he says something wrong. I know her. Oh fuck. I was panicking for Matt. I immediately make my way to Abby, to calm her temper. But too late.

“You fucking tore my dress. Can't you see where you're walking? Are you fucking blind, asshole?” She hisses in pure rage.

“I'm sorry. It was accidental. I didn't mean it. And it's just a dress. I'll buy you another... Don't worry.” Matt shrugs her off nonchalantly.

She gets even more furious. This can't be good. For Matt's face.

“What did you just say? Just a dress? Do you have any fucking idea what I had gone through to get this dress... I had to endure hours and hours of torture, sitting through being poked by horrendous pins and needles, just to get this dress for a stupid wedding... No offence Bea.” She spits out at him, then looking at Bea, as she made the last comment. Her anger now turning into hot, burning fury.

“None taken.” Bea replies casually, waving her hand.

“Chill. There's no need to act up just because of a dress... It's not a big deal. I said I'm sorry.” Matt deadpans. This idiot has a death wish.

“Oh no you didn't.” She narrows her eyes to slits.

“Oh yes. I totally did. Please stop acting like a bitch and creating a scene. Everyone's looking.” That did it.

“You asshole.” She steps towards him in a flash and punches him straight across his face that I could hear her knuckles crunching and Matt's nose starts gushing blood. Damn...

“Well, this gives people something worth watching...” She smirks at him.

“Are you crazy????” He yelps.

“You should've thought about this before calling me a bitch.” She flips her hair at him, scoffing at him.

Besides me, Jake and Derek are having a field trip at Matt's punched face, his left eye starting to turn red, his nose bleeding. They were trying to control their laughter but failing miserably at it. Idiots. 

She was about to kick him too but Bea and I interrupt and pry her off of him. This woman.

“Apologise. Sincerely.” She looks at Matt, still fuming with anger.

“Damn woman. You punch like a hoodlum. Are you the female version of Rocky Balboa or what?” Matt squeaks a little, instead of apologizing.

Matt please stop. You're digging your own grave. I can't watch this.

And just like that, Abby frees herself from our hold and charges towards Matt again. I sneak a glance at Elle, wondering she must be scared watching her father getting beat up by her partner-in-crime but the little girl just shrugged at me and goes to eat her food. Well someone has her priorities straight. Now's not the time, Roxanne. Stop Abby. My inner voice screams at me. Oh right! Abby. Oops.

Before she could hit him with an upper cut, Bea and I grab her by her arms, stopping her. Jake and Derek, done with their laughing fit, but still letting out a few chuckles here and there, held Matt and help him stand at a safe distance from Abby.

I glance at her. With her fiery mane spewing all over, eyes burning in hot, raging fury, she was a sight to behold. A scary sight. Especially for Matt.

“Matt, will you please just apologize? Sincerely.” I ask him, sighing.

“Okay. Okay. I'm sorry. I didn't do this on purpose. I didn't mean to hurt you...” His voice coming out as if he is regretting something, almost pleading and genuinely asking for forgiveness. But not for this. This is about something else.

Abby's eyes soften a little before she immediately masks her feelings with her usual cold expression. “It's too late for that...” she mutters to herself, but I'm sure Bea heard it too. Because I did too. What the fuck is going on...

And with that she walks out of there without even a backwards glance at Matt. Bea and I exchange knowing looks with each other, before following her. I stop and tell Bea to go with her and I'll be right back. She nods and leaves. I make my way over to Matt, Jake and Derek. I ask them to help him clean up and turn around in search of Abby and Bea. I have just taken a step when Matt's voice stops me.

“Take care of Wildfire, Roxy.” He says, nodding towards the way Abby went. I just nod at him and start moving. Okay. Something is definitely going on between these two and Bea and I have no fucking idea about it. Fucking Abby. She never opens up willingly. Damn that weirdo. And 'Wildfire'? If this isn't cute or what... Focus Roxy. Focus.

Elle runs up to me after finishing filling up her tummy. I take her hand in mine and take her with me. Abby might calm down seeing her.

We find Abby and Bea in the garden, Abby pacing around anxiously, with swear words coming out of her mouth like vomit. I know! Horrible analogy... But I couldn't explain it better than this...

Elle runs to her and stands in front of her. Abby stops her pacing seeing Elle. She then lets out a weary sigh, bends down to her knees and hugs the little girl to herself, which seems like she is seeking... Comfort? Abby immediately calms down feeling Elle's little arms around her gently rubbing her back. See told you. Special bond.

Abby breaks the hug and looks into the little girl's eyes and says, “I'm really sorry for hitting your father, little one.”

“It's okay Aunt Abby. He deserved it. He tore your pretty dress...” she replies, giving Abby a toothy grin, which causes her to chuckle and shake her head at her.

Abby then leans forward and touches her forehead with Elle's closing her eyes and taking a deep breath to calm her anxious self. She then kisses Elle's forehead and hugs her tight again.

“You're the best, little one.” Abby says to her.

Elle just giggles cutely at her, taking her face in her tiny little hands and kissed her forehead too, reciprocating the affectionate gesture. Awww...

Abby stands up, now all calm and composed, holding Elle's hand and walks over to us.

“I'm sorry for causing a scene at your wedding party, Bea. And I'm sorry for calling this a stupid wedding. I didn't mean it.” She pleads, giving Bea her puppy dog eyes, showing that she is guilty of everything that has happened in the last few minutes.

Bea hugs her and tells her that it's fine.

“Besides it makes my wedding even much more memorable...” She grins at Abby, wiggling her eyebrows, causing Abby to roll her eyes but she let out a chuckle.

She hugs Bea again, saying a thank you and feeling left out, I join in the hug.

“Oww... You're all squishing me...” Elle whines. We all just laugh at her, breaking the hug.

“When you're ready to talk about it, we're here okay...” I whisper to Abby, gently touching her arm. She nods understanding clearly what I'm talking about.

With that we go back inside and enjoy the rest of the party. Abby and Matt keep avoiding each other at all costs. But they are taking secretive glances at each other thinking no one is looking. Matt looks full of remorse while Abby just looks like she is holding inside an ocean of emotions, like she is hurting. I just hope everything works out fine. I can't see Abby like this, like she is going to break apart any moment.

I sigh.

“What are you thinking about?” Jake asks from beside me.

“Hmm.. just things. Sorry I've been distracted.” I apologise to him, turning towards him, looking into his eyes.

He just smiles at me and kisses my forehead. “Don't worry about it.”

And with that I feel all my tensions wash away. Just with one simple touch.

What are you doing to me Jake...?


A/N: This concludes the wedding. I hope you liked the chapter and the story.

So what's the tea with Abby and Matty-boo? 👀👀

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Until next time,
S 💕

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