Chapter 31

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Great. Now I have to deal with Ares!

"OH NO YOU WILL NOT!" My mother screeches and throws Pit's slipper at Ares.

Did I miss something?

Ares looks at my mother in fear "PLEASE NO! I WILL DO ANYTHING!" he screams. Persephone backs off satisfied "Then you will go to jail in the underworld along with Hades." Ares looks scared once more but nods.

Why is he so scared of my mother?

A portal opens up and all the gods step out.

Zeus walks towards me with an embarrassed look on his face. "Y/N On behalf of all the gods I thank you for defeating hades and saving us all-"

Persephone interrupts him "WHICH YOU WERE TOO STUPID TO DO!"

Zeus ignores her and continues " We would like to offer you a spot on Mount Olympus as a token of our gratitude and we will build you a temple. You are a god after all." Whoah! Mount Olympus! This is such an honour! I should accept.

Something stops me.

I look back at everyone who helped me. Lady Palutena, My best friend Dark, Persephone, Demeter, Poseidon, Artemis and Medusa. And Pit, especially Pit. they all look back at me with a mixture of happiness and sadness. I sigh knowing what I have to do.

"I decline." I state Zeus looks surprised.

"I decline because everyone who helped me stand here today aren't on Mount Olympus. I know what an honour this is but I want to be near them so if they ever need help I can make it up to them. No offence but the gods on Mount Olympus didn't really make a difference to me." I elaborate.

Zeus smiles softly "Then where would you like your temple to be?" Zeus asks me.

I think for a bit "Above Eris's temple so I can visit my friends." I answer looking back at Pit. He smiles encouraging me.

Zeus pats my back "It shall be done. You need to go to lord Dyntos now to make your symbol to give to those who are loyal to you."

I nod surprised at how far I have come since I came to Lady Palutena.

Zeus opens up a portal and motions me to go in.

I stop and think about Saphiron with a painful tug in my heart. I wish he was here, by my side- he deserves this as much as I do. I open my eyes and know what to do.

"Is it okay if Dark and Pit come with me?" I ask Zeus. He nods knowingly Dark comes next to me looking surprised and Pit gives me a proud look.

The three of us go in.

I find lord Dyntos sitting at his throne and I bow down.

"Ah, if it isn't the famous goddess of balance! What brings you here?" Lord Dyntos asks me dipping his head respectfully.

"I have come here to ask you to craft my symbol." Lord Dyntos nods knowingly "What do you have in mind?" I walk forward and whisper my idea in his ear.

He looks at me in surprise "Are you sure?? You can have anything!" I nod once more.

"This will take 5 minutes-"

I walk back to stand next to Pit and Dark. Pit looks at me in curiosity "What did you tell him??" Dark asks me. I just smile and stay quiet hoping Dark will say yes to what I will ask him.

"I happy for you Y/N! You deserve this!" Pit smiles at me "I couldn't have done it without you." I smile back at them. Lord Dyntos comes back with three small shoulder cuffs in his hands, each had a balance scale on them. They were made of marble with gold accents.

I thank Lord Dyntos with a bow and turn to Pit and Dark.

I give one to Pit "Thank you Pit for being there to cheer me up!" he takes it and gives me a big hug "Thanks Y/N! I'm glad you feel my loyalty to you!"

I pull back and turn to Dark seriously.

"Dark, before I give this to you... I need to ask you something."

"What is it?" Dark raises his brow. I take a deep breath hoping he will accept.

"Dark I would like you to stand by my side."

Dark takes a step back "You don't mean-" he trails off.

"I mean I want you to be my angel. Only if you want to of course! I feel like you'd be perfect for the job because unlike Pit your kindness doesn't get in the way of making good choices-"

"HEY!" Pit interrupts, I ignore him.

"You also try your best to be good despite your origins. I trust you with my life and really want you to accept!" I finish.

Dark looks at me shocked "Are you sure you don't want someone else??" he persists, I shake my head firmly. He thinks for a second "Then I accept." I grin at him glad about his decision.

"I will stand by you as your servant."

"You will stand by me as my best friend."

I correct him and his smile only grows. I give him the cuff and he puts it on eagerly. He then tackles me in a big hug "Thanks Y/N." he whispers and then lets go of me quickly.

"You both passed the test!"

The two angels look at me weirdly so I elaborate "Only people with good intentions can wear those cuffs. Dark I have no doubt you will do your best!" The two smile at me.

Zeus comes out of nowhere.

"AACK!" Pit yells jumping back.

"Y/N your temple is ready. You can move there now. Oh yeah and there is going to be a celebration at the river styx for your victory." Zeus says as he opens up a portal to a temple.

"Ready?" I ask Dark

He nods "Ready!"

And we go in waving goodbye to Pit.

Pit stands there with a sad smile on his face slowly waving back.

The portal closes and we look at the temple.

The temple is made of marble and just like my cuff it has golden accents, spread across in front of us is a giant courtyard with a hot spring.

Pit would love that.

With a jolt I realise Pit isn't here anymore.

In the middle of it all is a gold statue of myself.

"We're replacing that!" I tell Dark quickly.

"Looks like gods are narcissists!" He laughs in agreement.

"Here it is,



I hope you liked the chapter! Most of it is filler! Stay safe!


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