Chapter 33

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I was ready in a simple white and black chiton. I was a bit excited as the party was in my honor. I pinned my black and white brooch at my shoulder to hold the doric chiton in place. I walked to the throne room where Dark was waiting for me.

"What took you so long!" he asked, tapping his foot impatiently against the marble floor. I rolled my eyes "Unlike some people I don't wear the same clothes everyday!" I gesture to his black toga. "Hey! I wore new shoes!" He protests and I laugh seeing new silver sandals on his feet "Like people are gonna notice!"

"Why do I have wings?" I asked him suddenly. Dark looks a bit taken aback then thinks for a bit "Maybe cuz you look more balanced that way?" he offers. I look at him "It took you five minutes to come up with that answer?" I ask dryly. "Let's just go!" he walks outside I laugh at him and follow.

I open up a portal to Mount Olympus and we step inside.

Mount Olympus is decorated with red banners and candles. I see lots of gods, even gods I don't know! I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn around to see a goddess with wings instead of arms. She gives me a sweet smile before saying "Hi! My name is Nike, I'm the goddess of victory!" she smiles. I smile back at her sunny attitude and her wings.

Dark taps me on my other shoulder "I'm gonna go talk to the guys." he says and walks away. 'Guys?' I think seeing Dark talking to Hermes, Apollo and Heracles. I roll my eyes, who knew he had god friends??

"Oh! Persephone and Demeter were asking for you! I'll take you to them!" Nike exclaims leading me by the arm further inside the party. I see Demeter, Persephone and Rhea?! Rhea is standing outside as she is so big. The three mothers are in deep conversation.

Seeing your approach they stop talking and smile at me.

Nike stands to the side next to Demeter. Persephone lunges towards me and gives me a huge hug whispering in my ear "I'm so glad that you're okay!" before letting go. Demeter smiles warmly before telling me "I knew you could do it!" I hug her tightly. She hesitates a bit before hugging back.

Then Rhea speaks.

"So this is the young goddess who saved the world." She smiles proudly at you "My great-granddaughter." I bow down overwhelmed at the praise. "There is no need for that." Rhea says smiling in amusement.

I smile and bid them goodbye. I go to the other end of the temple and look at the moon. It illuminates everything in a silvery glow.

Who would have thought it? Me a servant of the gods, now a powerful god? The change is almost overwhelming. Then I remember a certain someone I haven't seen today.

As if on cue-

he arrives.

Pit walks over to you hesitantly.


"Congratulations!" He exclaims loosing shyness suddenly. He gives me a huge hug. I hug back glad to see him. "You deserve this." He whispers quietly as loud as the soft breeze. He finally lets go and pulls back looking at me.

The breeze stirs his brown hair and the moon outlines his features.

(I felt so awkward writing this)

He opens his mouth to say something but hesitates. At last he spits it out "Y/N, I have something important to tell you." he says seriously.

I nod seriously taking note of his hesitation. I look at him expectantly.

"Y/N... I... I-"

He stops as if listening to someone and then gives a nod. "Sorry Y/N! Lady Palutena is calling me!" he apologises looking relieved. With that he flies away.

What was he going to tell me?

I wish I knew.

I loom at the spot where he was a few seconds ago.

All I see are his-

Falling feathers.

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