Chapter 8

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"Be careful, ok?" says Dark to me looking concerned. "Are you feeling okay?" I ask him laughing "It's not like you to be so concerned!" I smile. He scowls at me "Hey it's a two day journey there! Plus if anything happens it's just you." He says seriously "And Pit!" I add. "And Pit-stain, he's an idiot so that doesn't really sound." He states with a straight face, I playfully shove his shoulder.

"Pit, Y/N, be careful. I trust Demeter but the way there might be dangerous. Contact me if there is any danger at all." She says and gives me a hug.


That was unexpected. I hug back gratefully and take my bag in hand then smile back at her as me and Pit leave. Pit gives me a reassuring smile and we jump.

"So, what's the way to Demeter's cottage like?" Asks Pit. "It is an easy journey as I remember it, long but easy. It will feel like camping! Then on the way there is a sacred spring. The spring of Artemis." I say trying my best to remember.

"Is it a hot spring?" Asks Pit enthusiastically "I love hot springs!" He looks at me with his sky blue eyes.

"Yes. There is a hot spring. It is the place where young women get the water to bathe in before getting married. This symbolises the end of Artemis's protection for them, and there begins their protection from Hestia." I say reciting a scripture from a scroll Athena told me to read.

"Cool! Did you and Artemis go there often?" He asks me.

"Yes every month!" I say "Oh look there's the ground, prepare for landing." I say seeing the nearing grass. Pit nods and keeps quiet. As soon as my feet are almost touching the ground I close my wings and jump down. Pit would have been successful but he tripped on a rock and fell face forward on a bed of flowers.

"Ooow~~" He groans as he sits up I rush towards him and give him my hand he accepts and I heave him up. "Oh, Pit you've got flowers in your hair!" I chuckle and he blushes. "They actually look quite good on you, especially the blue" ones I say teasing him "Of course they do, I'd look amazing in anything." he teases back.

Pit opens his satchel and shoves clumps of flowers inside "What are you doing?" I ask him, "They look nice." is what he says "Which way now?" he asks. I point towards the flowery hills in the distance.

We walk until the sun goes down and our legs ache. "We should set up camp." I say Pit nods and points to a big willow tree "How about there?" he asks. We build a fire and sit around it. The night air is cold and all I have is a tiny blanket that's too thin. We shiver and huddle closer to the fire, then I remember the bracelet that Demeter gave me. I put it on and unclip my tunic, it's basically just a rectangular piece of cloth. I give it to Pit without another word and sit down in my black rompers.

"Aren't you cold?!" He asks his eyes widening, I simply hold up the bracelet. "Thank you!" He smiles holding my warm hand in his bigger one.

I looked down "Have you ever noticed that your hand is bigger than your head?" I ask trying to get Dark in on the conversation "It is said to be a sign of low intelligence." I tease him. "Hey! I am too smart!" He retorts "Well Y/N, Pit is living proof of that saying." comes Dark's insult I chuckled. "WHERE DID YOU COME FROM?!" Yelled Pit looking around "In your laurel idiot." came Dark's reply "Well gotta go Lady Palutena's calling me. night Pit-stain." he said "Goodnight Y/N." his voice softened "Goodnight Dark." I tell him with a smile.

"I'm hungry." says Pit. "It makes sense, we didn't eat since we left." I tell him as I rummage in my bag and pull out a few vegetables and some granola bars plus two apples. "Really?" He asks looking at the non junk food in dismay "Yup." I say. He takes a granola bar and nibbles it and I take some cucumbers and we start eating.

"What time is it?" He asks me, I look up at the sky "About 8:00 PM" I answer. "I'm not sleeping yet!" He states and takes all the flowers out of his bag and starts weaving them together. I look at him curiously "What are you doing?" I ask him "Making a flower crown." I look at him blankly. "You don't know how?! Here I'll teach you." He gives me a closed eye smile "You weave this flower with this one like this.... and then this one over here..." he starts showing me.

It takes me ages to finish mine, I find this so boring but since Pit likes it I guess I will do it for his sake. My finished flower crown doesn't really look like a crown it's flowers are at odd angles and they keep falling. Pit's flower crown is surprisingly good it looks perfect!

"Welp I tried." I look away in embarrassment. "Hey, it's a good start." He tells me and puts his crown on my head. He looks at me and quickly averts his eyes "It suits you.." is all he says. I put my flower crown on his head, it ends up lopsided, He grins "It suits you too!" I chuckle.

I notice the stars and gasp. "Hey pit, look at the cassiopeia supernova!" I exclaim tugging on his sleeve. "It really is beautiful." He smiles the stars reflecting in his eyes. The moonlight outlines his features really well... Y/N, WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?!

We sit there watching the stars for another hour. I yawn and realise I'm tired.

"Goodnight Pit." I say as I lay down on my side and close my eyes.

I don't hear him say "Goodnight Y/N." or feel him watching me, I am already asleep.

"Sweet dreams."


Another chapter down! If you have any suggestions please comment! My story is #3 in Pitxreader, thanks so much! Stay safe and stay happy!


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