Chapter 1: Just Another Day

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Grace's POV:

I clutch my binder tightly to my chest as my sister, Julie, and I make our way down the hallway of our high school towards out lockers. Julie has her hat pulled low over her face so that people won't notice her.

When we finally reach our lockers and open them to pull our books out I hear a familiar voice behind us and grin. "Hey underachievers." Flynn says as she stops next to me. "Hey disappointment." The two of us say back simultaneously.

"I swear, you two may not actually be related, but you defiantly have the creepy twin thing down." She says. We both just exchange a grin. "Ok, I know you don't want me to ask you this, but have you two decided what you're gonna do today?" She asks us.

Julie and I exchange a glance. "We'll know in the moment." Julie answers for us. "Really Jules? Grey? That's all you're giving me? Mrs. Harrison said this is your last chance." She says. I sigh and close my locker. "We know, we were there." I say. "See you at the rally."

I hear from across the hallway. "Ugh, what is she handing out?" Flynn asks, glancing at Carrie Wilson across the hall. "Desperation." Julie tries. "Headaches?" I suggest. They both grin at that one. Then Carrie is headed this way with a fake grin plastered on her face.

"Here you go. My group's performing at the spirit rally tomorrow. I'm sure you guys have nothing better to do." She says. "Oh my gosh Carrie! Thanks!" Flynn says sarcastically. "Oh my gosh, Flynn! Don't bother coming!" She echos. I roll my eyes.

With that she walks away and Flynn crumples up the paper she gave us. I glance over at Carrie to see who's next to her. Flynn and Julie exchange a glance. "Nick? Seriously?" She asks me. "Still? You know they're going to get married and have a bunch of unholy babies." Flynn adds.

"Nick's a sweetheart." I defend. "Yeah, you'd actually have to talk to him to know that. Besides, only one of them has to be a demon to make a demon baby." I glare at Flynn. She then turns in the direction Carrie is. "Demon!" She yells. We quickly turn away and start to laugh.

"There are those smiles. Now, let's go prove everybody wrong." Flynn says. With that the three of us loop arms and head towards music class. I turn to Julie. "Decided on our song yet?" I ask, gripping my guitar case tightly. "Nope, just go with it. I'll start and then you come in." She says.

I nod and we enter the classroom, finding our seats. We go through class as normal with people preforming for the class. Nick just finished a guitar solo which was pretty good if I'm being honest.

"Very nice Nick, almost as impressive as your game against Glendale. Alright, we have one last performance. Julie? Gracelyn?" She asks. The two of us exchange nervous glances. We can do this. We can do this.

We get up, me with my guitar in hand, and head over to the grand piano in the room. Julie takes her seat behind it while I tune really quickly. Once I'm done I glance at Julie who still hasn't put her fingers on the keys. "Take your time." Mrs. Harrison says.

I nod as I run my hands over the strings of my guitar. I haven't played since...I shake my head. I don't need to think about that right now. My hands are shaking. I don't even know if I can play, even if Julie starts us off, I don't know if I can come in.

My heart starts pounding and tears fill my eyes with the memories I have of playing this very guitar. I shake my head and place my guitar down. I notice Julie get up as well and together the two of us run out of the classroom, tears running down our faces.

We find a spot in the hallway and sit down together, my arm wrapped around her shoulders as we cry. It's hard. We both love music so much and yet we can't even fathom playing without her here. Flynn settles down next to me and wraps me in her arms. "I'm so sorry guys." She says.

I nod and we just sit there in silence till the end of the day bell rings. "Text me when you two get home, ok?" Flynn asks as the two of us head out of the school. I nod and she runs towards her dad's car while we walk to mine.

When we get there we settle in the kitchen with our homework and set to work. Dad walks downstairs. "Oh good, you're home. I was just about to go watch your brother's game. Had photoshoots all day, didn't even have a chance to eat. But, I got a phone call today." He says.

I keep my eyes on my paper that I am no longer writing while Julie looks up at him. "Yeah, we figured as much." She say. "Yeah, well, it was my realtor friend." He says. I let out a breath of relief. "Oh, that." I say, looking up at him.

"Yeah, and she says that if we're serious about selling this house, then she wants me to take some pictures for the website. Which means we have to do a lot of cleaning, and get rid of some stuff. Maybe you two can tackle mom's studio." He asks. Julie and I look down again.

"You two are the experts. You know, your brother and I wouldn't even know where to begin. It's ok, if you two aren't ready, I-" "No. It's alright." Julie says. "Maybe we'll try tonight." I add, giving him a small smile. He smiles back, happy.

"Yeah? Awesome mijas, thank you. Oh, and don't forget the loft. You know, those old instruments that were there when we moved in? They need a new home." He says. The two of us nod. "Mom would like that." Julie says. "Yeah, she would." He says. He then checks his watch.

"Oh God, I'm going to be late." He says, checking for his keys. "Under the mail." I remind him. He finds them. "You're a life saver." He says before rushing out. I look over at Julie. "What do you say? Ready?" I ask. She takes a deep breath before nodding.

The two of us walk out of the house and head to the shed. When we get down there I push open the doors while Julie goes and flicks on the lights. I look around at everything. Where to begin? I look at Julie and it seems she has the same idea.

We walk over to the piano and she rips the tarp off.

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