Chapter 14: Stolen Music and Three Angry Ghosts

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Grace's POV:

We decided that I will play for some of the song, but then when they show up Luke will come in and play my part so Julie and I can move around the stage. We're prating chords when Alex shows up. "Oh, hey Alex." Reggie says, smiling at him. He's grinning widely.

Like, wider than usual. "Where have you been man, we need to start practicing." Luke says. "Yeah? For what?" He asks. That's when Flynn comes in. "Dance news! I don't have a date. But, I don't care because I'm so psyched to see you guys perform." She says.

"Oh man! We're playing a dance?" Alex asks, looking less than excited. "Of course dude. That's how we get a following now a days." Luke says. I smile at that. "Yeah Alex, get with the program." I tease. "What? The guys are here?" Flynn asks. We nod.

She turns in the opposed direction as them. "Hey guys." "Other way sweetie." I say. "Oh." She turns and waves again and Reggie waves back. "Ok, well, now that Alex has graced us with his presence, can we start working?" Luke asks. "Yeah, we need to rehearse." I say.

"We're gonna start, you wanna stick around?" Julie asks Flynn. "I'm supposed to blow up 500 balloons for the school dance, but this sounds way better." She says, grinning. That's when Carlos walks in.

"Hey Julie, remember those orbs in dad's pictures? I...I think they're ghosts." He says. My eyes widen. What pictures? Julie just shakes her head at me and we turn our attention to Carlos. I go over and look at the pictures. There are three orbs by the piano.

I raise my brows discretely at the boys. They just shrug. "Don't worry, this room clean. I'm not getting the ghost tinglies." He says. "Wrong again little dude." Reggie says. I hold back a laugh at this.

"Have no fear, if they come back I will protect you both from them because I am the man of the house." He says. I raise my eyebrows at him now. "Isn't dad supposed to be the man of the house?" Julie asks.

"There can be two. Besides, dad needs all the help he can get, right?" He asks. We just laugh. "Oh, according to the internet salt burns their souls out. A little sprinkle will keep them from ever coming in here." He says, pulling out a thing of salt.

All the boys' eyes go wide while I try to keep my face calm. Don't be stupid Carlos. He then starts throwing salt. First in the direction of Reggie who avoids it. Then Luke, who also avoids it, but then he hits Alex through the stomach. Alex doubles over for a second before standing up.

"I'm good." I hold in my sigh of relief. I look at Flynn and nod my head first towards Carlos then the door. "Uh,Carlos! You know who's hungry? Me. Salt me a path to the kitchen." She says. With that the two of them leave. "Good, now, shall we try this again?" I ask.

"Yes please, but remind me later. There's some Sunset Curve songs I want to show you." Luke tells me. I grin. "Ooh, show me now." "Ok." He grins. He runs over to the corner and grabs his own song journal. There is a song sticking out of it.

"Home is Where my Horse Is. Reggie, stop putting your country songs in my journal." Luke tells him, taking the paper out. "That was a gift." "Thanks buddy." "You should probably circle back to that one." Reggie says, grabbing the paper as Luke makes his way over to me.

"I dog eared the ones I think you would slay." He says, grinning. I smile and take it, opening it. I go through the songs and read a few lines. These sound, almost familiar. Then I come across one that isn't dog eared. "Who's Emily?" I ask, looking up.

"Hey, that one's not dog eared." He says, going to grab the journal, but I pull it away. If he gets to look through mine then I get to look through his. Julie comes around and looks as well. "If you could only know that I'd never let you go." She reads. We look up at him.

"Wow Luke, I didn't know you were such a romantic." She teases him. Alex walks up to us. "He's not, that song's actually about-" "No one. That's just something that I tries...but if you go to the next dog eared one I've got one with a good beat." He says, picking up his guitar.

He then plays a very familiar riff. "So you want to sample then." I say, sitting at the piano next to Julie. "What do you mean 'sample'?" He asks. Is that not what he was doing? I know that song anywhere.

"Sample someone else's music. The two of us and our mom used to scream that song at the top of our lungs all the time. It's a classic Trevor Wilson song." Julie explains. "No, that's a classic our song." He says, confused. "Pure Sunset Curve. Never even heard of Trevor Wilson." Reggie says.

"Yeah, maybe you two are mixing it up, you know, with another song." Alex suggests. "We don't mix up songs. Trust me. The two of us and his daughter used to be best friends. We used to hang out at their place all the time." Julie says. The boys just shake their heads.

"Here, let me prove it." She says, reaching behind us for her laptop. She types in Trevor Wilson and shows the boys. "His first album had a bunch of hits, but none of his latest stuff is as good." I explain. All of their faces go pale and Luke's fills with anger. "That's Bobby." Luke says.

"Seriously? I just said his name as Trevor." Julie says. "Ok, good, whatever, he changed it, but that's definitely Bobby. He was our rhythm guitarist." Alex says. "Trevor Wilson was in your band?" Julie asks. "I can't get over how old he looks." Reggie says.

"Oh, he looks like a substitute teacher." Alex says with distain. "Grace, what were his other hits?" Luke asks me. "Get Lost." I say. "Yeah, I wrote that." He says. My brows furrow. What? "Long Weekend." I try. "Yeah, Luke wrote that one too." Reggie says. "Crooked Teeth?"

"And that. It was about Reggie." Alex says. "I thought it was about you." Reggie argues. He then looks down. "I no longer like that song." He says. Luke is now angrily throwing darts at a dart board. "Wait, this is freaking me out. Trevor's songs are kinda big to us." Julie says.

"Yeah. He's the one who introduced us to rock." I say. "Yeah, Luke introduced you to rock." Alex says. "So this whole time I thought you were connected to my mom, but instead you're connected to Carrie's dad? Of all people it had to be the one person who has it out for us."

I'm no longer listening. My favorite Trevor Wilson songs were written by Luke? I look over at the angry ghost who is still angrily showing darts at the dart board. "Alright, well, add it to our list of questions." Alex says.

"Back Carrie was friends with us, the four of us used to talk about music all the time. He never mentioned you guys." Julie says. "And that unbelievable! He can take all the credit, and he doesn't even mention us?" Luke asks, very angry now. "And he's rich. He has a helicopter."

I elbow Julie. She's not helping the situation. "He has a...he has a helicopter?" Alex asks. Julie pulls up a picture of his mansion. "With his face on it." She says. I elbow her again. "And he parks it in front of that hotel?" Reggie asks. "No, he parks it in front of his mansion."

This time I step on her when I see Luke's face. "Will you stop that!" She snaps. I glare at her and nod towards Luke. "Mansion?" Reggie asks. Alex turns to Luke. "Dude, we live in a garage." He says. "It's not about the money. It's about the music!' Luke yells.

"It's a little about the money." Alex says. "He could have shared it with our families. Maybe my parents house wouldn't have gotten turned into a bike shack." Reggie says. "What he did was steal our legacy." Luke snaps. He then turns and looks at me in the eyes.

There is no warmth there anymore. Just anger. "Above the beach in Malibu." I say, looking away from him. "Let's go teach him a lesson." Luke says, grabbing a jacket. "Wait, what? Guys! We have to rehearse for the dance, this is our first gig." Julie says. They poof out.

Just then Flynn walks in. "Alright boys break time is over. Get to playing. Momma needs her eye candy." She says. "They're not here, they're gone, but I think I know where they went. Come on." I say and the three of us rush out of the garage. Please don't do anything stupid boys.

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